Dongfang Yanhe and Lu Xingyun are left.

As a single dog, Lu Xingyun fell asleep even when he went home.

So he looked at Dongfang Yanhe expectantly, and he decided that no matter whether Dongfang Yanhe went home or had other arrangements, he would follow.

It is best to have an arrangement. If there is no arrangement, he will go to see Doudou. Anyway, he doesn't want to go home by himself in a daze.

Seeing his appearance, Dongfang Yanhe understood his intention in seconds.

Regardless of Lu Xingyun's feelings, he said coldly: "Yiren won't let me play with idiots."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Lu Xingyun yelling behind him, he took the key and drove home.

Just kidding, my wife and children are waiting at home, what am I going to do with you as a single dog.

...Jing Yuanxi hung up the phone and drove to Tang Tiantian's house.

Before reaching the door of her house, she saw water flowing on the ground.

He hurried in.

I thought it would be like the show on TV, where the girl begged him for help while holding the water from the faucet.

But Tang Tiantian was obviously not. She sat on the sofa comfortably, playing with her mobile phone, and letting the water flow freely.

Seeing her like this, Jing Yuanxi was not in a hurry anymore, and joked, "What are you doing? Raising fish?"

Tang Tiantian saw Jing Yuanxi coming, and immediately changed her anxious face: "Oh, you are here, help me fix the faucet, I'm flooded."

Jing Yuanxi smiled: "I don't think you are in a hurry? How about... Shall we let it flow for a while?"

Tang Tiantian said helplessly: "Don't look at me sitting, in fact, I just finished my work, and I'm complaining to Xiaoyan!"

Hearing Pei Yan, Jing Yuanxi smiled warmly: "What are you complaining about?"

Little bad girl, she didn't even hear from her when she left the country, and she didn't reply to any messages she sent.

"Tucao you are slow, or she asked me to call you to help, if I knew you were so slow, I would have called a repairman."

Tang Tiantian got cheap and behaved.

Jing Yuanxi made a gesture to leave: "Yes, you can call a repairman.

I'm still busy. "

Seeing that he was really going to leave, Tang Tiantian stepped on the ground to pull him, regardless of the water on the ground: "Oh, I was just joking.

Xiaoyan said that you are the best, please help me. "

"Did she really say that?"

Tang Tiantian nodded very seriously.

"That's fine, you call her and I'll verify it.

If it is true as you said, I will help you. "

Silly girl, she will hide!See if I can find you out!
Is Jing Yuanxi here? "

Pei Yan's voice came from the phone, which made Jing Yuanxi feel how much he missed him.

How long have you not heard?In the past, when she dangled in front of her eyes, she didn't find it annoying or disturbing.

Since when did I feel like I miss it.


Jing Yuanxi said.

"Ah! Why are you?"

What a long-lost surprise, Jing Yuanxi thought.

He even seemed to see the cute little girl's eyes wide open in surprise.

"Why can't it be me? You are allowed to disappear, but I am not allowed to look for it?"

Pei Yan's voice was full of temptation: "Well... are you looking for me?"

"Yes, let's talk, why don't you answer the phone and text message?"

Jing Yuanxi is going to ask the teacher for the crime.

Pei Yan faltered and said: "Then I'm busy, I don't have time."

Jing Yuanxi exposed it mercilessly: "You don't have time to reply to me, but you have time to listen to Tang Tiantian's complaints?"

Hearing that she didn't say anything for a long time, Jing Yuanxi had no choice but to let her go: "How is it abroad? Is the performance going well?"

Speaking of this, Pei Yan immediately cheered up: "Jing Yuanxi, you don't know how good the response is.

What belongs to the nation belongs to the world, this saying is not wrong at all. "

She gushed: "You have no idea how worried I was before the show, thinking foreigners wouldn't like or understand our country's music.

It turned out that was not the case, they not only liked it, they were simply intoxicated! "

Jing Yuanxi had a smile in his eyes, as if carrying countless tender feelings, he responded with a warm voice.

"It turns out that grandpa was right, our 5000-year cultural accumulation, after removing the dross, what remains is the essence.

I just felt the charm of domestic art.

We accept Western culture, absorb the advantages of both sides, and use their instruments to play our country's ancient tunes. "

He could feel Pei Yan's excitement, and even his voice seemed to be radiant.

"It's very popular anyway.

I like it so much, what should I do? "

In the end, she was completely immersed in joy, completely forgetting the embarrassment when facing Jing Yuanxi.

Jing Yuanxi accompanied her and said, "If you like it, keep doing it.

Chinese civilization is a shining pearl in human history.

When you come back from what you have learned, you will naturally carry it forward. "

"What about you? How are you doing recently?"

Pei Yan said.

Jing Yuanxi thought for a while: "Well...not very good."

Pei Yan's voice was a little anxious: "What's wrong? I heard from grandpa that you are going to discuss a big business, and you want to show your strength."

"Yes, we're done."

"What's wrong with that?"

Jing Yuanxi thought, Pei Yan is really stupid, not just pretending.

He had no choice but to say it more bluntly: "There is a silly girl who doesn't answer."

Pei Yan said embarrassingly: "Then I will answer next time, okay?"

Jing Yuanxi laughed out loud: "Okay, any time is fine.

Come back quickly, I have something to tell you. "


Then I hang up first. "

"it is good."



Jing Yuanxi said: "Hang up?"

There was a moment of silence on the phone, he could even hear Pei Yan's breathing.

After a while she said, "Then I'm really dead."

Tang Tiantian couldn't stand it anymore, she stepped forward and pulled Jing Yuanxi and said, "Don't get bored, help me fix the water pipe!"

Jing Yuanxi had no choice but to pick up her toolbox.

When I was cultivating, there was an unconscious smile on the corner of my mouth.

Such a smile is too dazzling, people can't take their eyes off.

Tang Tiantian looked a little dazed, and Jing Yuanxi's look on the phone with Pei Yan before was an expression she had never seen with anyone else.

No matter whether he is asking questions, joking, or pampering later, there is tenderness.

This is what a lover would look like.

Tang Tiantian knew that Jing Yuanxi was handsome, and she agreed with Pei Yan's evaluation of him as sunny, cheerful and clean.

This is an obsessive condition that no girl can avoid.

But what she didn't say was that she didn't have time to read text messages at the airport.

The first time I saw Jing Yuanxi, I knew it was him.

In a group of people is so outstanding.

But these thoughts of hers cannot be uttered, they will be kept in her heart for the rest of her life.


It should be fine. "

Jing Yuanxi tried the faucet switch without knowing it, and went back and forth several times.

Tang Tiantian came back to her senses: "You are amazing.

thanks, thanks. "

Jing Yuanxi smiled: "You're welcome.

Of course I have to take care of Pei Yan's best friend. "

Tang Tiantian pursed her lips, and then said, "Thank you for your hard work, otherwise I would like to invite you to eat to express my gratitude."

Jing Yuanxi looked at his watch. The party at night was talking about things and he was called here before he started eating. He was really hungry now.

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