The woman waved her hand and said impatiently: "Anyway, you just listen to me, don't ask other questions.

You have to be more careful here than you are in China. "

The three people looking at the computer looked at each other.

Tacitly guessed what they meant.

When I looked back, I found that the mother and daughter were about to change clothes.

Jing Yuanxi quickly turned off the computer.

Dongfang Yanhe also felt that it was not an option to go on like this, so he called the life assistant who was serving tea at the headquarters and asked her to come to Fancheng as soon as possible.

The little assistant finally felt that he had a role to play, and happily agreed to the president to go there as quickly as possible.

"Is your life assistant reliable?"

Lu Xingyun asked suspiciously.

In his eyes, life assistants are similar to nanny.

Can a nanny do such a meticulous job?Does she know what's the point?Regarding this, Jing Yiren had talked to Jing Yuanxi before, so he knew it better, and said with a smile: "Will there be waste in the Dongfang Group? Maybe the cleaning aunts all graduated from college."

Dongfang Yanhe said indifferently: "She is a master's student of Hudan University, and she came to my place to apply for a secretary in the financial field, but at that time my place was full of people and I didn't want to give up talents, so I asked her to follow me.

When there is a suitable position for her, and when to let her go. "

"Dongfang Yanhe, your group is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger, and all graduate students treat you like a tea-serving girl.

I'll have to re-screen a batch when I go back. "

Lu Xingyun really admired him.

How else can I say that other people's groups can grow so big.

All the clues are basically ready, Dongfang Yan and the three feel that life is hopeful, and they are slightly relieved.

As soon as I let go of this stingy breath, I feel that I am so sleepy that I wish I could sleep in the dark.

Dongfang Yanhe called Jing Yiren as usual after they left.

This is probably the only moment of relaxation in his tense mood of the day.

When Jing Yiren's soft voice was heard on the phone, it seemed to be able to wash away his exhaustion.

"Yanhe, how are you today?"

Jing Yiren asked.


Things are going pretty well. "

Dongfang Yanhe unconsciously lowered his voice, imagining Jing Yiren answering the phone at the bedside at this time, and his heart was even more missed: "Are you and the baby all right?"

Jing Yiren sat on the bedside, and the dim night light illuminated the warmth of the room.

She said slowly: "Everything is fine, don't worry.

Take care of the matter at hand. "

She was willing to be so considerate of herself, and Dongfang Yanhe felt more guilty, and felt Jing Yiren's kindness more and more.

I heard her say again: "The babies seem to be getting bigger in the stomach, and I also seem to be getting fatter.

Don't laugh at me when you come back. "

"How could it be?" Dongfang Yanhe said softly, "Yi Ren is the most beautiful no matter what."

"A tree fell in the garden, and my aunt and I plan to plant a camphor tree in the spring."

Jing Yi said: "Camphor tree represents longevity, wealth and auspiciousness.

The babies will be born by then, which is very meaningful. "

Dongfang Yanhe chuckled, Jing Yiren could get along well with his mother, which is what he would like to see most: "Okay, I will listen to you."

Lingering tenderness, soft-spoken trivialities.

It's all about missing.

Only the people at that time understood the anguish of gathering less and leaving more.

Jing Yiren never urged Dongfang Yanhe to go home quickly, on the contrary, he let him handle the matter at hand with peace of mind.

But before I hung up the phone, I always asked: "When will you go home?"

Dongfang Yanhe pursed his lips, and said as usual: "It's coming soon."

They said good night to each other and went to sleep with missing.

He must hurry up.

Dongfang Yanhe thought.

At least before Jing Yi gave birth to a baby, he had to settle the matter at hand.

After Jing Yiren hung up the phone, she quietly lay back where Dongfang Yanhe usually slept, and looked at the starry sky outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

His smell on the pillow was already very weak, but she still habitually slept on this side, as if she was in Dongfang Yanhe's arms.

In the quiet late night, the sky is like a black curtain, with countless shining stars hanging on it, bright and dazzling.

Like a child's eyes, looking at the world twinkling.

Jing Yiren didn't know what he was thinking, and touched his stomach with his hands, as if comforting two sleeping children through their stomachs.

Slowly revealing a tranquil smile, he closed his eyes.

Jing Yiren woke up on time the next day.

He pressed the calling bell beside the bed.

The nurses filed in and helped her out of bed.

This is not what she needs to live like a rich lady like a Lafayette.

It is so big that it is inconvenient to get up and wash up.

In the past, Dongfang Yanhe was here and could still help her.

After he left, the nurses took care of him.

Today's sunshine is very good, Jing Yiren walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and stretched gently.

He was carried into the bathroom again.

The nurses adjusted the water temperature, helped Jing Yiren to sit in, and then closed the curtain and waited outside.

Jing Yiren is very shy when others see her body.

So even the female nurses can only stay behind the curtain and call them when there is something to do.

"Xiaoxin, do you think I have gained weight recently?"

Jing Yiren asked.

Xiaoxin, the nurse behind the curtain, comforted: "Madam is not fat, but a little edema.

I'll give you a set of care in the afternoon.

Pregnant women have this symptom. "

"But I didn't have Doudou when I gave birth."

Jing Yiren thought Xiaoxin was comforting her.

"You are pregnant with twins this time, of course the functions will be different.

