"There is nothing in your refrigerator, and I don't know what you like to eat now, so I just bought some for you and put it in the refrigerator. You can make something for yourself tomorrow. Even if your fever subsides today, but then For the next two days, you should eat lightly. I put the meat in the fresh-keeping layer and the frozen layer for you. You can find it by yourself. The vegetables are also put in the fresh-keeping layer. If you want to eat it tomorrow, take it out and wash it. I'm afraid it won't be fresh if it's been left for too long."

Dongfang Yanhe was silent for a while and then asked abruptly: "You really don't know what I like to eat?"

Jing Yiren cleaned up the refrigerator for a while, and soon returned to nature, and said casually: "People's tastes will change. What you liked before doesn't mean you like it now, and what you didn't like before doesn't mean you don't like it now." love to eat."

"Then your taste has changed?" Dongfang Yanhe asked.

Jing Yiren was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "It has changed to some extent."

There was a moment of silence between the two, only the sound of Jing Yiren packing up the vegetables she bought.

"If you think it's okay, then go sit for a while. I'm not so fast. You may have to wait a while before you can eat."

Dongfang Yanhe glanced at her busy back, and said lazily: "No hurry, take your time, anyway, I won't go to the company again today."

Speaking of this Jing Yiren felt a little helpless.She spent the whole day here today. At noon, she called the people in the secretariat and told them the situation of Dongfang Yanhe.Originally, she was thinking about whether she could go back first, but the people in the secretariat asked her to stay. After thinking about it, she was not at ease, so she stayed.

After he fell asleep, she changed the ice pack for him, and after seeing that there were no ingredients available in the kitchen, and seeing that he was sleeping well, she quietly went out to buy vegetables and came back.Unexpectedly, he woke up when he came back.

Dongfang Yanhe was sitting in the living room, in a position where he could easily observe the situation in the kitchen.He just sat there and stared at the people busy in the kitchen, and he didn't feel bored. On the contrary, he seemed to be watching something very interesting.Watching Jing Yiren take out the ingredients to be prepared, wash, cut, fry, cook very skillfully...

It seems that Jing Yiren has learned a lot in the past few years. Even though she has always known how to cook for a young lady, a person of her background will not often have the opportunity.But judging from her current appearance, she must have been cooking frequently in the past few years, which is why she handles various ingredients so proficiently, without rushing.

She married into a wealthy family, but she still cooks frequently, what does it prove?Prove that the person who makes her cook is very important to her, so important that she is willing to wash his hands and make soup for him.Is it her unknown husband?She loves and respects her husband so much, but how could her husband be willing to let her go out to work, and even come to Haishi on a business trip...

Thinking of this, Dongfang Yanhe squinted his eyes, and found that he had been deliberately ignoring a problem.

It is an unquestionable fact that Jing Yiren despised him for being poor back then, and abandoned him to marry into a wealthy family.She married into a wealthy family, even if she came back to work, she shouldn't be the chief secretary and special assistant to the president of Fengqi Group.It is common to work overtime in such a position, and busyness is a daily necessity. How can such a job take care of the family?

Or is it that her wealthy husband is bankrupt, so she has to go out to work and earn money to support the family?

If this is the case, then the man she married is really not very good.How useless a man must be to let his woman come out to earn money to support the family.he thought sarcastically.

Jing Yuanxi trusts her so much and helps her. Could it be that her husband is someone Jing Yuanxi knows?
He looked at Jing Yiren in the kitchen with deep and dark eyes, with an unknown light shining in his eyes.

Although Jing Yiren kept her back to the living room, she felt sensitively that a line of sight stayed on her all the time. She moved wherever she went, without moving away for a minute. Like a surveillance, she didn't look back, just as She didn't know anything, but her nerves tensed up, for fear that Dongfang Yanhe would suddenly have a convulsion.But he never moved, just in the living room, staring at her.

Was he worried that she would poison him?Jing Yiren thought about it bitterly, and his hands kept moving. It took an hour to make a simple dinner, which was light and suitable for patients.

Dongfang Yanhe watched her put all the bowls and chopsticks on the table, as well as the dishes, and suddenly said: "You seem to be quite familiar with my family."

Jing Yiren just put down the bowl, and when he heard his words, his movements froze, and he quickly returned to his natural state, and said nonchalantly, "I've been staying at your house all day, no matter how big your house is, it's only this big, and the time in a day is still long." Is it not enough for me?"

