"You're awake, I've made porridge, drink it up, and take antipyretics after you drink it. You don't have antipyretic patches and ice packs at home. I just went out and bought them, and I'll use them later. Maybe the fever will subside sooner." As she spoke, she took the tray over, looked at it, and finally put it on the bedside table.

Dongfang Yanhe glanced at the ceramic bowl with blue patterns. He suspected that he had this bowl at home?The porridge is soft and sticky, sprinkled with chopped green onion and minced meat, it looks delicious and delicious.

He glanced at Jing Yiren, who urged him, "Drink while it's hot."

The air conditioner is still on in the room, and it should be cold after a while.

Speaking of the air conditioner, she looked at it and felt that the temperature was a little too low, so it would be better to turn it up a bit.So she found the remote control and turned up the temperature of the air conditioner in the house.Seeing this, Dongfang Yanhe paused while drinking the porridge, but didn't say anything.

Speaking of it, he deserved it himself.

Last night, he was angry with Jing Yi, and he took a cold shower in the middle of the night, and then the temperature of the air conditioner was too low. He hadn't covered the quilt yet, so he fell asleep in the middle of the night, feeling a little cold, but he was too lazy to move , I don't think there will be any serious problems.Who knew that when I woke up this morning, I felt my head was groggy, and I guessed that it should be a fever after I touched it.

He originally thought that he would be able to recover after a sleep, but he didn't expect it to be useless, and he felt even more uncomfortable after a sleep.When Han Jiang called, he was feeling uncomfortable, and hung up the phone after saying a few words.He didn't expect Han Jiang to let Jing Yiren come over.

It seems that the relationship between the two was already very good before he knew about it, otherwise Han Jiang would not have let her come to him at ease.This is already the second time.

His complexion was a little dark.

Jing Yiren glanced at him, saw that his face changed inexplicably, and then glanced at the porridge he was holding in his hand, and couldn't help asking: "Is the porridge bad? I haven't tried it, so I don't know if it tastes right. It's really too bad to drink, so you don't have to finish it, just drink a little to fill your stomach, and don't take medicine on an empty stomach."

She still has confidence in her cooking skills, but she doesn't know if it suits Dongfang Yanhe's taste.

Dongfang Yanhe shook his head slowly, then lowered his head and continued to drink porridge.

Drinking soft porridge in his mouth, Dongfang Yanhe was in a complicated mood.

It has been a long, long time since he has tasted this kind of home-cooked taste.

For so many years, he often solves the problem of eating outside, or goes to Han Jiang's place to eat, and rarely cooks himself.The kitchen decor in this house does more than it does.It's not that he doesn't know how to cook, it's just that he doesn't want to cook and can't arouse his interest in cooking.

He used to know that Jing Yiren could cook, but he never had the chance to eat her cooking.I didn't expect to have no chance when I was in love, but now I have it.

There was a mocking smile on his lips.But he kept moving, and he drank the whole bowl of porridge all the time. His stomach felt more full, and his spirit seemed to be better.

"Aren't you here to work?" he asked.

Jing Yiren cleaned up the bowls and spoons, and glanced at him when he heard the words, "It's not too late. The people in the secretariat said that they don't have time, it seems that I am more free. You are alone, and you are sick. I can't let you It's too dangerous to stay alone." Looking at him like this, I'm afraid that no one will know if he is going to be burned into a fool.

Dongfang Yanhe nodded and didn't speak any more. He stared straight ahead, as if he was looking at something, but if you looked closely, you could find that his eyesight was not in focus, and he seemed to be in a trance.

After Jing Yiren finished packing, he brought the antipyretic stickers. He opened it and was about to stick it on his forehead, but he avoided it.

"Isn't this a thing posted by children?" How can I use it for him?He looked at the antipyretic patch on her hand with disgust.

Jing Yiren looked at him amusedly and said: "Whoever said this is for children, adults can also use it, and this is for adults, not children. Ice packs can't be used yet, you can try this first to see if it works. "

Dongfang Yanhe looked at her suspiciously, "Is this thing really useful?"

She raised her eyebrows, "You'll know if you try it."

Dongfang Yanhe frowned, raised his chin, and motioned for her to help him paste it.

Jing Yiren was so angry and funny, he put the antipyretic patch on his forehead, and deliberately patted it hard, which drew him a accusing look.

After drinking porridge and resting for a while, Jing Yiren stared at Dongfang Yanhe and took antipyretics, and forced him to rest on the bed, unable to get up. This man wanted to get up and deal with business, Jing Yiren was really laughed at by him.

After watching him fall asleep, she walked out of the room and called Han Jiang.

Han Jiang was shocked and surprised when he heard that his friend who hadn't been sick for a hundred years had a fever.

