Probably this incident made him suspicious. "

Chen Qianqian suddenly remembered what she said when she asked Jing Yiren and Dongfang Yanhe's sudden arrival: "Yes! It's this time! He just suspected the car accident!"

There was a flash of understanding in Chen Jinrong's eyes: "Then what I said was right. He really suspected it since then, but he just stayed on the sidelines."

But Chen Qianqian denied it: "That can't be said that he did it from this incident! How could he think of his group..."

She couldn't even speak to herself.

Dongfang Yanhe will think of it!What a suspicious and conceited man he was!As long as you know that she designed the car accident, you will probably suspect that the funds are broken this time.

Because of the two traps, no matter which one succeeds, he may have to compromise with Chen Qianqian!Seeing her daughter's expression, Chen Jinrong was quite comforted. Fortunately, she had figured it out, and she was not spoiled too stupidly by him.

But Chen Qianqian was still defending Dongfang Yanhe: "Even if he knew, he might not have done it! He wouldn't treat me like this!"

"Sissy, you have to trust Dad's judgment.

With such a large amount of money, Dongfang Yanhe would not be able to accomplish anything. "

"No, he didn't do anything.

It's just the scandal that broke out now, and the conclusion has not yet been settled. Dad, don't make a decision so quickly. "

Chen Jinrong looked at the stock market trend on the computer, and the shares of 'Maoye' had fallen from 21 yuan to 7 yuan.

His face was cloudy and uncertain.

Although Dongfang Yanhe didn't have a deep understanding of this person, judging from his consistent behavior style, he was by no means an ordinary person.

After holding back for so long, why not make a move? How could it be as simple as a scandal?He said quietly to his daughter: "He will still make moves, or he hasn't made a move yet."

Chen Qianqian has been with Dongfang Yanhe for so long, and she knows him even more.

Until now, she finally believed that he was playing tricks. She panicked and asked her father what to do?Chen Jinrong sighed: "I blame my negligence for not taking precautions in time, let him act first.

Now we can only wait and see. "

Chen Qianqian was not as calm as he was, she got up and was about to rush out the door: "I'll go find him, I'll admit my mistake.

Before the matter reached the point of no return, I went to apologize to him. "

Chen Jinrong quickly pulled her back: "Qiqian, calm down, things are not that bad yet!"


Chen Qianqian desperately broke free from her father's hand: "I don't believe he would treat me like this! As long as I go to him, he will forgive me!"


Chen Jinrong was also angry: "How humble do you have to be! My Chen Jinrong's daughter doesn't need to beg for pity from others so lowly!"

Chen Qianqian had already been crying with tears streaming down her face: "Father, just let me try it.

You let me meet her, he won't be so heartless. "

If in the past, Chen Qianqian was crying like this, Chen Jinrong would surrender no matter what.

But now, he only hated himself for spoiling her so stupidly and naively! "Cissy's matter is not that serious, it's just a little stock right now."

Immediately, he became ruthless again: "If you walk out of this door, you are not my daughter!"

Chen Qianqian slumped on the ground crying, heartbroken.

Seeing his daughter like this, Chen Jinrong couldn't help but harden his heart.

He knelt down and put his arms around his daughter's shoulders: "Don't worry, leave these things to Dad.

Dad must find a way to help you tie Dongfang Yanhe. "

In the past, I really underestimated him, only thinking that he took over the Dongfang Zhan industry smoothly.

Later, because of Chen Qianqian's relationship, I observed carefully and found that this young man was good, courageous and far-sighted, and being his son-in-law of the Chen family would be a good thing.

Only now has he seen Dongfang Yanhe's methods.

It turns out that he is not only capable, but also a wolf who can only eat people! "Buzz..."

The phone on the desk rang.

Chen Jinrong supported his daughter on the sofa before answering the phone.

"Chen Dong, the bidding committee decided to postpone the bidding for three days."

When the secretary's cold voice came over, Chen Jinrong was taken aback.

He originally wanted to take advantage of the fact that the public opinion had not fermented to the point of getting out of hand, and took the opportunity to buy the land in Fancheng early.

As long as this land is won, the stock price will naturally rise, and everything will be solved.

As for the public opinion, as long as he is willing to spend some money for charity and manage the media well, no one will remember the limelight once the limelight is over.

And now... Dongfang Yanhe, you are ruthless! …The next day was still a beautiful day with bright sunshine.

Driven by the news media, public opinion has intensified.

The stock price of 'Maoye' plummeted from 22 yuan to 5 yuan overnight, which surprised people.

Dongfang Yanhe sat in the room and looked at the data on the computer, and said to Lu Xingyun, "You don't have so much news, do you?"

Lu Xingyun refused: "You underestimate me too.

There is more news today. "

After a pause, he threw out another sentence: "Scroll and broadcast."

Dongfang Yanhe smiled, and made commercial news broadcast as frequently as advertisements, and he, Lu Xingyun, was also No. 1.

As soon as the voice fell, I heard the familiar sound of news broadcasting from the TV in the living room.

"According to our reporter's follow-up report.