Dongfang Yanhe sneered, of course he knew she was lying.Familiarity is because this is her second time here, and the performance like last time is what she should have for the first time.If she refuses to admit that she sent him back that day, she was the one who took care of him, okay, if you don't admit it, you don't admit it, and he is happy to pretend not to know.

Seeing that there was only a pair of bowls and chopsticks on the table, he raised his chin and said, "Sit down and eat together."

Jing Yiren twitched her brows, and said softly, "No need. If Mr. Cheng feels better now, then—"

Dongfang Yanhe interrupted her, "I feel very bad now."

He sat on the chair in front of the dining table, raised his chin slightly, and looked at her with a mocking look in his eyes, "Are you trying to tell me that you only cooked for me? Or are you just so afraid of sitting down?" Eat with me, can I eat you or what?"

Jing Yiren opened her mouth to say something, but Dongfang Yanhe didn't give her a chance, and said coldly: "Now there are only you and me in this room, you don't have to pretend you don't know me, Mr. Cheng called, listen to me!" I really find it harsh, are you reminding me of my current identity, or are you reminding me?"

Jing Yiren twitched the corners of her lips, turned around from kindness, went into the kitchen, took the bowls and chopsticks, pulled out the chair and sat down, "Can we eat?"

Dongfang Yanhe nodded, "Pretend to be a meal."

Jing Yi choked with anger and couldn't help staring at him.

Sure enough, after he became more energetic, he started to trouble her.I don't even look at it. Anyway, she took care of him for a day today, so why doesn't she have any conscience?She tightened her hand holding the bowl, feeling the urge to smash the bowl on his head.

She really didn't want to argue with him, the two of them were no longer children, and she owed him again, so he couldn't do anything too much.It's just that sometimes even the best temper she has is provoked by him.

His knack for provoking people probably developed as much as his knack for working.

With a smile on her face, she obediently and obediently filled a bowl of rice for him, slowly put it in front of him, and thoughtfully picked up the chopsticks and handed them to him, saying softly: "Eat."

Dongfang Yan glanced at her with black eyes like ink, took the chopsticks in her hand calmly, took a bite of vegetables into his mouth, chewed twice, then frowned, "I don't have any salt at home. ?"

Jing Yiren glanced at him lightly, "You have not recovered from your fever, so you should eat light food, which will help your recovery, and you are not recovered yet, and you can't taste anything." So put more Salt is also free.

Dongfang Yanhe frowned, pawing lazily at the rice in the bowl, as if he had no appetite to eat.

Seeing this, Jing Yiren sighed inwardly, and persuaded in a slow tone: "You should eat something, you haven't eaten for a day. How can you recover energy if you don't eat? It's normal for you to be sick and have no appetite now , but no matter what, it’s better to eat a little.”

Hearing her words, Dongfang Yanhe lazily raised his eyes, his eyes were unfathomably dark, and he just stared at her straightly, "Jing Yiren, what are you doing? Are you caring about me? Are you caring about me as your ex-girlfriend? Don’t you think it’s inappropriate for you? Could it be my recent attitude towards you that made you misunderstand that I don’t care about the past? "

"Let me tell you, it's true that I am a man, but not every man is so graceful. And I am just a man who is stingy and holds grudges. I remember the past very clearly, and I can't forget it, because I It's not like you. In a relationship, you can put in as soon as you say you can, and withdraw as soon as you say you can withdraw. I am indeed inferior to you in this regard."

Jing Yiren put down the bowl and chopsticks, looked at him, his eyes were calm and calm, "Then what do you want?"

Dongfang Yanhe shook his head.

What does he want?What does he want, to be honest, in fact, he doesn't know what he wants.But he has resentment in his heart, and hatred is very real.In the past so many years, he once said to himself, or just forget it, let it go, that cruel woman doesn't know where to go, with which man to be happy with, and to be her wealthy wife, why should he make things difficult Are you clinging to a past relationship?
But every time he told himself that, there would always be a deep sense of unwillingness in his heart, and there would be a hidden hatred deep in his heart.

Yeah, how could he not hate it?Back then when they were in love, he really loved her. He had already thought about how he would go in the future, how he would create his own business in the fastest time, gain a firm foothold in society, and make himself worthy Get her.He was busy day and night, full of excitement and anticipation. At that time, he had already secretly applied for a job in a big company and succeeded. He didn't tell her that he wanted to surprise her.

In the end, it was she who gave him a surprise, an unforgettable surprise in his life.

She disappeared, and in order to find her, he went to every place, even came to Haishi, and turned Haishi upside down.On that rainy night, he heard that someone had seen her somewhere in Haishi, and he went to ask her all night, but it turned out to be false.

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