Jing Yuanxi shook his head slowly: "I can't say it well, this method of not knowing the origin makes me feel insecure.

In short, you should check it first, and don't take it lightly. "

Seeing that he was so cautious, Li Sheng couldn't help but get serious: "Then what should we do? Should we notify President Dongfang?"

Jing Yuanxi thought for a while: "Stand still and let him follow.

You find out who it is first, so we can judge his intentions. "

At that time, we will know whether it is a "public relations" or clean up.

He did not change his plan because of this, but slowly increased his buying range.

The purchase of small stocks is their tripartite collective investment.

When the effect is shown, the three groups will join forces to sell with their inherent assets.

What Jing Yuanxi is operating now is an important link, and there is no room for loss.

Jing Yuanxi is not easy here, but Lu Xingyun is as comfortable as if he has returned to the base camp.

He dragged Dongfang Yanhe to the bidding land, as if it was already in his pocket.

Standing on the beach with his waist pinched, pointing Jiangshan: "Dongfang Yanhe, look around.

How vast is our territory, how wide is our sea. "

Dongfang Yanhe doubted his decision for the first time, why should he cooperate with this kind of person?If it wasn't for his lack of literary talents, would he still want to write a poem?Lu Xingyun jumped down the slope: "I said why are you so calm? Soon, this area will be ours!"

Dongfang Yanhe very much agrees that this piece of land must be his own.

He could understand Lu Xingyun's excitement. After all, a person who insisted on doing business suddenly became a "landlord". This kind of impact really feels like sitting on a gold brick.

But he really didn't feel excited, because... "Strictly speaking, many lands are mine."

First blood!To Lu Xingyun, this sentence was a blow to his heart!He cheered up and refused to accept: "Don't be arrogant, I am also planning to develop in the real estate industry, and gradually there will be more!"

Dongfang Yanhe said indifferently: "That is also what I need to play with you."

No way, just have this confidence.

Double Kill! !Lu Xingyun continued to argue: "I mean more! More and more!"

Dongfang Yanhe lit a cigarette, and said lightly, "That won't be as many as me."

Ace! ! !Lu Xingyun also followed, and said slowly, "Who wants to argue with you on such a boring topic, it's childish."

This time, Dongfang Yanhe didn't hate him, he just gave him a look and felt it for himself.

It probably means, did you just know that you are naive?They cover different fields.

The Lu family only specializes in one line, and it is second to none in its industry. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a monopoly.

He insisted on "beating" Dongfang Yanhe's advantages with his own shortcomings, but he was beaten to death.

With the sea breeze blowing, Dongfang Yanhe thought, how good it would be if Yiren and Doudou were together.

In this kind of romantic time, there is actually a silly old man standing beside him.

On the phone yesterday, Doudou's voice still lingers in my heart.

The phrase "Daddy, I miss you."

Dongfang Yanhe wished to settle the matter at hand immediately and go back to accompany his son.

It was the first time he experienced this feeling.

This is different from what Yi Ren gave him, it is a kind of bondage and yearning of blood.

He has been independent since he was a child. In order to train him to be a qualified successor, his father, Dongfang Zhan, arranged a lot of time for him every day.

He has neither the time nor the emotion to miss and care about.

Excluding Zhao Xiner's love affair, it was not until she fell in love with Jing Yiren that she seemed to have opened up her feelings and had a concept of home.

What's more, there is a feeling of being in love with home.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he couldn't wait. He had to solve the matter of Fancheng as soon as possible before he could go back.

He picked up his phone and dialed Jing Yuanxi's number.

"How is your place now? How much did you charge?"

"There was a little accident, and someone followed us to eat secretly."

Jing Yuanxi didn't hide it either.

Dongfang Yanhe frowned: "Have you found out who it is?"

"Not yet, there will be news tomorrow."

"Is it a large proportion?"

"It seems that there are not many, and he does not dare to be long. This is following us."

Dongfang Yanhe nodded: "Don't worry about him, just make sure we hold the position first."

Jing Yuanxi said: "That's what I mean too.

Let's see who is playing tricks tomorrow. "

Putting down the phone, Lu Xingyun hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

"There's something wrong with Jing Yuanxi."

It was rare for Dongfang Yanhe to talk to him patiently.

Lu Xingyun said: "At this time... the visitor is not kind!"

Dongfang Yanhe didn't know what the other party's intentions were, so it was hard to jump to conclusions, but as long as the general direction was correct, Jing Yuanxi could handle this situation by himself.

Three days passed quickly, and the bidding meeting finally gave the results.

A total of forty groups entered the second bidding.

Dongfang Group and 'Maoye' are not surprisingly listed.

There is no suspense in this kind of sea investment, but apart from Dongfang Yanhe and Chen Jinrong, the other 38 companies are very happy.

Being shortlisted means that the assets and qualifications have certain strength, and even in the business world, it can be regarded as regaining the sense of presence and showing its face.

Many of them are scrambling to chat with Dongfang Yanhe, hoping to have a chance to cooperate.

