"I'm in the car now, and I'm going to Doudou's kindergarten to find out what's going on. You come here directly..."

Jing Yiren pressed for a while, and suddenly cried out, "Brother, brother... what should I do, Doudou is still so small, I'm afraid, brother..."

Jing Yuanxi's heart was broken, he quickened his pace, and comforted Jing Yiren with a soft voice, "It's okay, Yiren, brother is here, brother will help you find Doudou, Doudou will come back safely, it's okay..."

Jing Yiren was sobbing, trying not to let herself cry out, forcing herself to calm down and analyze the situation, and said intermittently, "The kindergarten teacher called and said that Doudou was taken away by a man in black wearing a hat and mask. Doudou is so small, it is impossible to offend anyone, those people must have moved their minds on Doudou because of me..."

Jing Yuanxi got into the car, connected his mobile phone to the bluetooth on the car, and comforted Jing Yiren as he set off in the direction of Jingdoudou Kindergarten, "Don't worry, Yiren, let's check the situation first, the kindergarten should have called the police, it's okay Yes, I will definitely bring Doudou back to you."

Jing Yiren replied vaguely, probably hearing the sound of Jing Yuanxi's car starting, sniffing his nose, "Brother, you concentrate on driving, hang up first, you pay attention to safety."

Jing Yuanxi responded, hung up the phone, and drove to the destination.

Jing Yi's family is not very far from the kindergarten, and they will arrive soon, and soon Jing Yuanxi will also arrive.

When Jing Yiren saw Jing Yuanxi, it was like a drowning person seeing driftwood, and anxiously pulled Jing Yuanxi to watch the surveillance video.

On the surveillance, a man in black clothes and a mask hat knocked Jing Doudou unconscious in just 3 minutes, and then fled over the wall.

When Jing Yiren saw Jing Doudou, whose face was pale in the arms of the man who took Jing Doudou away, he felt extremely distressed, and the tears that had just been suppressed just now swirled in his eyes again.

Jing Yuanxi patted her on the shoulder as a kind of silent comfort.

Jing Yiren covered her mouth, trying not to cry out.

At the same time, the police have already stepped in and started to investigate the whereabouts of the person who took Jing Doudou away.

The young policeman asked Jing Yiren with a serious face, "Do you usually have any enemies or the like? We suspect that this is a premeditated kidnapping."

Jing Yiren's mood is not stable now, but when it comes to the safety of Jing Doudou, her brain is spinning rapidly, and finally she hesitates to say a name that comes to mind at the first moment.

"Zhao Xiner."

Jing Yiren pursed her lips, "I have some misunderstandings and grievances with her."

The young policeman nodded, "Thank you for your cooperation. If necessary, we will contact you again. Please rest assured that we will definitely help you find your child."

Jing Yiren nodded and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

The young policeman nodded, "It's nothing, serving the people is what our police should do."

Jing Yiren returned home in a daze, Jing Yuanxi didn't feel at ease that she was alone, so he accompanied her to her house.

Jing Yiren sat on the sofa in a daze. After a long silence, she suddenly said, "Brother, don't tell your parents. Mom is not in good health. Don't irritate them."

Jing Yuanxi nodded, and said with some distress, "Don't worry, Doudou will find it."

Jing Yiren covered her face, trembling all over, tears fell on the ground through her fingers.

"I'm afraid, brother," Jing Yiren sobbed, "I only have Doudou left."

"He's still so young, that person doesn't know what to do to him, will he be hungry..."

Jing Yiren's mind is very confused now, and now his mind is full of news reports about human traffickers buying children, human traffickers selling human organs and so on.

Jing Yuanxi gently hugged Jing Yiren, "Trust me, brother, I will give you an explanation."

Jing Yiren didn't speak, but his shoulders were still trembling.

After crying for an unknown amount of time, Jing Yiren fell into a deep sleep.

Jing Yuanxi carried Jing Yiren to bed, walked to the balcony and smoked a cigarette, and after finishing smoking, he called some friends.

Although the people's police are very reliable, there are still some things that he needs to investigate by himself.

Jing Yuanxi sighed, looking at the number marked with Dongfang Yanhe's name, he didn't know whether to call or not.

This is City A, which is the territory of Dongfang Yanhe, unlike in the United States, so he is debating whether to tell Dongfang Yanhe to let him help with this, maybe he can solve the case quickly.

After thinking for a while, Jing Yuanxi sighed, and decided to let go of his opinions and hostility towards his rival, and called Dongfang Yanhe.

The phone was picked up quickly, and Dongfang Yanhe's indifferent voice rang out, "What's the matter?"

"Doudou was kidnapped."

Jing Yuanxi smoked a cigarette again, and said.

"What did you say?"

Dongfang Yanhe's voice suddenly raised, and it was a rare day for him who was always calm to speak in a flustered tone, "When did Yi Ren know? Is Doudou safe? Is there any clue now? What can I do? ?”

Dongfang Yanhe was a little incoherent, but he still asked the question he wanted to know the most.

"I'll answer them one by one."

