Jing Yuanxi hurriedly stopped and sat back in his seat before he got angry.

The only silence in the room was the hour hand and the occasional sound of cigarette lighting, so when the phone rang, Jing Yuanxi was startled.

Dongfang Yanhe answered the phone in a leisurely manner.

"President, I found it.

There is also a small diary and a bank card in the bag for the mobile phone. "

said the bodyguard.

"Bring them back together."

Dongfang Yanhe hung up the phone and lit a cigarette.

"They hid deep enough."

Jing Yuanxi laughed and said, "It was actually buried in Yan Xiangzhi's cemetery.

For money and life-saving, it is really unexpected. "

Indeed, the place where the mother and daughter are hiding is really unexpected.

It is estimated that their home and the places they frequented have been searched.

But who would have thought that it was hidden in Yan Xiangzhi's cemetery.

"As long as there is a desire, no matter how stupid a person is, he can do anything."

Dongfang Yanhe agreed.

"So, never test human nature."

Jing Yuanxi shrugged.

The bodyguard came back quickly, and after handing over the sealed bag to Dongfang Yanhe, he was told to go back to rest.

Dongfang Yanhe held the smartphone in his hand, and the background picture on it after turning it on was a photo of a family of three.

It can be seen that Yan Xiangzhi loves his family very much.

However, this mother and daughter... If Yan Xiangzhiquan knows, maybe they will feel that everything they do is worthless.

Dongfang Yanhe found three recordings from his mobile phone.

Listening to dialogue should be in the middle and late stages of contact.

"Hey, how are you thinking?"

This sound can obviously be heard to be "processed".

"I, I can't do this.

Yanhezhi was not wronged, I can't ruin his business. "

Yan Xiangzhi's voice was a bit timid, but he insisted on his own bottom line.

"You take this billion to bid, how can you call it bad business? You need capital to win the bid, and I happen to be able to provide you with this capital, so why not do it?"

The people on the phone are seductive step by step.

"You...you don't need me to go to bad people's houses, why do you invest so much money in me for no reason, that's a billion!"

"I have my own agenda."

The person on the phone smiled: "You have to think about it, your daughter is so poor at reading, what can she do in the future? It's rare that you are a father, shouldn't you leave a good way out for your daughter?"

What is certain is that the person on this call is very good at catching people's weaknesses.

Just this one sentence made Yan Xiangzhi speechless for a long time.

And he is still whispering: "Think about who our generation has endured so much hardship and earned so much money for? Don't you want your children to live a better life? Giving you a billion now will not only make your cement plant grow , but also to ensure that your wife and children live the rest of their lives without worrying about food and clothing..."

He didn't say any more, but his words clearly had an effect.

Yan Xiangzhi's voice can reflect his wavering at that time.

"You really don't want me to hurt people?"

A low laugh came from the phone: "Hehehe, of course not."

"Then let me think about it."

The first recording ends here.

Jing Yuanxi frowned and said after listening: "This voice has been processed, so you can't tell who it is."

What he meant was that if they couldn't prove that they were from the Maoye Consortium, then what they had could at most prove that the Dongfang Group was framed, but it wouldn't hurt Chen Jinrong at all.

"Let's talk after listening to everything."

Eastern Yanhe Road.

The time shown in the second recording was ten days after the first recording, and it was also a call from the other party.

It can be seen that Yan Xiangzhi couldn't contact or didn't want to contact the person who gave the money.

"How are you thinking? Mr. Yan?"

The voice on the phone is still processed, but it is not difficult to hear the inevitable smile in the tone of the speech.

"Your people went to school to find my daughter!"

Yan Xiangzhi swept away his cowardice before, and asked anxiously and angrily, but his tone was affirmative.

"Don't be so excited, Mr. Yan, my people just went to take care of her and help her solve a little trouble."

"Don't touch my family!"

Yan Xiangzhi was in a hurry, and there was a warning for tomorrow in his tone.

"Then what are you thinking about?"

The person on the phone asked slowly, as if not in a hurry.

The recording has nearly half a minute of silence.

After a while, Yan Xiangzhi's voice sounded: "I can promise you, but I want you to promise not to move my family."

"Of course, you will see my sincerity."

He added: "The money will be transferred to your account as soon as possible. Make your proposal and show it to Dongfang Group. With this money, you will definitely win the bid."

The person on the phone was very certain.

“Our factory has never done this kind of business plan.

You know that the selection of the Eastern Group is very strict, if it is not done well..."

Yan Xiangzhi did not continue.

The person on the phone seemed to be thinking for a long time, and slowly said, "Then let me make a copy for you."

"Who are you? Why should I trust you?"

There was another low laugh on the phone: "Mr. Yan, you don't have to be so nervous, just relax.

It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you can use my hands to grow the cement factory and let your wife and children live a good life. "

"No." Yan Xiangzhi's attitude was very firm: "I don't even know who gave the money, so how dare I accept such a large business from you.

