This wealthy family is too rich for me

Chapter 251 3 Hearts 2 Intentions

"Oh, Chen Jinrong is an old fox, he really didn't care about anything for his daughter.

At such an old age, you are a junior, thanks to him for doing it. "

After thinking for a while, he said, "It's thanks to me that I didn't promise him to make a baby kiss."

It was the first time Dongfang Yanhe heard of such a thing.

I can't help but feel a little 'survival' in my heart.

"Since he doesn't want that old face, you don't have to be merciful and beat him up as a shameless old man."

Eastern battlefield.

"I didn't even intend to show mercy."

"That child from the Lu family is not bad.

Although I don't know him, I know his father.

Lu Yunfeng is open-minded and open-minded, presumably the son he taught will be no worse. "

Dongfang Yanhe said quietly: "Lu Xingyun is also a transparent person, but people change at any time. Now I cooperate with him and everything is fine. No one can say what will happen in the future."

Dongfang Zhan has nothing to do with this son: "You child...too calm."

The company's affairs are basically discussed, and Dongfang Yanhe has also made a deal and found a solution.

The old man Dongfang felt relieved and put his heart in his stomach.

Thinking of Doudou, he couldn't help but ask, "What's going on with you and Yi Ren?"

Dongfang Yanhe was unwilling to say more about his private affairs: "Dad, she and I are fine now, and we are living a good life now."

The old man got angry when he heard it: "Why do you call it good? Well, my grandson calls you 'uncle'? Why don't you care about me being called uncle?"

Seeing that his son remained silent again, he sighed: "I don't want to meddle in your private affairs, I consider myself quite enlightened, and I haven't even raised any objections to getting married.

Your mother was still very dissatisfied at the time, and I persuaded you from the sidelines. "

"I don't care how you make trouble, the grandson wants to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors.

Can't the surname be Jing all the time? "

Dongfang Yanhe took a sip of tea and said, "I know all of this, so you don't have to worry about it.

I haven't mentioned it to Yi Ren because I feel that the time is wrong, and it will be resolved sooner or later. "

It is rare for the old man to ask him seriously: "Have you thought about it? Marriage is a major event in a lifetime, and it should not be played around with.

Since you married someone, you have to be responsible to the end.

I never taught you to like the new and dislike the old since I was a child. "

Dongfang Yanhe smiled at what he said: "Where are you talking? I won't be half-hearted about Yiren."

Before going out, Dongfang Yanhe asked, "Why didn't mom come this time?"

The old man was so impatient to hug his grandson, he didn't bother to talk to him, so he just said in a hurry: "We'll be there in a while."

When the father and son went downstairs, Jing Yiren was playing Lego with Doudou.

Doudou said happily: "Uncle and Grandpa, come and play with Doudou."

The big black grape-like eyes stared at him flickeringly, making Dongfang Zhan's heart almost melt.

Hurry up and hug her in her arms, kiss the chubby little hands for a while, and pinch the pink and tender little face for a while.

The old and the young played until late at night before returning to their room.

Dongfang Yanhe lay on the bed with Jing Yiren in his arms, seeing her hesitate to speak a few times, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"I haven't had any contact with my uncle, and I didn't expect the chairman of the Eastern Group to have such a personality."

Thinking of today's "appearance" in the East War, I still can't help laughing.

Dongfang Yanhe was also very helpless: "He has such a personality, but for the sake of the family business, he had to put on a cold face to establish his prestige."

Jing Yiren thought of something again: "It was said on TV that uncle arrived yesterday, why didn't he come home today?"

Dongfang Yanhe smiled: "Father always does things 'unpredictably' and can't stay idle.

I guess he may have found an old friend and forgot to go home after playing. "

Jing Yiren also pursed his lips and smiled.

Dongfang Zhan has such a big contrast in personality, not only is she not uncomfortable, but she also likes it very much.

They all say 'rejuvenate', since the old man handed over the group to Dongfang Yanhe to take care of it, he has nothing to do, like a loose eagle, taking his wife out to let himself go.

Thinking about it, playing with it, my son is smart and capable, and he has the tendency to recreate the "prosperous age", and now he has a grandson, which is really enviable.

Thinking of Doudou, Jing Yiren felt that it was time to tell him about changing his mind.

"Yanhe... do you think it is appropriate for us to tell Doudou the truth?"

Dongfang Yanhe didn't expect her to mention it first.

This matter has passed through his mind several times, but he still hasn't figured out how to speak.

Jing Yiren was hurt badly by herself before, so she ran away in anger.

Now that he has just put aside his previous suspicions and reconciled, he is very afraid that if he mentions it, Yi Ren will think that he is stealing the child.

He didn't want to restore the relationship, because of this reason there was a gap again.

Besides, no matter what Doudou's surname is or how he is called, he is Doudou's father.

So it was suppressed.

Today's father's words were like a shot in the arm, making him think again.

No matter how hard he tried to control it, he couldn't help admitting that he was really eager. Who wouldn't want to hear his son call 'Daddy'.

Now that Jing Yiren mentioned it, of course he was too happy to be in time.

"Have you thought it over? Would you like to?"

Dongfang Yanhe, who has always been calm and calm, spoke with a rare eagerness.

Seeing that he reacted so strongly, Jing Yiren felt a little uncomfortable. He might have been looking forward to this day for a long time.

Raising his hand to touch his face, he said softly: "Of course I am willing, I didn't say it before because I was afraid that Doudou would have an extra father 'out of thin air' and I couldn't accept it.

Now that you are getting along so well, I am of course willing to tell him the truth. "

Dongfang Yanhe's deep black eyes were stained with warmth, and there was a touch of emotion in the eyes of Jing Yiren.

In the past few years since Doudou was born, as a father, not only did he not take care of him much, he even misunderstood the identity of the child.

Even if Jing Yiren never let Doudou change his mind, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Yi Ren, thank you.

I love you so much. "

As he spoke, he placed a kiss on her forehead.

Jing Yiren felt extremely happy at the moment.

She didn't want Doudou to never have the word "father" in her heart. Even if Dongfang Yanhe could give him enough fatherly love, the child still has a gap in his heart.

"Then find a suitable time and opportunity and tell him, he must be very happy."

Jing Yuanxi from Rongtai Investment was drinking coffee and staring at the computer.

This time he double-opened positions, but he swept away the bold style of closing long positions last time, and only held positions steadily.

There were several good opportunities to close positions, Li Sheng persuaded him to sell them, but Jing Yuanxi did not move.

He has a bottom line in his heart, and he will not close the position until that point is reached.

Pei Yan was sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone with a lollipop in her mouth. Seeing his concentration, she felt that if this person had a good base, he would be handsome in everything he did.

The sunlight coming in from the blinds just hit Jing Yuanxi.

He is a typical model skeleton, with wide shoulders and narrow waist, an inverted triangle, and a casual white shirt on his body, which makes him clean and refreshing.

Through the thin shirt, the lines of the muscles inside can be vaguely seen.

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