This wealthy family is too rich for me

Chapter 453 Don't treat her like an outsider

What does it mean to finally believe him? Did he always suspect that what he said last night was false?

He was also determined after many experiments.

That time when he was drunk and Jing Yiren sent him back, he found himself reacting to Jing Yiren. Although he was a little surprised at the time, he felt that alcohol might be at work.Moreover, he himself was somewhat resistant. He didn't respond to other women, so why did he react to Jing Yiren?This is hitting him in the face!
So he didn't take it to heart, and just took it as an accident. After all these years, he had never reacted to other women, not even Ye Lingyi.

Until yesterday, he finally had to accept this moment.

His body is not good for other women, but he is interested in Jing Yiren.He himself doesn't know what to say, why is it like come he is from Jingyi?Is it cheap?Or was it because Jing Yiren was the one who hurt him back then, and he left a shadow on him, so the person who untied the bell also needed the person who tied the bell, and he only reacted to Jing Yiren?
Does that mean that as long as he and Jing Yiren... his problem will be cured?

In fact, Dongfang Yanhe could not accept this fact very much.Any woman is better than Jing Yiren!

But unfortunately, God seems to like to play with him very much, it is Jing Yiren, ha ha.

Dongfang Yanhe looked cold.

"Then when are you going to tell Yi Ren about this?"

Dongfang Yanhe said softly: "The sooner the better."

Han Jiang nodded slowly.

So far there is no other way.

Thinking of what happened just now, Han Jiang couldn't help saying: "I think Yi Ren has a pretty good impression of you, I didn't expect that. You have been targeting her all the time, and your attitude towards her is not good. I thought you were just a girl in her heart." What about the Demon King. I didn't expect her to comment on you so appreciatively, which shows that Yi Ren is really a good person. So, no matter how your plan goes, try not to hurt her."

Dongfang Yanhe's eyes flickered, and he pretended to ask casually, "Oh? What does she think of me?"

Han Jiang repeated what Jing Yiren had said, and just kept talking, not noticing that Dongfang Yanhe's eyes were full of sarcasm after hearing his words.

In front of Han Jiang, she must have said so.

She should know Han Jiang's identity, right?Knowing that Han Jiang is a good friend he met when he was studying, did she feel guilty when facing Han Jiang?

If it wasn't for not wanting to hurt Han Jiang, he would definitely not have concealed Jing Yiren's identity from him, so that the Cheng family could live like a fish in water.If it weren't for Han Jiang, she wouldn't be as easy as she is now, right?Staying in a completely strange place, no friends, no acquaintances, just herself.

"Don't worry, I will do what I promised you. It's okay, I have nothing to do here, you can go back to work first." Dongfang Yanhe started to chase people away.

Han Jiang was a little worried, "Are you really okay? Don't let me go back, and you will get worse again when you come here."

Dongfang Yanhe: "..." It's as if with him around, he can get better faster.

He still has things to think about, and his being here only affects him.So let's go now.

"Get out immediately!"

Han Jiang shrugged, "Well, think about it. You are a big man, you just have a fever, how can you need someone to accompany you, and you are not a charming lady. All right, then I will go back, you can stay by yourself .Don't smoke secretly! Let me know, and I'll throw away all your cigarettes and lighters!"

Dongfang Yanhe frowned, "Why are you acting like a housekeeper, you miss the housekeeper so much, you should get married."

"No, forget it, I don't want to get married so soon. Besides, even if I want to get married, I have to find someone first!"

Han Jiang chattered and walked towards the outside. Finally, he turned around and told Dongfang Yanhe a few words, and finally went back to work amid Dongfang Yanhe's dislike.

As soon as Han Jiang left, Dongfang Yanhe lay on the bed and looked at the vases in front of him. After a while, he habitually wanted to take out cigarettes and lighters. He touched that position with his hands, and then remembered that he was in the hospital at the moment. Cigarettes, lighters, etc. have long been confiscated.

He let out a heavy breath, endured the craving for cigarettes, and thought about what Han Jiang said before.

When will he start his plan?

He was never worried that Jing Yiren would not agree.

Didn't she say it herself?She would do anything to make it up to her.So as long as he opens his mouth, she should be very happy. If he doesn't want to... then it's not his business.Since he wants to do it, there is no reason to stop him, especially Jing Yiren.

Although he slept for a while in the morning, the fever had not subsided completely. Dongfang Yanhe endured it for a while, but finally lost to his body, and fell asleep again drowsily.

When he woke up again, he opened his eyes and seemed to see someone in the ward in a daze. The figure was a little blurry, but it could be vaguely seen that it was a young woman.

