The assistant drove the car very sensibly, and at the same time wore earphones, deliberately not listening to the conversation between the two of them, and just driving the car with full attention.

Dongfang Yanhe repeatedly confirmed that Jing Doudou had fallen asleep, so he said to Jing Yiren beside him, "I have found the mastermind behind the kidnapping of Doudou and you, and if he is pressed again, he may be able to confess Zhao Xiner. I am working hard to search for physical evidence, and when the physical evidence is complete, Jiang Xiner can be sent to prison."

Dongfang Yanhe has always been thinking about the last time Jing Doudou and Jing Yiren encountered danger. If he hadn't saved Jing Doudou at the time, I am afraid that his relationship with Jing Yiren would be even worse now, and they would lose their relationship. first child.

And all of this, everyone knew that it was Zhao Xiner's instruction. Jing Yuanxi always protected Jing Yiren without hesitation, and tried his best to investigate all threats to Jing Yiren.

But this time, Dongfang Yanhe must not admit defeat, and must let those who framed his family go to prison and get a tragic end.

"It's probably useless. I tested it before and they would never say the name Zhao Xiner. You must be careful with them. At the same time, you must also pay attention. I am afraid that if you accidentally say something wrong, you will confess Zhao Xiner's name."

Jing Yiren is naturally very cautious when facing such a problem. After all, his child is threatened like this, which is really unbearable.

"I know this, don't worry, I will protect you and Jing Doudou in the future, and will never let you and him be threatened again."

Dongfang Yanhe has said so many times, but this time the promise is serious, he never wants to lose Jing Yiren and Jing Doudou again, he knows very clearly that Jing Doudou is Jing Yiren's life, so the family of three He has to protect it.

Jing Yiren was a little dazed listening to Dongfang Yanhe's words, she didn't know whether she should trust Dongfang Yanhe this time.

After all, a few years ago, Dongfang Yanhe had let her down terribly, but this time, all kinds of things showed that Dongfang Yanhe was determined to protect his son.

So this time, Dongfang Yanhe is worthy of trust.

"it is good."

Jing Yiren nodded thoughtfully, and then laughed.

After Jing Doudou and Jing Yiren were safely sent home, Dongfang Ming didn't stay any longer, but returned to the company and continued to deal with unfinished business.

However, he didn't let Jing Yiren know that he was so busy with work, if he let Jing Yiren know, no matter how much he thought about him, he might not come to pick up Jing Doudou in the future.

"Have the previous group of people been recruited? If not, then use some ruthless methods to let them recruit Zhao Xiner quickly."

As soon as Dongfang Yanhe returned to his office, he became serious and asked his assistant seriously.

Such things are usually handed over to his assistant, and of course his assistant is also trustworthy.

"Not yet. It seems that Zhao Xiner threatened their family members. She hasn't confessed yet. I'm afraid she won't say it even if she is beaten to death."

"Oh? Would you like to greet their family members? How are their families doing now?"

Dongfang Yanhe has seen this kind of method a long time ago, so he always takes it easy.

"Their family members have disappeared since that incident. It seems that Zhao Xiner has controlled them, and we have no way to start."

Dongfang Yanhe raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, and realized that things might not be so simple.

Zhao Xin'er actually thought of this step, maybe someone reminded him, such a woman should not be so thoughtful, since there is no way to confess their true thoughts, then I'm afraid it can only be worn down slowly.

Their family members also had no way of attacking them. I'm afraid they could only let Zhao Xiner go temporarily and find other ways.

Zhao Xiner must not be let go.

There was only one thought in Dongfang Yanhe's mind. He knew very clearly that Zhao Xiner's threat to them was no longer a one-day threat, and now she started to attack Jing Doudou again. This was beyond her tolerance.

When he saw Jing Yiren's sad look because of that incident, he swore that he would never let Zhao Xiner hurt their family again.

"Continue to investigate thoroughly, and do everything possible to get Jiang Xiner imprisoned, even if it takes a few months.

Don't let him dawdle in front of my eyes, and don't let him enter my company again without authorization.

If there are people who violate my order, just let them leave the company.

Settle the salary clearly before dismissing, lest that kind of person go out and talk nonsense to others and damage the reputation of our company. "

Dongfang Yanhe will definitely not be merciful this time. He used to think that Zhao Xiner was a woman she had known for a long time, so he naturally turned a blind eye to the bad things he did. He became more and more presumptuous, and now he has endangered his family. This is absolutely intolerable.

