Dongfang Yanhe's support club is even more powerful.

Even if Dongfang Yanhe never responded, or even had a repulsive attitude, it couldn't stop the fans' enthusiasm.

Strangely, the more Dongfang Yanhe is afraid of eating, the more people he attracts.

It seems that his coldness and indifference are more in line with the personality of modern young people for domineering presidents.

So they spared no effort to promote Dongfang Yanhe.

Regardless of any website on the Internet, as long as there is anything bad about Dongfang Yanhe, it will be criticized and washed away by them.

They have spontaneously become a naval army, and they are grasping with both hands of propaganda, control and criticism, and both hands are very hard.

Looking at the momentum, even the popular traffic niche is on par with him, and he is jealous.

Coupled with the daily follow-up reports of the mainstream media, whether it is the meeting minutes or the follow-up of the construction process, the news is overwhelmingly promoting a positive image of Izu Taohuayuan.

For a time, Izu Taohuayuan and Dongfang Yanhe shone like never before in all business circles.

There is no place where development projects can be compared with "Izu".

Dongfang Yanhe even boarded the world's most influential "Time Magazine".

In addition to the cover, four pages were written to introduce him.

The large-scale introductions and deeds of the characters sound like bragging reports.

But people all over the world know that the reason why "Time Magazine" has a strong position is because it can achieve the authenticity and fairness of news.

Dongfang Yanhe is in the limelight, and as he is pushed to the forefront, it is inevitable that his family will be picked up.

Rumor has it that the wife of President Dongfang is a well-known designer, and it is hard to find a dress designed by her.

It is rumored that Dongfang Yanhe had a son who was considered a child prodigy with a superior IQ.

It is said that Dongfang Yanhe's mansion is magnificent and luxurious.

The area is very expensive and the president's four-story villa has a large garden in addition to the floor area.

There are as many as twenty cars in the underground garage alone, and each one is a world-class limited edition.

There are various rumors.

Although these gossip news are reported with nose and eyes, none of the news is accompanied by pictures.

Including the family members who reported on Dongfang Yanhe, they are all just guesses.

What it was called and who it was was not disclosed.

Lu Xingyun took a puff of cigarette and said with a smile: "They don't disclose because they don't know at all, they are just guessing."

Jing Yuanxi knocked on the table, squinted his eyes and avoided it for a while: "If I say you smoke, just smoke. Don't brag about me, okay?"

Seeing that Lu Xingyun twisted his position, he said: "But I know a lot of these.

You see, Yiren is a design studio, and his son has a high IQ.

Although their house isn't that exaggeratedly big, it's pretty much the same. "

Lu Xingyun didn't think it was a big deal: "You always have to give people some news reports, right? Is there anything else that can be found in Dongfang Yanhe? I have praised everything that should be praised.

His little fans were fascinated by his obsession. "

Jing Yuanxi heard that his words were not right, and had an immature guess in his heart: "You didn't put these materials, did you?"

Lu Xingyun leaned back, showing a bewildered smile, but said nothing.

"Aren't you?"

Jing Yuanxi's jaw was about to drop in surprise: "Let Dongfang Yanhe know, and I won't sew your mouth shut."

When Lu Xingyun heard this, he hurriedly said: "You can cover me tightly, and don't let Dongfang know."

He explained for himself: "I didn't reveal anything, it's not a big deal to let the public know about it."

As he spoke, he put three fingers up next to his ear and said, "I swear, it's the last time."

Of course Jing Yuanxi wouldn't say it, but he couldn't figure it out: "Why are you doing this?"

Lu Xingyun smiled mischievously, like a fox who has succeeded: "The heat will not be maintained forever.

You have to have arguments and topics.

Just throw out a little bit of news, and the public will discuss it. "

Jing Yuanxi understood: "You are selling Dongfang Yanhe.

But he also reads the news, and sooner or later he will know that it was the people around him who said it. "

"He is busy collecting the clock tower now, and he has to follow up on the two foreign lines, as well as a bunch of things about his own company's operations. When he finds out that the heat is over."

Lu Xingyun said indifferently: "Besides, he is not interested in watching this kind of gossip news."

Both are brothers, Lu Xingyun and Jing Yuanxi know Dongfang Yanhe too well.

Dongfang Yanhe is so boring that he only watches the animal world and stock market analysis on TV.

The most you can watch is the news from the Imperial TV Station.

Compared with Dongfang Yanhe's hard work, Lu Xingyun, the second largest shareholder of "Izu", is relatively more leisurely.

Jing Yuanxi cast a disdainful glance at him: "Dongfang Yanhe has gone after the completion of the bell tower, why don't you go? This is not your job?"

Lu Xingyun had his own rhetoric: "It's just a bell tower, it's fine for him to go as the leader, and we two big brothers are no use."

"Then what have you been doing in the office, big brother?"

Lu Xingyun took a deep breath of the cigarette, and let out a long breath at Jing Yuanxi: "Smoking."

Because of the public's attention and the positive image of Izu Taohuayuan, Dongfang Nobuka was present at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the completion of the bell tower, and many important figures were also present.

Of course, the stationed media would not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and had already set up cameras and were waiting.

Dongfang Yanhe's administrative assistant acted as the master of ceremony for the ribbon cutting.

