But communication in the business field is often not as you want.

Even he, who is known as the cold-faced Hades, is not exempt.

Just like what Shan Yuting said before, all the people who came to the wedding this time were famous people.

As soon as the president persuaded, the others also followed suit.

The Dongfang Group is usually difficult to cling to, and after taking down the treasured land in Sail City, it has become even more difficult, and people who want to make a relationship and flatter them flock to it.

It's a rare opportunity to communicate with Dongfang Yanhe in private, how could they let him go so easily.

Dongfang Yanhe looked at Jing Yiren and asked her opinion.

Jing Yiren saw everyone's enthusiasm, and Miss Shan secretly tugged on her cuff again, so she nodded.

After her consent, everyone gathered around for a while.

There are not only those who have a peaceful relationship with Dongfang Yan, but also those who come to curry favor with Jing Yiren.

Zhou Ning, who was standing by the side, was neither walking nor staying.

Jing Yiren managed to get away from the "lady's circle", and found Zhou Ning standing there alone in a daze, walked over and said: "It seems that we won't be able to leave until the wedding banquet is over.

You take things to the room first.

If you are interested, you can come to the wedding banquet, and if you are not interested, you don't have to come down. "

Zhou Ning didn't know what to think, and he came back to his senses when he heard Jing Yiren's words, and nodded slowly.

When he left the venue, he glanced back at Dongfang Yanhe who was surrounded by the crowd, and walked out quickly.

The banquet hall was too dark, and no one saw her blushing face when she went out.

Jing Yiren was once again surrounded by the enthusiastic "lady circle".

This time there is also the bride Shanyu Ting.

Seeing her, Jing Yiren felt sorry.

This wedding almost overwhelmed the two protagonists at the moment when Dongfang Yanhe arrived.

Shan Yuting was a little unhappy at first, but she lost her temper after her father-in-law pointed out the importance of Dongfang Yanhe.

"I didn't expect you to be the wife of President Dongfang.

So how did this happen? "

In Shan Yuting's mind, Mrs. Kuo should go shopping everywhere, or ask a few girlfriends to go out on a yacht together, or have a lot of things to do. Anyway, she doesn't want to open a studio like her.

Jing Yiren smiled embarrassingly: "I never regarded myself as the wife of the president.

Besides, it's good to do something you like, isn't it? "

She knew that Shan Yuting didn't mean to be sarcastic, but she was well protected and her mind was relatively simple.

"Before... I mean the modification of the design, I'm sorry."

Monolingual Ting said.

Jing Yiren was very surprised, she would apologize to herself.

Liked her a little more.

"It's nothing, marriage is only once in a lifetime, of course I hope it will be perfect.

As long as you are satisfied, being a designer is very happy. "

Jing Yiren said softly.

At this time, after delivering the toolbox, Zhou Ning came back and stood beside Jing Yiren.

There are a lot of people around them. Unlike before because of her design, they asked her to go shopping or have dinner together.

In short, no one talked to her about business anymore.

After a short break, Jing Yiren took Zhou Ning to find a corner and sat down.

Seeing that Zhou Ning was still in a daze, he asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? I felt that you were wrong from just now.

Have something on your mind? "

Zhou Ning seemed to have not recovered from the shock of Dongfang Yanhe's appearance just now.

When asked by Jing Yiren, it took a long time to reply: "No, I'm just worried that in your capacity, no one will dare to order a dress again."

Jing Yiren smiled reassuringly.

I was also a little worried in my heart, there were many people who talked to please her or to build relationships.

Judging from their enthusiasm just now, it should be that they dare not bother her with such "small things" as designing dresses.

But Dongfang Yanhe came to pick her up, which made her happy enough.

As long as she opens the door to do business, is she afraid that no one will come?Thinking of this, he looked at Dongfang Yanhe from a distance, unexpectedly he happened to be looking at her too.

Looking at each other and smiling, the sweetness is in the heart, and the nostalgia is clear.

Dongfang Yanhe made a "come here" gesture to her.

Jing Yi understood.

"Bored? If you want to go, you can go now."

Dongfang Yanhe whispered in her ear.

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but when he spoke, his breath sprayed into her ears.

The itching and numbness made her blush instantly.

Jing Yiren cast a coquettish look at him before saying, "If it's not impolite, let's go back first."

Dongfang Yanhe got up immediately and bid farewell to the master.

The president and the bride and groom repeatedly asked to stay, Dongfang Yanhe still expressed his apology, and led Jing Yiren out of the banquet hall.

As soon as he left the hotel, Jing Yiren took a deep breath.

Dongfang Yanhe looked at her and thought it was funny: "Not used to it?"

Jing Yiren nodded. In the past, Dongfang Yanhe was in charge alone, and she never followed her to attend.

It's really not used to dealing with so many ladies all of a sudden.

Besides, Dongfang Yanhe did not appear on non-important occasions, and there were not many such entertainments.

Dongfang Yanhe fondled her head.

Just about to get in the car, Jing Yiren said in surprise, "It's over, I forgot Zhou Ning in it."

Dongfang Yanhe thought of the assistant beside her, so he picked up the phone and called the hotel manager.