Jing Yuanxi heaved a sigh of relief, at last he did nothing wrong, this person still cared about Yiren and Doudou, "This afternoon Yiren sent Doudou to kindergarten, and after a few hours, Yiren received a call from the kindergarten teacher, saying that Doudou Dou was kidnapped, and the kidnapper was a man in black, who shot very quickly and skillfully, it seems to be a targeted kidnapping."

"I don't know the whereabouts of that person and Doudou at the moment, and I don't know if Doudou is safe, and there are no calls from kidnappers or the like."

Jing Yuanxi took a puff of cigarette, "Now the police have intervened in the investigation, but Yiren is in a bad mood now, and just fell asleep crying, now I need you and me to find a way to find Doudou."

At the end, Jing Yuanxi added, "No matter what method is used."

Jing Yuanxi thought for a while, and then added, "At present, I will start with Zhao Xiner, and she is the most suspected right now."

"Xin'er? Why?"

Dongfang Yanhe raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Oh, you may not know," Jing Yuanxi chuckled, but there was a cloud of ink in his eyes, "Zhao Xiner plagiarized Yi Ren's design draft for the previous competition. Fortunately, Yi Ren discovered it early, otherwise the present The trending search for scarves must have been plagiarized by Yi Ren."

Dongfang Yanhe couldn't believe it, no wonder Zhao Xiner suddenly went to participate in some fashion design competition... It turned out to be like this, so when he praised her for the good design, Zhao Xiner just smiled, and then changed the topic away.

Dongfang Yanhe's mood is a bit complicated now. Although he knew that Zhao Xin'er was not a good person, he never expected that she would be so bold.

Seeing that Dongfang Yanhe had stopped talking, Jing Yuanxi sneered, "That's it, keep in touch, and let me know if there is any situation."

Dongfang Yanhe pursed his lips, responded, paused, and then hesitated to say, "Take care of Yiren, please."

Jing Yuanxi sneered, "I don't need your reminder."

Jing Yuanxi hung up the phone after speaking.

Dongfang Yanhe hung up the phone, his face turned cold.

He immediately called his personal assistant.

"Find out a person's whereabouts for me immediately."

"Start checking from Jiangxin Kindergarten."

"A man in black kidnapped my son Jing Doudou."

"Tomorrow I will have the result."

The next day, when Jing Yiren woke up, Jing Yuanxi had already made breakfast.

Jing Yiren was sitting at the dining table, sipping millet porridge, her eyes were blurred by the mist, and Jing Yuanxi's heart ached for her distraught appearance.

Jing Yuanxi tapped the table with his index finger, "I informed Dongfang Yanhe yesterday.

Doudou's whereabouts are over there. After you finish this bowl of porridge, we'll go look for him. "

Jing Yiren's expression suddenly brightened, and his chaotic eyes also became alive.

Jing Yiren also finished his porridge quickly, and dragged Jing Yuanxi to the parking lot.

When they arrived at the gate of Dongfang Yanhe Company, Dongfang Yanhe frowned and rushed out. Seeing them coming, he got into Jing Yuanxi's car directly, "Go to the abandoned chemical plant on the outskirts of the city."

Jing Yuanxi's car quickly turned a corner and walked towards the abandoned chemical factory.

Dongfang Yanhe felt distressed when he saw Jing Yiren haggard and anxious, but the most important thing now was Doudou's safety.

Dongfang Yanhe quickly sorted out the logic, and said, "I asked my assistant to check the surveillance video near Jiangxin Kindergarten last night, and found that the surveillance of that section of road conditions was either broken or the video tape was erased.

Then Dongfang Yanhe paused, and said; "So those policemen can't start from this aspect.

I looked at the cameras on the section of the road where the surveillance cameras were broken, and then I found the trace of the man. The last thing he appeared on the surveillance was a van without a license plate, and then the van Go in the direction of the abandoned factory on the outskirts of the city.

Where are we going to find it now, I have notified the police. "

Looking at Dongfang Yanhe's bloodshot eyes and the deep tiredness on his face, Jing Yiren said gratefully, "Thank you."

Dongfang Yanhe rubbed Jing Yiren's head and smiled, "That's our child."

Jing Yuanxi squeezed the steering wheel tightly, but did not speak.

Just when the three people in the car fell silent, Jing Yiren's cell phone rang suddenly.

Jing Yiren took out his mobile phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. The three of them immediately looked at each other, alarm bells ringing in their hearts.

Jing Yiren answered the phone with a trembling voice, "Hello?"

The voice on the other end of the phone seemed to be using a voice changer. It was hoarse and a bit yin and yang, and let out a weird laugh. Fortunately, the person on the other end of the phone had nothing to foreshadow, and said straight to the point, "Your son is in my hands. If you want him to go back alive, now bring 1000 million dollars to the abandoned chemical plant on the outskirts of the city to redeem him, remember, only you are allowed to come!"

When Jing Yiren heard the price he offered, he couldn't help exclaiming, "1000 million US dollars?!"

The man sneered, and continued to speak in a strange manner, "With so many people behind you, you can't even get 1000 million dollars?"

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