This wealthy family is too rich for me

Chapter 406 Getting Drunk 1 Game

Jing Yuanxi looked at the time, and could only refuse: "Another day, I have an appointment with my girlfriend tonight.

I will definitely not return home with my brother until I get drunk. "

Li Panlong said in an understanding tone: "I understand, I understand."

As he spoke, he sighed again: "Oh, it's a pity that I don't have a daughter."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone conveniently.

Jing Yuanxi smiled, he liked Li Panlong more and more.

After saying hello to Li Sheng, he drove to pick up the little girl.

Today Pei Yan surprisingly didn't eat her favorite domestic food, but proposed to eat Western food.

Jing Yuanxi was noncommittal.

As long as he is with Pei Yan, he can eat anything.

Seeing that he was in a good mood, Pei Yan asked, "What's so happy about it?"

Jing Yuanxi said with a serious expression: "Of course I am happy to have dinner with you.

Seeing you is the best thing ever. "

He is like this, as long as he is happy, he can say any kind of good things, regardless of whether it is nasty or not.

Although Pei Yan was very sweet in her heart, she didn't believe his rhetoric, she pretended to be deep and said: "Give you another chance, I will be angry if you don't tell the truth."

Jing Yuanxi is not a character who can hide things at all, even if Pei Yan doesn't say anything, he can't help but want to share with him: "Do you remember that I said before that there is a gambling agreement."

The little girl was pleasantly surprised: "Win?"

Pei Yan didn't pay much attention to winning or losing, the main thing was that Jing Yuanxi didn't need to be included, which was the happiest thing for her.

In front of Pei Yan, Jing Yuanxi was of course bragging: "Of course, who am I? With my foresight and foresight, what can't be done? From now on, Rongtai Investment has no rivals!"

Pei Yan is also a teaser, and Jing Yuanxi said how much she praised her: "Wow! Jing Yuanxi, you are too good, you are so right to come to 'Rongtai'.

It was the wisest decision of grandpa. "

Jing Yuanxi had just received the huge pie from Pei Qilin, so of course he was very grateful for his kindness: "Yes, Mr. Pei is really wise. Not only is he correct in his decision-making, but he is also a genius when he uses it."

Pei Yan laughed silly, thinking that Jing Yuanxi was right.

He casually summoned the waiter, ordered a bottle of red wine and said, "Let's have a good celebration today, and we won't go home until we're drunk!"

Jing Yuanxi also felt that drinking at this time is the best way to express his emotions, but after struggling for a long time, he still said, "I'm driving."

Pei Yan didn't allow him to disappoint, and said boldly: "What are you afraid of, at worst, leave the car here, we will call the car home."

Jing Yuanxi also felt that this remark was very reasonable, so he opened his arms and planned to get drunk.

When the waiter brought the wine, Pei Yan jumped up and poured Jing Yuanxi the wine.

Jing Yuanxi pretended to be a bandit in a movie, leaned on the table, waited for Pei Yan to serve him, and said, "The little girl knows how to wink, you know the old man is starting to flatter you, right?"

Pei Yan wanted to cooperate with him with a flattering smile, but when she turned her head to look at him, she felt dizzy and her eyes went dark, and she didn't know anything.

Before fainting, Jing Yuanxi yelled in a broken voice: "Xiaoyan!"

Jing Yuanxi didn't expect that the little girl who was cheerful one second would be down in the next second.

With that sound, everyone in the restaurant surrounded him.

He pinched Pei Yan for a long time without any effect, so he quickly took out his mobile phone to call the hospital, then picked her up and ran to the garage.

Jing Yuanxi felt that he had never run so fast before. When he got to the garage, he carefully put Pei Yan in the back seat, and drove away at a fast speed.

He felt that it was not fast enough, so he turned on the double flash and stepped on the accelerator hard, the engine hummed, and the car flew like an arrow feather off the string.

When we arrived at the hospital, the doctor was already waiting at the door, carrying Pei Yan onto a stretcher and sending her to the emergency room.

Only then did Jing Yuanxi feel his legs go soft, and he staggered and almost sat on the ground.

He sat on the bench of the ambulance with his head down, letting the sweat drip down on the ground, panting.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief and picked up the phone to notify Pei Qilin.

Pei Qilin didn't seem to be able to react, he was so surprised that he didn't speak for a long time, and finally he asked his personal secretary to come over to accompany him, because he had an important meeting that he couldn't leave for the time being.

Jing Yuanxi really panicked, he thought of the scene where Pei Yan had a nosebleed.

Thinking about Pei Yan's state at that time, it was as if she was used to it, and she was not in a hurry.

But how could such a little girl who made such a big fuss be so calm about nosebleeds?He picked up the phone and called Dongfang Yanhe and Lu Xingyun.

Dongfang Yanhe picked up the phone and said calmly, "Drink too much? I'm with Yi Ren. If you want to celebrate, come to my house sometime."

Jing Yuanxi tried to speak several times, but he couldn't speak.


Dongfang Yanhe called out.

"Dongfang Yanhe..."

Jing Yuanxi found that his voice was so low that he could hardly hear it, and then he cleared his throat and said, "If you are by Yi Ren's side, just listen."

Dongfang Yanhe heard the seriousness of the situation, glanced at Jing Yiren who was concentrating on arranging the baby's clothes, got up and walked out.

"what happened?"

he asks.