After explaining a few words, he said to Jing Yiren: "I have asked the manager to arrange people who will come with you, and I will prepare a car to take them back later."

Dongfang Yanhe explained everything well, and she got on his Bugatti sports car with confidence.

Just when it was about to start, Jing Yiren thought again: "You're drinking, let me drive it."

Dongfang Yanhe didn't argue, and sat in the co-pilot calmly.

The sun is just right on the road, and the trees are shady along the way.

Dongfang Yanhe played music, and the two of them enjoyed the scenery passing by the roadside.

Dongfang Yanhe had a gentle smile on his always stern face.

It's worth it to pick her up after pushing the company's affairs!

After finishing Miss Shan's order, Jing Yiren was free and slept until nine o'clock before getting up to go to the studio.

Zhou Ning did not come back and took an extra day off.

Mrs. Feng still arrived early and cleaned up the studio.

Seeing her hesitating to speak a few times, Jing Yiren had no choice but to ask first, "Sister-in-law, is there something going on at home? I'm not busy today, or I'll give you a day off, so you go back first?"

Mrs. Feng quickly waved her hand and said no.

But she didn't say what it was, so Jing Yiren could only guess by herself.

"Is it financial difficulties? Or is Grandma Feng seriously ill? If you don't tell me directly, how can I help you?"

Sister-in-law Feng struggled for a long time before asking, "I just want to find out, when will my family, Limin, come back?"

It was because of this.

Jing Yiren thought that she was negligent, since Feng Limin had been away for so long, he only called home once.

Anyone who is a relative will be anxious.

She already knew Feng Limin's movements, and she knew what she was doing, and she was not as flustered as last time.

Seeing that Jing Yiren didn't speak, Mrs. Feng quickly explained: "Oh, don't make things difficult for you.

It's not that we are ignorant.

It's my old lady.

This is not out of the hospital, and I always think wildly at home, thinking that I am going to die, and I am afraid that I will not see my son before I die. "

As he said that, he sneaked another glance at Jing Yiren and said, "Limin has been on a business trip for such a long time, and the elderly at home are worried, so Feng Hao urged me to ask.

I am also..."

Jing Yiren interrupted her: "Sister-in-law, stop talking, it was my negligence.

I'll call Master Feng back these two days, do you think it's okay? "

Aunt Feng patted her thigh happily: "That's a good relationship, that's a good relationship.

I don't think about that dead ghost, but there is a paralyzed person at home, and Feng Hao has gone to work again, so it's really impossible to have no one to take care of him. "

He asked her nervously again: "Will you not delay your errand?"

Jing Yiren shook her head: "No delay."

Sister Feng happily went out to buy vegetables and prepare lunch for lunch.

Only then did Jing Yiren pick up her phone and send Dongfang Yanhe a message: Someone tell Feng Limin to come back, and just say I won't pursue it.

Taking care of Master Feng's business, Jing Yi was rarely at leisure.

Pick up a paintbrush and design whatever you want on the canvas.

With just a few strokes, the prototype of an evening dress can be vaguely seen.

Her leisure lasted only after lunch.

From the first phone call, it kept ringing one after another.

It turned out that both she and Zhou Ning were wrong.

At Ms. Shan's wedding banquet, she thought that no one would ask her to do design again, but it was actually the opposite.

The effect should not be too good.

The rich ladies first recognized Jing Yiren's taste and design style, and originally planned to do "couture" with her.

And the identity of Dongfang CEO's wife does not discourage people, on the contrary, it makes people even more flattered.

The design of Mrs. President!Taste and appreciative ability are definitely not to be chosen.

Not to mention the value of the designed works.

If someone looks good, ask where it was made to order?How honorable it is to be able to reply that the wife of Dongfang CEO designed it herself.

So this afternoon's call, Jing Yi was soft-hearted and missed Zhou Ning very much.

But she was not dazzled by the sudden business.

Now that we have decided to take the high-end route, it is impossible to "mass-produce" it as before.

She hopes to slow down and make each wedding dress and dress more unique and delicate.

She didn't accept all the orders, and planned to make a decision after careful consideration.

Fortunately, these customers who make appointments are not difficult to deal with, or maybe the title of Mrs. Dongfang CEO is too dazzling.

In short, no objections were raised.

After sorting out today's order records, she closed the door early and went home.

Dongfang Yanhe unexpectedly came back before her.

When he got home, he was playing football with Doudou in the back garden.

Jing Yiren walked to the back garden, and saw the older one sitting on the swing and the old god reading a book. When the ball came, he stretched his long legs and kicked it back.

Clean and tidy.

The little one, with a red face, was panting as he ran.

The sweat on his body had soaked his little shirt.

Kicking two calves, chasing the ball kicked by Dad.

Jing Yiren had a very inappropriate question in his heart: Is this a dog walk?Seeing her mother coming, Doudou still rushed into her arms enthusiastically: "Mom, why did you come back?"

Jing Yiren wiped the sweat off Doudou's head with his hands, hugged her intimately in his arms, and coaxed: "My baby, mom misses you so much."

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