Don't worry ma'am, it will be fine soon. "

Xiao Xin comforted her.

Jing Yiren was not afraid of whether she was swollen or not, but if Dongfang Yanhe came back and saw her like this, it would be bad.

She is very concerned about the image in front of Dongfang Yanhe.

After taking a bath, Mrs. Wang was already waiting at the door to ask her to eat.

Fang Wenxiu sat on the main seat and waited for her, Doudou and Huanhuan also sat down neatly dressed.

Seeing her coming down, she shouted happily: "Godmother, come and eat, there are delicious truffle cakes today."

Jing Yiren smiled and walked over to touch Huanhuan and Doudou's little cheeks, then greeted Fang Wenxiu: "Morning, Auntie."

Fang Wenxiu ignored her, and only said to Huanhuan: "Your godmother can't eat such delicious truffle cakes.

Sit down obediently, and go to school with brother Doudou after eating. "

Jing Yiren sat down and looked at the nutritious meal in front of him, feeling sick to his stomach.

Although the nutritionist cooks different dishes in different ways every day in order not to make Jing Yiren get tired of eating.

The dishes may change, but the taste remains the same.

It has always been a light series, and Jing Yiren has been eating it for half a year, and it seems that he has reached the state of wanting to vomit when he sees it.

Seeing her not moving her chopsticks for a long time, Fang Wenxiu said: "Eat quickly, will you be full?"

Jing Yiren and Fang Wenxiu are no longer as cautious as they used to be, and have learned to be coquettish and playful at the right time: "I don't want to eat.

Tired of eating. "

Fang Wenxiu immediately put on a fierce look and said, "I want to eat even if I'm tired of eating. How old are you and you're still so self-willed?"

Then he persuaded her: "It's all about appetite. In fact, the taste is not important when it enters the stomach. What can be left is nutrition."

Jing Yiren was not angry at being scolded, on the contrary she was sweet in her heart, she pursed her lips and smiled: "Okay, just listen to my aunt."

Huanhuan whispered to Doudou, "Godmother is acting like a baby?"

Doudou nodded seriously, and said in a childish voice: "Yes! Huanhuan can also act like a baby like my brother."

Huanhuan looked at the truffle cake that Doudou was about to feed into her mouth, shook her head and said, "No, Huanhuan likes it very much."

Doudou touched the top of Huanhuan's head with her small hand and said, "Huanhuan is so good."

Jing Yiren blushed when she heard this.

Fang Wenxiu also realized that Jing Yiren was acting like a baby, and she was a little embarrassed.

The two adults can only bow their heads to eat.

After a while, Jing Yi realized that someone was missing, and asked, "Where's Uncle?"

"He has an important morning meeting today, so let's go first."

Fang Wenxiu said.

"Well," Jing Yiren suddenly thought of something, Fang Wenxiu said, "Auntie, I want to come with some friends today, the same ones from last time.

If I bother you, I apologize in advance. "

Fang Wenxiu nodded and said nothing.

She could try to accept Jing Yiren, but she couldn't accept the people in her studio.

It's not that she holds grudges too much, it's just that she grew up in a wealthy family, so she is somewhat arrogant.

She is still impressed, the woman from the studio brought two old hens to their house.

Fang Wenxiu has never seen such a formation at such a young age.

Do you think she is a vegetable market?So after eating, Fang Wenxiu hid in the audio-visual room early, out of sight and out of mind.

Doudou and Huanhuan were sent to school and kindergarten by the nanny.

Jing Yiren does her morning class as usual.

When it was almost noon, Zhou Ning really came with Yuan Meng and Mrs. Feng.

This time Mrs. Feng did not take the chicken, but moved two boxes of eggs.

Feng Limin followed behind and moved.

Jing Yiren greeted the door enthusiastically, and said with a smile, "Why did you bring so many things?"

She looked at the bags in Zhou Ning and Yuan Meng's hands.

"It's rare to see Sister Yiren, so of course I will bring you some food."

Zhou Ning handed things to Mrs. Wang while talking.

Feng Limin followed Mrs. Wang and took the eggs directly to the kitchen.

Jing Yiren thanked her with a smile, but didn't mention that she now has someone to control her diet, even if she brought it, she couldn't eat it.

Instead, Mrs. Feng brought the eggs, you can try them.

Mrs. Feng said: "Big sister, you can eat these eggs without worry.

It is a purely home-raised native egg that I bought from the countryside.

Nutrition can be high. "

As he said that, he turned around Jing Yiren again, and said "Yo" in his mouth: "This belly is big enough, it must be very hard now, right?"

Jing Yiren couldn't stand for too long, so he asked them to sit down on the sofa, and replied, "It's okay, but the two little guys are very naughty, so just kick me if you have nothing to do."

Regarding Jing Yiren's greeting, several people stood there, not moving for a long time.

Jing Yiren asked puzzledly, "What's wrong?"

Yuan Mengcai replied in a low voice: "Aren't we going to your room? I'm afraid Auntie will be unhappy."

It turned out that everyone remembered the unpleasantness of visiting Jing Yiren last time, and they were afraid of meeting Fang Wenxiu in the living room.

Jing Yiren smiled reassuringly, "No, Auntie is very understanding.

It was only too sudden last time, and her reaction was so big.

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