"Good president."

After hearing this, Dongfang Yanhe's assistant agreed, but in his heart he lamented the cruelty of their CEO. He hadn't seen such a cruel CEO in daily life except in the workplace for a long time.

As we all know, Dongfang Yanhe has enough talent for business, and will not be merciful to competitors, so the companies under Dongfang Yanhe's name have more or less established some enemies.

However, Dongfang Yanhe has no other control over his private life, he just turns a blind eye and ignores his friends.

But this time, he was really ruthless.

After Dongfang Yanhe made the arrangements, he started to prepare for the company's affairs. Recently, he is struggling to plan because of bidding for a piece of land.

That place is absolutely perfect for commercial development, so many companies are very greedy for that place, and are also working hard to prepare for bidding.

It is precisely because of this that Dongfang Yanhe has been so busy at work recently.

It was very late, and Dongfang Ming went home to sleep. The next morning, because he was a little worried, Jing Doudou had been taking the school bus to school, so he got up very early, finished his meal, and went to pick Jing Doudou to school.

"Don't let Doudou take the school bus in the future, I always feel a little unsafe, I will take him to school, and then send you to the studio by the way.

Anyway, you don't have to worry about it. "

Dongfang Yanhe had already started to be vigilant, and wasted no effort for their safety.

Jing Yiren knew very well that although her bridal shop was not far from Jing Doudou's kindergarten, it was still some distance away from Dongfang Yanhe's company. Still agreed to Dongfang Yanhe's request.

"Are you engaged to Lin Tang?"

After thinking about it all night, Jing Yiren decided to ask what Dongfang Yanhe said on his scarf, "It's time to arrange a grand wedding for the one you love", and why Zhao Xiner misunderstood it.

Otherwise, I am afraid that someone like Lin Tang will come to her again to make a fool of himself.

"I was just wishing you well, I didn't expect Zhao Xiner to misunderstand, but you don't need to worry about Zhao Xiner and Lin Tang, anyway, my future fiancée is not them, so you can rest assured."

"Good Daddy."

Jing Doudou was lying in Jing Yiren's arms, and at the same time he was listening to Dongfang Yanhe's words, and agreed in a very timely manner. Before Jing Yiren could speak, Jing Doudou interrupted him, and he couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

It seems that Jing Doudou has decided in his heart that his father is Dongfang Yanhe.

"Then Daddy, who will you be with in the future...?"

Jing Doudou asked this question strangely.

Jing Yiren didn't know where Jing Doudou learned such words. She didn't expect to know so much at the age of three.

"That... don't worry about it, he talks nonsense..."

"Just be with your mommy, and only be with her."

Dongfang Yanhe didn't hesitate at all, and before Jing Yiren finished explaining, he couldn't wait to answer Jing Doudou's question.

Jing Doudou nodded triumphantly, then stopped talking, just silently looking at the scenery outside the window.

Jing Yiren was a little embarrassed for a while, but more happy, just looked forward with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and didn't speak.

Dongfang Yanhe sent Jing Doudou to the kindergarten on time, and watched with Jing Yiren that he arrived safely in class.

Afterwards, Jing Yiren followed Dongfang Yanhe into the car, planning to go to the bridal shop.

"Don't let Doudou take the school bus in the future."

Dongfang Yanhe emphasized again that he was afraid that Jing Yiren would forget about this matter.

"Okay, I know.

Don't worry. "

Jing Yiren said with a trustworthy face, and then the wind started to blow.

But at this time, what neither of them expected was that an unexpected guest came to Jingmu's hospital ward.

"What are you doing here? I just want to rest for a while, please don't come to visit me."

Mother Jing said calmly, but her tone was full of impatience, and she looked out of the window helplessly.

"Auntie, I came to see you kindly. Why don't you welcome me?"

Zhao Xiner said with a smile on her face, but her tone was full of sharpness, as if she wanted to pierce Mother Jing's heart.

Mother Jing was very impatient about this.

Because of Dongfang Yanhe, she didn't like Zhao Xin'er very much. She just wanted to take good care of her body in the hospital and recover quickly.

Although the current situation is somewhat vicious, with Jing Yiren's encouragement and concern for Jing Doudou, Jing's mother cannot easily give up the treatment.

"No need, although you had a good relationship with Yiren when we were young, but now, we Yiren don't need such a despicable friend like you! Please be sensible and leave quickly!"

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