"Do you really have a fever?" Han Jiang didn't seem to believe it.

Jing Yiren was speechless, "Can I still lie to you?"

Han Jiang was amazed on the other end of the phone, "I really didn't expect that he would have a fever."

Jing Yiren couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead, feeling that Han Jiang's words seemed a bit gloating?
"What are you talking about? He is a human being, so of course he will get sick. Don't you think your CEO is a superman?"

"Hey, Yiren, you don't understand. Since he had a serious illness a few years ago, he has never been sick again, not even a small cold. Now that he is well, he has a fever. Wasn't he still in the company yesterday? Is he fierce? Why did he have a fever overnight? What did he do last night?" Han Jiang said casually, expressing his curiosity.

Jing Yiren's eyes were fixed, and she was caught by a certain sentence he said. She lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes trembled, and asked curiously, "President Cheng had a serious illness a few years ago. Field? Mr. Cheng usually looks healthy, he doesn't look like someone who will get seriously ill."

Han Jiang seemed to be silent for a while, and then he seemed to sigh, "That happened a few years ago. At that time, something happened to him, and he looked around looking for people to ignore him like crazy, and he didn't have a good rest for several days. After dinner, it rained again, and he ran out to get caught in the rain at night, so..." He seemed to feel that it was inappropriate for him to tell her about his friend's private affairs, so he quickly changed his tone and said, "Hey, You can just listen to this matter, I just said a few words when I thought of it temporarily, you must not mention it in front of him, or I will not be able to save you."

When Jing Yiren heard Han Jiang's words, her heart sank slowly, she opened her mouth and found that her throat was a little dry, and it was difficult to make a sound. She said in a low voice: "I didn't expect Mr. Cheng to look calm and calm at ordinary times. There were times when I was crazy..."

Back then, was it when she went abroad to marry without saying a word?

She thought back then that he would definitely look for her when he knew she was missing, but she thought that if he couldn't find her after searching around, maybe he would give up, especially after knowing that she was married, with his pride, he would disdain her In the entanglement.He should calmly accept the reality, then start life again, and quickly forget that she is a vulgar woman who hates the poor and loves the rich, and abandoned their relationship for money.

But she never thought that maybe the truth is not as simple as she thought.Han Jiang's few words were enough for her to guess the truth of the year.

He has always been in good health because he keeps exercising.He said back then that because he lived with his mother when he was a child, he was very poor and did not dare to get sick, so he worked hard to exercise to prevent himself from getting sick.He seldom got sick all his life, especially after he was a teenager.During the few years she knew him, she never saw him get sick, at most it was just a cold, but it would be fine if he took some cold medicine, and he was alive and energetic the next day, and she was so envious at that time.Because she often takes a week to get better when she catches a cold.

And Han Jiang said that he was seriously ill, and he ran out when it rained heavily...what did he do when he ran out?Find someone?who?Who can make him go out to look for it when it's raining heavily, it's not the ex-girlfriend who abandoned him.

Han Jiang was silent for a while, and his voice became a little low and hoarse because of recalling the past, almost whispering, "Yeah, I was also surprised when I knew these things, I didn't expect him to do such a thing It's just a broken relationship, so what's the big deal? If you torture yourself like this, that person won't come back, why bother?"

Jing Yiren's heart seemed to be pinched by someone's hands, she felt a pain, her face turned pale, she pretended that she didn't hear his words, and asked tentatively: "So you and Mr. Cheng knew each other so early Ah, no wonder the relationship is so good? Did you know each other after graduating from college?"

Jing Yiren always thought that Dongfang Yanhe and Han Jiang met after they left the society, but from what he just said, they seemed to have known each other since they were in college.But if this is the case, why hasn't she met Han Jiang?If she met Han Jiang, she would never forget it, and Han Jiang didn't know her, otherwise their relationship would not be like it is now.

Thinking about it, she was a little puzzled.Han Jiang knew about Dongfang Yanhe's abandonment back then, but he didn't know her. He and Dongfang Yanhe should have known each other when they were in college, but she had been dating Dongfang Yanhe for three years, but she had never met him, nor Dongfang Yanhe had never heard of such a person.So what's going on here, is time and space disordered?
Han Jiang did not doubt that he was there, and said, "No, we should have known each other in high school. We went to college in the same school, but with different majors and campuses." He muttered again, "If we are in the same The campus is in the same major, so I would have stopped him from going crazy when he had an accident... If I see that woman again, I will definitely skin her!"

Jing Yiren: "..." She was a little worried that in the future, if Han Jiang knew that she was the culprit who abandoned Dongfang Yanhe, made him decadent, gave up on himself, and fell seriously ill, and then thought of how good his relationship with her is now, he would He will not chase her with a knife.

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