If you don't say it, I won't agree. "

The person on the phone seemed to have arranged every move ahead.

Perhaps thinking that telling him would also bring it underground, he said, "If you really want to know the truth in your heart, then you can think about it. Under the environment of your own country, who can still touch the Eastern Group, who can come up with a billion?"

Yan Xiangzhi is honest, but not stupid.

He even thought of what happened to his younger brother Yan Minzhi, and blurted out: "Maoye Consortium!"

The man did not speak, and the second recording ended here.

Jing Yuanxi rubbed his chin, and murmured: "I don't know if this evidence is sufficient, after all, he didn't admit it directly."

"There is no positive admission, but his account can be checked."

Now that there is no evidence, it is impossible to start to investigate the financial details of such a large consortium.

But it's hard to say if there is suspicion.

The third recording was obviously recorded after winning the bid.

"Won the bid."

Yan Xiangzhi's voice was very calm, neither the joy of winning the bid nor the timidity of the previous phone call.

There was a burst of applause on the phone: "Congratulations on taking the first step, Boss Yan."

"What should I do next? I checked the money, why did it come in from a foreign bank?"

Yan Xiangzhi asked.

"Don't worry, we just paid for it from abroad, which doesn't prevent us from cooperating."

The person on the phone reassured him: "As for the following matters, you can cooperate with Dongfang Yanhe as usual.

I will do the rest. "

"When can I withdraw?"

Yan Xiangzhi really didn't want to join in the "fighting" of such a big group.

The last participant has already been locked up, isn't that enough for him to be afraid of?What's more, he didn't know what the Maoye consortium was going to do. This so-called cooperation made him feel uncertain.

Yan Xiangzhi just wanted to get enough money to emigrate abroad with his wife and children, and never get involved in these things again.

"Does Mr. Yan have any plans?"

The person on the phone smiled lowly: "I advise you to stay here with peace of mind. Although I called you for the one billion yuan, I haven't given you all of it yet. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate for you to withdraw at this time."

"What else do you want?"

Yan Xiangzhi's voice was full of panic.

"You don't need to know what I think.

But with this billion in your account, I am like a grasshopper on the same rope.

You'd better hope my business gets done, or bad luck will follow you. "

"what do you want to do?!"

Yan Xiangzhi really couldn't think of what use he had.

Of course, if he won the bid, if it wasn't for Chen Jinrong's threat, he would be overjoyed.

But now he can't wait for Dongfang Group to temporarily change his mind and replace him, it's better than not knowing what else is waiting for him in the future.

The person on the phone laughed, as if very happy: "You will be of great use in the future.

Don't be reluctant to contribute at that time. "

"I don't do harm!"

Yan Xiangzhi emphasized again.

"Don't do anything harmful, don't worry."

So far, the three recordings have all been listened to.

Dongfang Yanhe didn't speak for a while.

Jing Yuanxi lit a cigarette before saying, "What do you think Chen Jinrong wants him to do?"

It is possible to add some materials to the cement and make a shabby project, but it will not be reflected for a while, and this will not affect Dongfang Group for a few years.

"I'm afraid he was murderous when he planned it."

Eastern Yanhe Road.

"Then why did you give him a billion? Such a large sum of money, why didn't you get it back after killing him?"

Jing Yuanxi was puzzled.

"Would we have chosen him without the billion?"

Dongfang Yanhe glanced at Jing Yuanxi.

Dongfang Group is one of the largest large groups in China, and it has always been rigorous and demanding in its work.

This is true not only for yourself, but also for your co-tenant partners. Companies without strong qualifications don't even think about it.

But after Yan Xiangzhi's death, why didn't Chen Jinrong get back the money?Staying in Yan Xiangzhi's account will be a hidden danger sooner or later.

Dongfang Yanhe couldn't figure it out, so he picked up Yan Xiangzhi's diary and looked through it.

In the modern age with advanced information and technology, there are still very few people who use diaries to keep track of things.

It can be seen from this that Yan Xiangzhi is also a nostalgic person who doesn't like to change his habits.

The first third of the diary is all about the cement factory, and there is also a part about the family.

Dongfang Yanhe calmed down and read the mental journey of the people who died on his construction site.

Yan Xiangzhi mentioned his wife and daughter more than once in his diary.

He uses a lot of rhetorical questions to question his wife's habits.

Why are there so many clothes to buy, why do you have to compare which car to drive, why do you want to expand your clothing store by comparing the scale with big shopping malls.

Mixed with his anger at his own incompetence.

Angry at himself for being worthless, not being able to make so much money, angry at himself for being a cement factory owner who can't get on the table... and so on, and so on.

And the most pen and ink is the hatred and guilt towards her daughter.

The heartache when she found her daughter's puppy love, and the distress and resentment after discovering her daughter's secret abortion, her daughter's comparisons were exactly the same as her mother's.

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