Jing Yuanxi said in a hoarse voice: "Xiaoyan passed out and is now in the emergency room."

In Dongfang Yanhe's mind, a ridiculous idea of ​​"it really is so" popped up in his heart.

He comforted Jing Yuanxi first and said: "Don't worry, I'll call the director of the hospital now, the experts should arrive soon, I'll go there now."

Dongfang Yanhe hung up the phone and immediately contacted the director of the hospital. After the communication, he calmed down and entered the room.

Seeing him coming in, Jing Yiren smiled sweetly: "What's wrong? Who's calling?"

Dongfang Yanhe walked over as if nothing had happened, grabbed her shoulders and said: "Jing Yuanxi met a good thing and knocked down his opponent. Now I'm celebrating and drinking too much outside. I'll go and see him."


Jing Yiren was stunned for a moment, her brother has never been a drinker, but this time he drank too much, he must have accomplished a great thing, she hurriedly urged Dongfang Yanhe: "Then you go, he If there is no one to take care of it, why don’t you go back to our house?”

Dongfang Yanhe smiled, patted her head and said: "It's okay, Xingyun is also here.

Don't you worry, if it's too late I'll stay there overnight.

Can you sleep well at home by yourself? "

Jing Yiren smiled sweetly, but said in his mouth: "I'm not a child anymore, don't worry, there are so many people in the family, I'm fine.

you go. "

Dongfang Yanhe didn't delay any longer, changed his clothes and helped Jing Yiren call the nurse over to accompany the room before leaving in peace.

When he arrived at the hospital, Lu Xingyun was already there, and his expression changed from his usual carefree and serious expression.

"How about it?"

Dongfang Yanhe walked over to ask.

Lu Xingyun shook his head: "Not yet.

Experts are already in. "

"what is the problem?"

Dongfang Yanhe asked Jing Yuanxi who was silent.

Jing Yuanxi said after a while: "Today I wanted to ask Pei Yan to come out to celebrate, but she stood up to pour the wine not long after she sat down, and then suddenly passed out."

Dongfang Yanhe and Lu Xingyun looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Pei Yan often had nosebleeds, which was strange at first, and his complexion was getting paler and paler, he and Lu Xingyun had already sensed something was wrong.

But Jing Yuanxi also said that he had read Pei Yan's medical report and said there was no problem, so they felt that they were overly worried.

Looking at it now, the medical report must have been tampered with by the little girl.

"Xiaoyan's medical report, you got it right away?"

Lu Xingyun asked.

Jing Yuanxi froze for a moment and did not speak.

After a cup of tea, he said: "No.

At first she said that she wanted to get the report by herself, but I was too busy with the VAM agreement and 'Izu', so I didn't pay much attention.

When she showed it to me later, it said everything was normal. "

Jing Yuanxi finally came to his senses.

Maybe Pei Yan knew that she was sick, but in order not to worry everyone, she deliberately kept them from knowing.

Jing Yuanxi was so regretful that he punched the wall, bleeding profusely in an instant.

"Why am I so careless! It's all my fault! If I found out that she was sick earlier..."

Seeing Jing Yuanxi blame himself so much, Dongfang Yanhe and Lu Xingyun both stepped forward to stop him.

Lu Xingyun persuaded: "Don't get excited, the important thing now is how to cure her illness, what's the use of regretting? You broke yourself, who will take care of her?"

Dongfang Yanhe also said: "Maybe it's not that bad. The person hasn't come out yet, and the doctors haven't found any results. Why are you nervous? If it's just a normal hypoglycemia fainting, I don't know."

Jing Yuanxi finally calmed down under the comfort of his friends.

Pei Qilin's secretary also came back after paying the fee, saw Jing Yuanxi's bleeding hand, and asked the doctor to bandage him.

During this series of panic, the lights in the emergency room finally went out, and the experts came out from it.

"Who are the family members?"

Several people came forward, Jing Yuanxi said anxiously: "I am the patient's boyfriend, how is she now? What is the disease?"

Even though the expert knew that these people had good backgrounds and could make the dean call him from home, he still felt a little unhappy in his tone, and said with a frown: "Why did the patient come to the hospital with such a serious illness? How did your family members behave?" ?”

When Jing Yuanxi was told by him, his legs went limp, but he still insisted and asked, "What is the disease?"

"According to the current diagnosis, she has blood cancer, which has reached the middle stage."

The expert is used to the symptoms and speaks calmly, but he is still very dissatisfied with the negligent family members.

Jing Yuanxi felt his eyes darken.

No matter how he thought about it, he never imagined that such a lively and cheerful little girl would suffer from such a serious illness.

Except for the nosebleed, he really couldn't tell at all.

How negligent he was!Jing Yuanxi blamed himself like a knife.

How uncomfortable did she fly to Sail City to accompany him again and again?And he was so busy that he didn't care about it at all, allowing her to wait alone in the room.

Seeing that Jing Yuanxi was speechless, Lu Xingyun asked the doctor himself: "Then what should we do next? What do we all need to do?"

The doctor said lightly: "Get ready to go through the hospitalization procedures."

He saw that the patient's boyfriend was already aphasia in grief, but he soft-heartedly persuaded him: "This kind of disease is not incurable.

As long as the patient actively cooperates with the treatment and the family members pay more attention, there are no difficulties that cannot be overcome. "

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