This wealthy family is too rich for me

Chapter 384 Important clues

"It's not going well now, but whether you will do anything to her in the future depends on your performance."

Mingo's language is as easy as talking about the weather.

My daughter only knew she was afraid at this time, but at the age of puberty, she always saves face.

She insisted and said, "You better not hurt my mother, or I will tell you everything I know."


Brother Ming laughed: "What do you know? Where do you want to talk about?"

As he spoke, he said to a coquettish daughter: "You are not good..."

Then, the sound of tape being torn was heard in the room.

It's not hard to imagine that Brother Ming wants to tie her up.

Of course the daughter refused and yelled to rush out the door.

There was only a "bang", as if my daughter was caught by Brother Ming and fell to the ground.

Then he said with a half-smile: "If you dare to move around again, I don't mind ending you here. I will let you go to the underworld to meet your father."

The daughter seemed to be frightened, and the room was quiet for a while, except for the sound of tape "prickling" tearing.

After a while, the daughter finally couldn't stand it anymore and wept softly.

Brother Ming didn't stop her, and didn't ask any more questions, but just left her alone.

After a while, Brother Ming's snoring sound came out.

The bodyguards asked Dongfang Yanhe whether he should go in and catch Brother Ming now.

Dongfang Yanhe vetoed it.

He hasn't heard what he wants to hear, and the mother and daughter have not been threatened enough.

Rescuing it at this time is useless.

The dazed mother was taken by the jacket to an underground warehouse not far from the pedestrian street, and locked up.

Time passed by little by little, and it was already dark in a blink of an eye.

Brother Ming didn't have anything for lighting in his daughter's room, not even a candle.

The sound of tape rubbing in the room can be heard in the middle, presumably the daughter is not stupid and knows how to save herself inside.

The bodyguards couldn't see what was going on inside, so they didn't know how Brother Ming tied her up.

In short, the daughter did not succeed in saving herself.

In the middle of the night, the man finally woke up.

"Do you want to know how to answer?"

Brother Ming's voice sounded faintly.

"You...what do you want?"

The daughter's voice trembled visibly.

Brother Ming didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point, his voice changed from the previous laziness, with a hint of sternness: "Where is the card?"

"I...I don't know."

The daughter's voice was very low, and she couldn't speak clearly.

"You do not know?"

Brother Ming had a playful tone in his ruthless tone.

The bodyguard only heard a "stab", the sound of clothes being ripped open.

Followed by the daughter's cry.

"Hehe," Brother Ming smiled, "Scream, let me see who will come to rescue you in this wilderness."

The daughter finally broke down, howled and begged for mercy loudly: "Please let me go! I really don't know, I really don't know anything!"

How could Brother Ming believe it?

There was another sound of clothes being torn.

My daughter's screams were so loud!And Dongfang Yanhe also decisively ordered: "Get ready!"

All the bodyguards tensed up, waiting for Dongfang Yanhe's order before rushing in.

"Can you remember now?"

Brother Ming asked again: "Where is the card?"

The daughter's spirit has been tortured by Brother Ming to the point of insanity, and she shouted: "I really don't know! My mother let it go!"

"Then go down and accompany your father!"

Brother Ming said harshly.

Before he finished speaking, Dongfang Yanhe gave an order: "Come in!"

Several bodyguards filed in immediately.

Brother Ming's surprised face was displayed on the computer.

He didn't expect that someone would rush in, and he didn't even know that there were people around this house!The timing of Dongfang Yanhe's order was just right.

Brother Ming held the knife in his hand and was about to stab his daughter's chest.

The bodyguard picked up the clothes on the ground and immediately put them on for his daughter.

Others control Brother Ming, control Brother Ming, and untie the tape.

Control the scene methodically.

Within 5 minutes, the situation stabilized.

"Take them back to the hotel and lock them up separately."

Eastern Yanhe Road.

He moved the mouse to zoom in on the monitor where his mother was.

Dongfang Yanhe stared at the screen patiently and remained motionless.

When Jing Yuanxi came in with a meal, this was what he saw.

The surveillance video on the computer seemed to be paused.

Dongfang Yanhe was also fixed there as if he had been acupointed.

He stepped forward and pushed Dongfang Yanhe: "Hey, how about getting into meditation?"

Only then did Dongfang Yanhe turn his head and glance at him and said, "Brother Ming caught it."

Jing Yuanxi asked in surprise, "So fast?"

He made an emergency call in the afternoon because of Li Panlong to deal with the project.

I only knew that Brother Ming had acted, but I didn't expect that Dongfang Yanhe's action was not slow, and he was held down in just one day.

"You can't do it if you don't catch it," Dongfang Yanhe picked up the chopsticks and said, "I have patience, but he doesn't.

If you don't arrest the girl from this family, I'm afraid she will report to Hades. "

"It seems that Chen Jinrong is indeed held back by Chen Jinpeng." Jing Yuanxi didn't eat, picked up his chopsticks and said, "Otherwise Brother Ming wouldn't be in such a hurry to do it."

Because Brother Ming didn't know how long Chen Jinrong would be restrained. If he didn't cut through the mess and get the money quickly, he didn't know if there would be such a good opportunity later.