This is even more so with Chen Jinrong.

Ordinary people dare not approach Dongfang Yanhe's cold aura, but it is rare for a few people who are not afraid of death to be forced back by his eyes.

On the contrary, Lu Xingyun fought fiercely with others.

He wants to develop real estate lines, of course he will not let go of this good opportunity to make contacts.

With a three-inch tongue, he really caught up with many threads.

When he felt his mouth was dry, he realized that Dongfang Yanhe left him here and drove away by himself.

Some of them would wink, and immediately took the opportunity to say: "Mr. Lu, why don't we find a restaurant to eat and chat?"

"That's right, I've heard about Lu Yang Industry's name a long time ago, and this time I'm lucky enough to make friends with you, Mr. Lu can give us this face."

Lu Xingyun achieved his goal, and he was not in the mood to "play around" with them anymore.

I politely declined everyone's kindness, and called Dongfang Yanhe.

"I said you just threw me here?"

Dongfang Yanhe said indifferently: "I see that you have both sides, and I don't know how long we will talk, so of course you will come back first."

Lu Xingyun was helpless, he should have appreciated Dongfang Yanhe's behavior: "Hurry up and send a car to pick me up, you can't let me go back!"

Dongfang Yanhe hung up the phone with a "snap", but notified the driver to pick him up.

The tender will be strict, and all members of the tender will sign a non-disclosure agreement.

He didn't know anything about Maoye's plan and reserve price.

You can't see anything in the first round, but you can see the clues in the second round of screening.

Bidding, to put it bluntly, is to see who has strong assets in their hands, and the one with the highest price wins.

Of course, future planning and design solutions are also indispensable.

The phone rang.

"Dongfang Yanhe, the person who intervened has been found out.

It's angel investment! "

Jing Yuanxi said.

Angel investment?Why did he come out and make a move? "Can you guess the intention?"

Jing Yuanxi said with a guilty conscience: "It probably has something to do with me."


Jing Yuanxi thought for a while: "It can't be said."

In terms of business, 'Rongtai' and angel investment are evenly divided. After so many years without incident, they are really not rivals.

After finding the source, Dongfang Yanhe was not so worried.

It's good to know who it is. As for the intention, since Jing Yuanxi knows it, let him do it.

"Well, then you solve it as soon as possible."

Jing Yuanxi hung up the phone, feeling a little aggrieved.

When he knew it was an angel investment, he was very surprised.

When he reacted, he seemed to have been hit by a big thunder!When he was looking for investment, the first thing he looked for was angel investment, but he was used by that brainless landlady and indirectly offended Li Panlong, an angel investor, so he found Rongtai investment.

He thought it was just an episode, but he didn't expect someone to take it as the main theme, waiting to play him here.

What an innocent lie!But what is the benefit of Li Panlong following him like this?He couldn't imagine the other party's intentions, or the benefits of doing so.

Looks like I'm going to meet him in person.

This meeting, don't have to worry about the last time.

He simply didn't show up by himself and asked Li Sheng to ask him out.

After setting the time, Jing Yuanxi went to the meeting alone.

"Mr. Li, it's nice to meet you."

He shook hands with Li Panlong.

"Jing Yuanxi, you really have heard the name for a long time."

Li Panlong laughed with a 'general's belly' on his face.

"My time is also very tight. Mr. Jing came to ask me out. Why don't you just tell me if you have anything to say."

Li Panlong cut to the chase.

Jing Yuanxi sized him up, he really lived up to his name.

Same... informal and rich.

Wearing a large piece of jade Guanyin around the neck, you can tell that it is worth a lot of money just by looking at it.

The big golden ring on her hand shows her status.

The not-so-high stature and the 'general's belly' make it look like a ball inlaid with gold and jade, it's a real local tyrant!He heard that the helm of the angel investment was lucky and an upstart on a rocket. He heard it and was noncommittal.

Investing in this business is indeed a large part of luck.

Angel investment and 'Rongtai' are simply two extremes.

'Angel' is more daring to fight, and he has made money from seemingly risky and risky investments.

Once or twice is called luck, no matter how many words, who dares to say that it is not worth it?Besides, even if it is luck, the god of luck is standing behind them, can you do anything?But when I saw him today, Jing Yuanxi was really a little... Well, sometimes he doesn't understand women's eyes, why does the landlady like Qianjiao Baimei like him? "President Li is happy, so I won't hold back anymore.

This time I have an appointment with you, I mainly want to know if 'Angel' is also interested in 'Maoye'? "

Jing Yuanxi said.

After listening, Li Panlong laughed: "I knew it was because of this.

Mr. Jing might as well guess, what is my intention? "

Jing Yuanxi hooked the corner of his mouth: "Mr. Li will not think that 'Rongtai' is going to swallow 'Maoye' by himself."

He is not interested in guessing Li Panlong's purpose, the most important thing now is to find out the other party's background and know how much he knows.

Li Panlong waved his hand: "No! Pei Qilin is still sensible, he is not crazy enough to hit a stone with an egg.

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