Sweeping away the previous stereotyped image, he presided over the ribbon-cutting activity with a lively tone.

The cold winter can not dissipate people's enthusiasm.

After the ribbon-cutting, the show was supposed to end immediately, but I didn't expect so many big figures to come, so I had to add a reception at the hotel where Dongfang Yanhe was staying.

Because it was a temporary order, all hotel staff, including those on vacation, were recalled to prepare.

Fortunately, the hotel staff are used to this kind of scene, and they didn't make any mistakes in a hurry.

It was already dark when Dongfang Yanhe went back after socializing.

When they got to the room, Jing Yuanxi and Lu Xingyun were lying on the sofa in his living room as expected, and there was Pei Yan next to them.

"Brother Dongfang."

The little girl called out sweetly.

Dongfang Yanhe nodded: "The show is over?"

"The show is over, I went to see Miss Yi Ren before I came here."

Pei Yan hurriedly took out a piece of paper from her wallet and handed it to him like offering a treasure: "Brother Dongfang, take a look, this is what Sister Yiren asked me to bring."

Dongfang Yanhe took it and immediately recognized it as a photo of Jing Yiren doing a [-]D color Doppler ultrasound.

The picture is very clear. In the photo, the two babies are lying curled up in the mother's womb, as if they are sleeping, and the corners of the babies' mouths seem to be smiling.

The warmth in Dongfang Yanhe's eyes seemed to be overflowing. After watching it for a long time, he carefully put it away, and said to Pei Yan, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," the little girl sat back on the sofa and said crisply, "Sister Yiren is in good health and is happy every day.

The baby is also very healthy, don't worry, Brother Dongfang. "

Dongfang Yanhe smiled and nodded to her.

Although he talked on the phone every day, he was very happy to hear news about Jing Yiren from Pei Yan.


Jing Yuanxi sighed: "Hurry up and finish what you are doing, and go back quickly.

I'm also getting impatient here.

I should also go back and see Yiren. "

Lu Xingyun took a sip of his wine and said, "How long have you been here? After I came, I took root."

Dongfang Yanhe thought about what he promised Lu Xingyun before, so he said to Lu Xingyun: "Now Yan Xiangzhi's cousin is fine, why don't you go back and accompany Huanhuan? Just think about whether to skip a grade."

Lu Xingyun wanted to go back a long time ago.

Knowing that Huanhuan was well taken care of at Dongfang's house, he wasn't worried, but the longing in his heart still made him unable to sit still.

"Okay," Lu Xingyun didn't refuse, "I'll go back tomorrow.

Come back after dealing with the problem of Huanhuan going to school. "

"No need," Jing Yuanxi said, "You go back and stay longer, anyway, 'Rongtai' has nothing to do recently, I can also do angel investment work here.

Dongfang Yanhe and I are staying here. "

Pei Yan also echoed: "Yes, anyway, I can fly often, and I can come here if I want to see Jing Yuanxi.

You go home and stay longer. "

He said happily: "Brother Lu, you don't know that Huanhuan has grown taller, so cute."

Lu Xingyun knew everyone's kindness.

Dongfang Yanhe suddenly asked Pei Yan: "Have you had a nosebleed recently?"

When Pei Yan asked this question, she took Apple's hand for a while, and immediately said as if nothing had happened: "It's over, I just don't adapt to the climate.

You are all nervous. "

Dongfang Yanhe's scrutinizing eyes glanced at Pei Yan, not believing what she said.

Today she put on a lot of makeup, and her original skin color can no longer be seen, but don't look at her as lively as before, and her whole face is full of haggardness.

Lu Xingyun also looked at it for a while before asking: "How did Xiaoyan put on makeup today? I remember you used to have no makeup."

Pei Yan smiled embarrassedly: "Because I'm here to see Jing Yuanxi, I want to make it look better."


Her words were immediately exposed by Jing Yuanxi mercilessly: "Why didn't you see you make up when you saw me before?"

Pei Yan looked at him suddenly a little nervous, only to hear Jing Yuanxi continue: "It's just that the little girl has grown up and knows how beautiful she is."

After Jing Yuanxi finished speaking, Pei Yan felt relieved.

"How about being smug? Can't I like dressing up?"

Pei Yan pretended to be angry and teased Jing Yuanxi with her fingertips.

"Yes, yes, you can do whatever you want."

Jing Yuanxi raised his hands, as if surrendering.

Dongfang Yanhe and Lu Xingyun tacitly didn't say anything, they only said that Pei Yan had a hard day on the plane and asked her to rest early.

After sending Pei Yan away, Dongfang Yanhe said to Jing Yuanxi: "It just so happened that Xiaoyan came, you take her to check.

Just say that you have the qualifications for a physical examination, and ask her to check it when you get there. "

"Why do you prefer her in the physical examination? It's not a serious illness."

Jing Yuanxi felt that they were too nervous.

Lu Xingyun answered for Dongfang Yanhe: "Isn't she not going? If I go, I will use you to lie to me?"

When Lu Xingyun said this, Jing Yuanxi also wondered: "Why does the little girl dislike seeing a doctor so much.

He didn't get an injection, but he refused to check the cause of the nosebleed. "

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