The reason why Yuanhang Group and Dongfang Group's joint investment project "died" in the process is indeed because of the Maoye consortium's behind-the-scenes operation.

The party involved, Yan Minzhi, claimed that Mr. Chen Jinrong, chairman of the Maoye Consortium, had indeed instructed him to divest midway.

Leading to a serious financial crisis in the Eastern Group. "

"Maoye Group has not responded to this claim.

But the general manager of Maoye Group has been taken away for investigation.

With the fermentation of public opinion, the share price of Maoye Group fell below 21.1 yuan overnight.

Please continue to pay attention to the report of this station for news related to the case. "

Immediately afterwards, the TV directly followed the interviews with stock market commentators, and conducted a comprehensive and thorough analysis of the impact of this 'scandal event' on the stock market.

Lu Xingyun proudly said: "How is it? Not bad? How is my news going? But the TV station's program is well connected, so I just invite two people to come up and comment."

His attitude of persevering in seeking praise did not make Dongfang Yanhe laugh or angry.

Fortunately, he did it beautifully, otherwise who would dare to be so presumptuous in front of him.

Seeing Dongfang Yanhe but smiling silently, Lu Xingyun said: "You will die if you praise me a few words?"

Dongfang Yanhe rolled his eyes at him: "How old are you?"

Still doing such childish things!When Lu Xingyun was scolded by him, he also felt that he was very naive, so he stopped talking.

After being quiet for a while, he asked in a chirpy voice, "When can we go out? I'm almost growing hairy here."

"If you want to go out and be eaten by reporters, I won't stop you."

This hotel is owned by the Dongfang Group, and Dongfang Yanhe had already issued an order to block the entry and exit of all unrelated people.

The implication is that there is no one in this hotel except him, Dongfang and all the staff.

Domineering president, that's how crazy he is!Lu Xingyun used himself to push others, and laughed again: "I think Chen Jinrong's place is very lively, I really want to go and see it!"

Dongfang Yanhe was speechless: "It's also a big consortium, why doesn't it have a hotel under its banner?"

Lu Xingyun thought for a while, and he didn't have anything under his banner as a co-author, so he was very upset: "Sooner or later my hotel will be built on the land of Fancheng!"

Whether his hotel was built in Sail City is still unknown, but the current stock price of 'Maoye' is indeed inversely proportional, falling all the way down.

Even though Chen Jinrong has not been affected, he still sits in command and directs the Quartet.

But the sharp drop in the stock price has become the general trend, and he can only control it, but he can't turn it back.

Lu Xingyun babbled: "This Jing Yuanxi is really stable, and I don't want to make a move yet."

Both he and Dongfang Yanhe trust Jing Yuanxi's ability, this is an absolute compliment!At this time, Jing Yuanxi was indeed very stable, but Li Sheng obviously couldn't.

"Aren't we going to make a move? If we don't make a move, we will lose."

That's right, buy when the price is flat, and don't sell when the price plummets, but you will jump off the building at a loss.

"It's not yet time, just wait."

Jing Yuanxi stared at the computer, seemingly calm, but in fact his heart was already in dire straits.

The numbers on the computer are constantly changing all the time.

Jing Yuanxi stared at the computer and said, "Li Sheng, call Li Panlong!"

Li Sheng suddenly regained his spirits: "How much is it? Throw it away?"


Maoye Group's stock price plunged again, plummeting from 21 yuan 1 to 20 yuan 5 cents!Jing Yuanxi has already calculated that the money lost at this point can be recovered in his later operations.

The large-scale sell-off of the stock market is like a flood opening, rushing into the sea.

Let the originally precarious stock price drop to freezing point in an instant!Jing Yuanxi and Li Panlong have never cooperated before, but they have a surprisingly tacit understanding in this incident.

The two parties joined hands to open the gate, no matter how big and strong the capital of 'Maoye' is, it will not be able to withstand the menacing onslaught.

Seeing the beating numbers in the stock market, Li Sheng's eyes turned red with excitement.

The phone rang.

"Brother, your handwriting is magnificent! It's exciting!"

There was uncontrollable excitement in Li Panlong's voice.

It can be seen that he is also staring at the stock market, waiting for Jing Yuanxi to issue orders.

Jing Yuanxi didn't let Huanxi go to his head, and said modestly: "President Li is absurd."


Li Panlong said these two words in a loud voice.

After the excitement, he asked again: "What shall we do next?"

Jing Yuanxi chuckled: "Mr. Li just needs to keep throwing it away.

I'll do the rest. "

After all, there are a lot of goods in hand.

After hanging up the phone, Jing Yuanxi said to Li Sheng: "This Li Panlong is also a man of temperament, I didn't expect to really follow him."

Li Sheng smiled: "Looking at his previous style of play, I always felt that he was playing here and there, and being an 'angel' all depends on luck.

This collaboration is really impressive. "

This cooperation is the first combination of 'Angel' and 'Rongtai'.

Both of the two companies 'opened the gate', which established the trend of the big tree of 'Maoye' doomed to fall.

After this time, we never cooperated again.

The two parties invested in the enterprise, you sing and I come on the stage, and each has taken the lead in countless confrontations.

And this move shocked the entire business world.

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