Lu Xingyun said.

"But Huanhuan will eventually get married."

Jing Yuanxi reminded him.

"OK, I won't be alone without you."

When Lu Xingyun said this, he was a little disappointed.

Jing Yuanxi still tried to "correct" his outlook on life: "Xingyun, tell the truth, Xiaoyan and I, Dongfang and Yiren, are so affectionate, do you envy them?"

Lu Xingyun didn't deny it at all, and answered painfully: "Envy."

"Then why don't you try..."

Lu Xingyun interrupted Jing Yuanxi: "I'm envious, but I don't want it.

Some things don't have to be liked. "

Jing Yuanxi ran out of words, so he winked at Dongfang Yanhe and let him go.

Dongfang Yanhe received Jing Yuanxi's secret signal, and said, "If you don't want to look for it, forget it, as long as you are happy."

Jing Yuanxi rolled his eyes and fell directly on the sofa.

Lu Xingyun laughed loudly, and after a while he said: "I know you are worried about me.

It's just that I'm doing fine right now.

I can only promise you that if I really meet the right person, I will not resist.

But before I met, I didn't force it. "

"Okay," Jing Yuanxi said, "Anyway, the brothers support you."

Lu Xingyun was moved, but he just nodded.

Strange to say.

Three people with very different personalities can become close brothers in such a short period of time.

Although Jing Yuanxi and Dongfang Yanhe were half relatives, they were not very close to each other, and they had misunderstood because of some things.

Lu Xingyun was even more surprised.

They didn't even know each other before, they just heard about each other.

And even if he knew Dongfang Yanhe at the beginning, he had a purpose.

But now, the three of them seem to have known each other since childhood.

The depth of friendship is often touching.

Maybe some people are destined to meet, and when they meet, they will cherish each other.

Lu Xingyun couldn't be deep for two seconds, and he really broke the silence and said: "Hi! We three men are discussing these topics here, don't you feel sour?"

"Not worried about you yet?"

Jing Yuanxi said: "Besides, what's so sour about it.

Life and love, two major life topics. "

"Okay," Lu Xingyun interrupted, "I'm a rough guy, I can't stand this.

Let's get down to business. "

"Okay, let's talk about business."

Jing Yuanxi looked at Lu Xingyun calmly and said, "How is your contact with Yan Xiangzhi's cousin?"

Dongfang Yanhe couldn't help laughing.

Everyone knows that Lu Xingyun is very reluctant to contact Yan Xiangzhi's cousin, and the progress is quite slow... Lu Xingyun sighed and said: "It's not that I don't want to contact, it's because he stays at home and doesn't go out.

I can't go straight into the hall, can I? "

"Why not?"

Jing Yuanxi smiled and said, "Knock on the door and tell me directly that I am the person in charge of Izu Taohuayuan. I'm here to understand the situation with you."

Jing Yuanxi was obviously making fun of him, it would be no wonder that people would care about him if he said that.

"The officials didn't ask why, I'm a fart!"

Lu Xingyun said: "You have the means, then you go.

Anyway, you are also an investor in Izu, so you have weight as well. "

Speaking of this, he looked him up and down again: "Personality, so-so.

Just right. "

Jing Yuanxi spread his hands: "I'm just here to travel."

An attitude of what can you do to me.

Another mean-spirited look leaned over and said: "You can do this, pretend to be a repairer who repairs electricity and water like in the movie, anyway, you can do anything, go deep into his house, and talk to him if you have nothing to do."

"What's your idea, I want to go to you."

Lu Xingyun didn't want to talk to Jing Yuanxi at all.

Dongfang Yanhe was silent for so long and said: "Let those who follow him keep an eye on him.

He can't stay out all the time.

Call you as soon as he shows up.

What you do next is up to you. "

Lu Xingyun couldn't get in, and Yan Xiangzhi's cousin couldn't come out.

Chen Jinrong won't give them much time.

They can't afford it.

"Okay," Lu Xingyun said helplessly, "It's me anyway, I can't run away."

Jing Yuanxi thought for a while and said, "Otherwise... how about asking Yan Minzhi? This is also his cousin, so he should have a solution, right?"

One sentence enlightened both Dongfang Yanhe and Lu Xingyun.

"This method is good, and it will be twice the result with half the effort if you have him as a matchmaker."

Lu Xingyun agreed, and asked again: "Also, Yan Xiangzhi's wife and daughter are leaving the country tomorrow, Dongfang, have you made arrangements for your people?"

"It's all in place, just wait for her to fly.

But I reckon..."

Dongfang Yanhe paused for a moment: "If someone really arranged behind her, I think the news she sent out about going to Melbourne should be just a cover."

"Didn't your plane transfer over?"

Jing Yuanxi asked.

Dongfang Yanhe nodded.

Not only his private jet was transferred, but the entire shipping department was on standby.

But still not sure.

As soon as they fly, the sky is high and the sea is wide.

No matter how powerful the three of them are, it is impossible to have such a powerful network that covers so many countries.

So, they simply gave up this approach.

The Ministry of Shipping is on standby and all aircraft are dispatched.