Secondly, Chen Jinrong must have evidence that brother Ming killed Yan Xiangzhi. If he didn't run away at this time, he might be threatened by Chen Jinrong in the future.

Jing Yuanxi pointed to the computer with his chin and said, "Where is this mother? Brother Ming let you control it, so what about this woman?"

"I guess Brother Ming is planning to start with the daughter first, and will come to the mother only if there is no progress."

Dongfang Yanhe analyzed: "Otherwise, they would not separate their mother and daughter.

If I were him, I'd let my mother hang out for the night.

The next day, that is, tomorrow, I will come to see my mother again. "

"Then since you know that no one will come today, why are you still observing here?"

Jing Yuanxi was puzzled.

Dongfang Yanhe glanced at him: "I was thinking about something."

"No one came this time, what should mother do?"

Jing Yuanxi asked: "Release?"

"Not first."

Dongfang Yanhe had already thought about the next step: "Let it hang out first.

It's better if someone comes. If no one comes, they will be locked up for a day and released the day after tomorrow. "

Jing Yuanxi "tsk tsk" twice: "It really pays off."

In fact, Dongfang Yanhe and Brother Ming had similar intentions in wanting to lock her up.

People like this are all about money and life, and they think they are very smart.

After two days in the air, under the condition that the hunger and fullness cannot be satisfied, and under the double pressure of the psychological fear of saying that every day should not work, it is easy to tell the truth.

By the way, she didn't have time to plan her own little thoughts.

While talking, the woman in the video woke up.

She looked around first, as if trying to remember how she got here.

Finally, without any surprise, he let go of his voice and shouted loudly: "Come here! Is there anyone! Help!"

Jing Yuanxi trembled from the shock, and quickly said to Dongfang Yanhe: "It's about to be closed, it's so noisy.

Scared me. "

Dongfang Yanhe acted like a prank, so he didn't turn it off, but lowered his voice.

The woman's yelling came out intermittently from the stereo, like a repeater repeating these few sentences back and forth.

Jing Yuanxi lost his appetite after being quarreled, put down his chopsticks and said, "Did you voice control her? Why don't you turn it off?"

Dongfang Yanhe gave him a disdainful look, and slowly explained: "Sooner or later, she will say something else."

Jing Yuanxi couldn't imagine that this woman had anything else to say besides "help" and a bunch of non-repetitive swear words.

But Dongfang Yanhe was calm and complacent, of course there was nothing he couldn't bear.

Jing Yuanxi cleared the table and took out his notebook to play with his strong point: minesweeping.

Don't say he doesn't want to make progress and doesn't work.

Accompanied by such yelling, no one can calm down and do things except Dongfang Yanhe and that pervert.

The woman finally ran out of strength to shout, she lay on the ground and muttered without giving up: "Let me out, you bastards.

Killed my husband and wanted my money, and locked me up in this place. "

Dongfang Yanhe and Jing Yuanxi looked at each other, and immediately stopped what they were doing.

Jing Yuanxi turned up the volume with the mouse and stared at the screen.

"let me out……"

The woman said weakly: "My husband's mobile phone and bank card are still with me, so you can't do anything to me."

She had obviously felt the fear, and found a reason to cheer herself up: "Yes! They dare not do anything to me.

I have evidence in my hand, I have evidence! "

Not knowing whether it was because she was tired of shouting or for other reasons, the woman stopped talking and slowly closed her eyes.

Both Dongfang Yanhe and Jing Yuanxi heard the key points from her words.

After a while, Jing Yuanxi asked: "Should we release it now and let her tell what she knows?"

Dongfang Yanhe shook his head persistently: "What can she say now? She can deny it completely.

Even if we have audio and video recordings, she can still bite back and say that we tied her. "

"Okay, I won't ask any more.

Let it go when you like. "

Jing Yuanxi let go and said: "Then what should we do next? Otherwise, my god, guess if she will say something in the 'return to the light' at night?"

Seeing Dongfang Yanhe's poker face and not speaking, Jing Yuanxi said helplessly, "Boss, we have to sleep, right? This surveillance assistant doesn't look very good, does it?"

Only then did Dongfang Yanhe react. He looked down at the document and said, "You are half late and I am half late."

Jing Yuanxi had no choice but to resign himself to his fate and hurried to the bedroom to wash and sleep.

The woman may have fallen asleep, and the first half of the night was very peaceful.

Dongfang Yanhe looked at the financial statement and didn't feel tired or how long it took.

He has long been used to this working mode.

It wasn't until Jing Yuanxi came downstairs to replace him that he realized that it was already two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Jing Yuanxi was obviously woken up by the alarm clock, and his unkempt eyes were not fully opened yet.

Dongfang Yanhe patted him on the shoulder and lay down on the sofa next to him.

"Aren't you going to sleep?"

Jing Yuanxi asked in a daze.

"The bed above was not cleaned."

Dongfang Yanhe's answer was concise and clear.

This obvious refusal made Jing Yuanxi wake up immediately, rolled his eyes and said, "It's fine, fine, just make do with it."

Jing Yuanxi is also a madman who stays up late, and has entered work mode since he woke up.

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