This wealthy family is too rich for me

Chapter 274 Double Happiness

Dongfang Yanhe drove the car calmly, ready to pick up Jing Yiren.

A phone rang, it was Lu Xingyun.

"The people of 'Voyage' have returned to China."

It's rare for him to be so serious.

"where are you now?"

"Currently in Xiangjiang."

"Well, don't do it yet.

Wait until he goes inland. "

Lu Xingyun was not sure: "Will he run away from Xiangjiang directly?"

Dongfang Yanhe chuckled: "No, you just send someone to look after his family.

Do it secretly. "

"it is good."

Dongfang Yanhe was in a good mood, it was really double happiness.

The accelerator was stepped up, and the Bugatti Veyron went out with a "buzz".

He wanted to share it with Jing Yiren quickly.

The conversation with Jing Yiren was coming to an end.

I decided to come to the opposite studio to check out the reality. I just finished making the wedding dress today, so I made time to take a look.

It was exactly as she expected.

The studio is divided into upper and lower floors. Besides the boss Mo Yu, there are several designers brought back from abroad.

For such a big battle, Mo Yu must have sufficient funds.

The decoration and the designers invited are not a small expense.

When she went, she didn't meet Mo Yu, only her two assistants were there.

Looking at the design model they are supervising, its style and preferences are exactly that of an old client of hers.

I glanced at the work in the hands of other designers... Well, almost all of them are from her shop.

Jing Yiren knew it well.

But she finds it very strange that she has gone to such great lengths just to kill her small studio?Overkill, right? "Miss Jing, it's fate that the studio is so close.

We can take care of each other when we have work in the future.

Don't worry, our studio is doing private orders in the high-end field, and there will be no business conflicts. "

The assistant's implication was that they were top-notch designers who took the international route, and they would not retaliate against a small studio like Jing Yiren's, and her businessmen would disdain them.

Looking at the familiar pattern drawn by the designer, Jing Yiren smiled slightly: "It's really high-end.

I think it's a rare coincidence, so I just came to see it.

Don't be shy with me if you need help. "

She pretended to appreciate the first draft of the French designer: "This style and preference are familiar.

I remember that I once had a client who also liked to add beaded flowers to the waist, but she preferred the beaded flower to make it like this..."

Jing Yiren picked up the pen casually, and made some simple changes on the drawing.

The assistant's expression was awkward for a moment: "Maybe everyone's aesthetic style is similar.

You also know that these rich ladies like to follow suit, and when they see a dress that looks good, they want to make something similar. "

Jing Yi knew very well that her words were so far-fetched that even children couldn't be fooled.

If a person with status likes to be the same, why should he make a private appointment?But she didn't care about it, and continued: "The studio opened by a big designer is really different.

I heard that you were able to receive so many orders not long after you returned to China, which is really enviable. "

Jing Yiren asked the purpose of this trip: "I don't know if I can ask for advice. Did you pave the way for customers before returning to China, or did you open up the market after returning to China?"

The assistant smiled modestly, but he was very proud of what he said: "Our Boss Mo has won so many awards and is well-known all over the world, so we naturally deliver business wherever we go.

After returning to China, those who came to her for designs were of course flocking to her. "

It turned out that the source of customers was expanded only after returning to China.

Foreigners have a peculiarity in their character, and it is better to be acquainted than to be unripe.

The design and workmanship of Jingyi people are impeccable, and the old customers use "smoothly", and the price is fair, not to mention the human kindness in it.

It's not that it won't be changed, it's just that there is no more sweetness, and it is not so easy to change.

Don't look at this Mo Yu's background, no matter how many awards she has won, she may not be able to design a style that foreigners like.

She should have worked hard to dig out the customers in her own hands, and made and revised the design draft regardless of the finished products of several designers.

So, how did Mo Yu get his source information?In order to protect the privacy of customers, she locks all the customer's information and design drafts in the safe before leaving get off work every day.

Only Zhou Ning and himself have access to these materials.

Zhou Ning would not do this kind of thing, she is more anxious than herself when encountering competition.

Then those who send fabrics and materials will have no chance to touch them.

And the design draft is shown to the client... Yes, once or twice the power of the studio was overhauled, and the whole building was cut off.

Her design drawings could not be sent to the client in time.

Please ask the driver to bring the design drafts and send them over one by one.

That's when the driver took the customer registration book.

And this time Miss Shan's expensive wedding dress was also transported by him.

There was a car accident and the wedding dress was ruined, but he was safe and sound.

If he was really 'instigated' by Mo Yu, when was he bought off?Was this accident an accident?Jing Yiren thought he was kind to him, why on earth did he do this?She didn't want to convict people without evidence.

But all these things were pieced together, and she had to be suspicious.

The important thing now is to get in touch with the driver, Lao Feng, and find out what he has to say.

Since the car accident, Lao Feng suffered a little skin trauma, and Jingyi people have been going all out to make Miss Shan's wedding dress recently, there is no use for the driver, so he was given a few days off.

She found out the personal information provided by Lao Feng when he came to work, and decided to make a visit.

Lao Feng's home is in the old town on the outskirts of the city.

It was dirty and noisy inside, and it was dinner time, and many people moved their tables to the alley to eat.

Jing Yiren walked through the crooked alleys before seeing a red brick bungalow.

Not surprised or disgusted, she knew that in this city, there are still many hard-working people living desperately.

Before I got to the door, I saw a woman in her 40s beating a quilt to dry with a feather duster, cursing and saying: "Feng Limin, who lacks a great virtue, hasn't received a letter after walking for two days.

Leave a paralyzed man and a child at my service! "

The more I talked, the more angry I was, I pinched my waist and shouted: "How much did I owe your Feng family in my previous life? I haven't paid it back in this life? How can I live this life?"

A boy about 20 years old came out of the house, took the feather duster from her hand, took off the quilt, rolled it up and carried him into the house, persuading: "Mom, don't say a few words.

Grandma is not in good health, how sad it is for her to hear.

Neighbors in the neighborhood can't hear it well. "

The woman seemed to be losing her temper, and the more she tried to persuade her, the louder she said, "What's the matter? Am I still afraid of being ashamed? Blame him for Feng Limin's incompetence! Most of the money he earned was given to his mother to take medicine.

The rest will go to school for you!No one cares if I'm starving to death!Poor me, I am not even willing to buy new clothes in the winter. "

As she spoke, she began to cry.

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