As long as they follow their flight, the people from Dongfang Yanhe will follow them directly after landing.

"Don't you have hotel branches in many countries? Do you want to control them?"

Lu Xingyun asked.

Dongfang Yanhe smiled: "I can say hello, but do you think the expert behind them will let her stay in a hotel under my banner?"

"Let's arrange it," Jing Yuanxi said, "If it's really Chen Jinrong who is behind the scenes.

With his character, it is very likely to do so.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. "

"Yes," Lu Xingyun said: "I think that old pervert would be happy to watch you frantically looking for someone, but people are right under your nose, the kind of fun of cat and mouse."

Dongfang Yanhe nodded: "I'll call to inform you later."

"This smiling tiger is really cunning, it can't be 'dead' no matter what you do, just like a cockroach."

Jing Yuanxi said: "It also made him join SA, it's really..."

Lu Xingyun turned sideways and lay on the sofa: "I see him, his eyes are red because he is surrounded by us.

'SA' Dongfang has cooperated with them, and people like Dongfang who only take advantage but not lose, have to cut their flesh.

Chen Jinrong is drinking poison to quench thirst. "

Dongfang Yanhe didn't pay attention to Lu Xingyun's words, a thought flashed through his mind... He suddenly picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Now you have given all the notices to all the hotels in Italy and are on standby.

Focus on the Florence branch.

In addition, we are now deploying manpower to the SA Hotel headquarters in Milan for deployment and control, and I will notify you of the rest. "

Dongfang Yanhe calmly gave the order.

And the assistant who received the call seemed to be used to this way of working.

Take orders without saying a word, and implement them one by one.

After Dongfang Yanhe hung up the phone, Lu Xingyun asked, "What did you think of?"

Dongfang Yanhe shook his head slowly: "I'm not sure, but when SA joins the Maoye Consortium, Chen Jinrong may take advantage of the convenience to let people meet in Italy."

"Well," Jing Yuanxi agreed, "It's very possible.

Based on Chen Jinrong's personality, he might be placed in your store, or in SA for safety reasons.

After all, it is someone else's territory, so it will be difficult for us to move.

So where do you think he will arrange people? "

"It's really hard to say," Lu Xingyun took over, "Who knows what that old bastard thinks.

But having a general direction is better than us spinning around like headless chickens. "

Then he asked again: "But why is the focus on Florence?"

Dongfang Yanhe explained patiently: "Rome is the largest hotel in Italy under the Oriental Group, and it belongs to the Italian multinational group branch.

Milan is the headquarters of SA.

One danger, one goal big. "

"Then what other cities? Why not this one?"

Jing Yuanxi asked.

"Only these few mainstream cities are gathering places of Chinese.

Milan and Rome are excluded, leaving Florence as a tourist destination.

In other cities, the faces of two Chinese women would be easily exposed in front of the public. "

Dongfang Yanhe explained.

"Yes, doing so is also in line with Chen Jinrong's style."

Lu Xingyun said with a chuckle: "This old fox is playing with our brains."

"He played such a big game of chess, on the one hand, he wanted to 'revenge', and on the other hand, he wanted to play tricks on us.

How happy he would be to see us make a fool of himself. "

Jing Yuanxi said.

"What a jerk!"

Lu Xingyun spat.

He slapped Dongfang Yanhe's arm again and said, "It's thanks to you that you have no idea about that girl Chen Qianqian, otherwise the Dongfang Group would have been eaten by old thief Chen."

Dongfang Yanhe gave him a bored look.

Meaning: Am I that blind? "There are so many lines, and finally one of them has been settled."

Jing Yuanxi sighed, and said again: "We can't always accept his moves, we are too passive."

Is there any news about 'mouse'?Didn't he say last time to ask him to find out who is more likely to instigate rebellion? "

Lu Xingyun asked.

"He said he would give me a message tomorrow.

Who is a hypocrite among the major directors, the real villain needs to investigate. "

Eastern Yanhe Road.

"It doesn't matter who is true and who is false, it's better to do public relations together."

Jing Yuanxi yawned big.

"That's too much, I'm afraid Dongfang will be too busy."

Lu Xingyun smiled.

"Only three," Dongfang Yanhe said: "One person is not enough to accomplish anything, two people are too obvious.

Just three people. "

"Okay, you can do whatever you want," Jing Yuanxi looked at the clock on the wall: "Let's stop here today, I really can't hold it anymore."

Lu Xingyun replied inertially: "The combat power is not good, you see Dongfang and I are used to staying up all night."

Jing Yuanxi rolled his eyes at him: "Don't you look at how many nights I stayed up before.

Since Li Panlong signed the gambling agreement, he has let himself go. "

He is not exaggerating.

After signing the contract, Li Panlong used Jing Yuanxi to the extreme.

From market analysis to stock market trends.

The big data made Jing Yuanxi think about it and find a relatively safe way out of it.

Jing Yuanxi has to do the work of "Rongtai" and take care of angel investment, and Izu is still in a state of distress.

He simply felt that he had exhausted all his energy for the next ten years.

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