He blinked, slowed down, his vision gradually became clear, and his eyes narrowed involuntarily after seeing the people not far away clearly.

"Jing Yiren, why are you here?"

Hearing the sound, Jing Yiren turned around with a whoosh, looked at him and said, "Han Jiang is also here, and he is going to go through the discharge procedures. Your fever has subsided, and the doctor said that you can be discharged, but you should pay attention after discharge." , as long as you don't die, you won't burn again and again."

Dongfang Yanhe frowned.

"You should be able to get up and change yourself. Change and go back."

"What are you doing here?" Dongfang Yanhe asked again.

Jing Yiren showed a trace of helplessness when he heard the words, "Han Jiang asked me to cook for you together, saying that the food outside is too greasy and not suitable for you as a patient."

Han Jiang really stopped treating her as an outsider, and he became more and more comfortable in handling her.

Han Jiang came back soon, with the form in his hand, and when he returned to the ward and saw that Dongfang Yanhe was already awake, he raised the form in his hand and said, "The formalities have been completed, you should change your clothes and go back. "

Dongfang Yanhe frowned and glanced at him before slowly getting up and going to change clothes.

It was only when changing clothes that I realized that Han Jiang actually gave him a T-shirt from a few years ago!Dongfang Yanhe's face turned dark when he saw the clothes.

"Han Jiang!" he yelled in the bathroom.

Han Jiang was shocked, startled, and hurried over, "What's the matter, what's the matter? You didn't fall inside, did you?"

Dongfang Yanhe opened the door, looked at him blankly, and gritted his teeth, "I have so many clothes, why did you just take this one for me? Go and buy me a new one right now! Otherwise, go back Bring me some other clothes!"

Han Jiang was dumbfounded.

"No, Dongfang Yanhe, what are you hypocritical at the moment? What kind of clothes are not clothes, can they be worn equally? And I found this in your closet! It's your clothes anyway, you still hate it ? If you don’t want it, why don’t you throw it away and hide it in the closet? And we went back straight after we got out of the hospital. We won’t go anywhere, so you can just wear it.” He persuaded.

Where did all this fuss come from.

Who knew that Dongfang Yanhe was completely unmoved, "No, you can go and buy me a new set, or go back and get another set."

If Jing Yiren wasn't here, he could still make do with it, but if Jing Yiren was here, it was absolutely impossible for him to wear it!Maybe Jing Yiren has forgotten or doesn't remember, but he can't take risks.

This dress was bought by Jing Yiren with him back then!
Dongfang Yanhe regretted why he didn't throw the clothes away early in the morning, but threw them in the closet.He blamed Han Jiang again, he had so many clothes all over the room, which one was not good for him to pick, why did he pick this one?Did he mean it?

He looked at Han Jiang condemningly.

Han Jiang was also very angry for no reason.

This man is really serving more and more. When will Zhao Zhisen come back? He really can't stand his furry!

He swallowed his anger, "Can't you really just let it go?"

"No!" There was no turning back.

Han Jiang took a deep breath and forced himself to say something through his teeth, "Okay, I'll go back and get you a set, just wait."

Only then was Dongfang Yanhe satisfied, and strode out of the bathroom.

Seeing that he hadn't changed his clothes yet, Jing Yi was wondering, and wanted to ask, but saw him take a bag casually, and then walked back.After a while, he came out with the bag and handed it to Han Jiang.

"Take this dress back."

The corner of Han Jiang's mouth twitched, "It's not that you don't like it, since you don't like it, then throw it away, and what are you going to do with it?" You have nothing to do.

Dongfang Yanhe's face darkened, and he said unquestionably: "Take it if you tell me! You can put it back where you took it from."

Han Jiang rolled his eyes greatly, "All right, all right, I'll listen to you, you can do whatever you like. I really admire you." He took the bag from his hand while talking, and then Said to Jing Yiren: "Yi Ren, you wait here first, I'll go back and get him something, soon."

Jing Yiren was taken aback.

Go back and get something for Dongfang Yanhe?But aren't they about to be discharged from the hospital and ready to go back?Why go back at this time, isn't it a waste of time?

Han Jiang seemed to see through the doubt in Jing Yiren's eyes, and said helplessly: "The clothes he changed, the clothes he wore were dirty, so I have to get another set." He didn't forget to give his friend face, and didn't expose it in public he.

Jing Yiren nodded blankly.

Han Jiang left soon.

At this moment, only Jing Yiren and Dongfang Yanhe were left in the ward.

Dongfang Yanhe returned to the bed and sat down without speaking, and Jing Yiren would not take the initiative to say anything.

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