
When Doudou saw her from afar, she opened her little hands and ran towards her.

She picked up her son and kissed him on the cheek.

"Hello Auntie."

Jing Yiren turned around and saw Huanhuan and Lu Xingyun: "Huanhuan is here too? Mr. Lu, hello."

"Miss Jing, why didn't Mister Dongfang come with you today?"

Lu Xingyun greeted with a smile.

"He's busy, so I'll pick him up."

"Oh, Miss Jing has worked hard."

Jing Yiren smiled: "What's so hard about my son?"

These words made Lu Xingyun think of Huanhuan's mother. If Huanhuan's mother had half the responsibility and maternal love of Jing Yiren, Huanhuan would not become a single parent.

"Last time, I said that I would invite Miss Jing and Mr. Dongfang to dinner. I wonder when I'm free?"

Lu Xingyun changed the subject.

The last time Jing Yiren resisted eating with him so much was because of a misunderstanding.

This time he not only invited himself, but also Dongfang Yanhe.

Of course, she doesn't mind making more friends for Dongfang Yanhe on the career path: "I'll go back and ask Dongfang Yanhe, and I will tell you tomorrow when I confirm a good time."

After saying goodbye to Lu Xingyun, she drove Doudou home in the car.

Along the way, Doudouzui kept talking, telling her what happened in the kindergarten one day.

Jing Yiren listened, echoing a few words from time to time, with a smile on his lips.

"Why hasn't uncle come home yet? He promised to spend more time with Doudou."

The child was a little disappointed, so she could only coax her: "Uncle is very busy at work, Doudou must be obedient, and uncle will go home to accompany you as soon as he finishes his work."

At this time, Dongfang Yanhe was in Chen Qianqian's ward, standing beside Yan Yi, his legal counsel who had been with him for many years.

"You really brought a lawyer here!"

Chen Qianqian couldn't believe it.

Dongfang Yanhe had always been indifferent to her before, but after these things, she thought that Dongfang Yanhe had changed his opinion of her.

Even though she said to bring a lawyer, she thought she was urging him too hard.

This time I was prepared, planning to hold myself back as my father said, and play hard to get.

But she never imagined that Dongfang Yanhe would really do what he said.

"This is Lawyer Yan, put forward your idea at once.

I've spent too much energy on this matter and don't want to waste any more time. "

Dongfang Yanhe said lightly.

"Dongfang Yanhe!"

Chen Qianqian roared angrily, forgetting what she had planned before: "Don't force me!"

Dongfang Yanhe simply went to the window and said nothing.

Yan Yi opened his folder, and said in a business-like manner: "Miss Chen, let's hurry up and talk about the compensation for this accident."

Chen Qianqian was already going crazy, she didn't listen to what Yan Yi said.

He ran out of bed hysterically, grabbed Dongfang Yanhe's clothes and yelled, "Dongfang Yanhe! Where is your conscience? I'm all for you! Have you ever thought that I will never have children in my life! Do you think have not thought!"

In fact, Dongfang Yanhe was able to accommodate her in the first place because of the reason Chen Qianqian said.

Later, she pestered him again and again, which made him impatient.

Dongfang Yanhe was aware of her thoughts.

Since she was greedy, he had no choice but to go through legal procedures.

But when it came to resolving it through lawyers, her reaction was too extreme.

Dongfang Yanhe had to reorganize the incident, saying that it was impossible to have no doubts in his heart.

He frowned and shook off her hand: "Why are you so excited? Don't worry, as long as your request is within reasonable limits, I believe that lawyer Yan will handle it well."

Chen Qianqian sneered: "Ha! What can you give me? Let me tell you, I don't care too much! Do you think my Chen family has no one? With my Chen family's financial resources, do you need alms from Dongfang Yanhe?!"

Dongfang Yanhe's black eyes seemed to be stained with a layer of frost, ruthless and fierce, he stared at her and asked word by word: "Then what do you want?"

She felt that she had nowhere to go, but she had no scruples: "I want you!"

Dongfang Yanhe seemed to have heard the biggest joke in the world, curled his lips and smiled sarcasticly: "Dream!"

After speaking, he strode out the door.

Chen Qianqian picked up the cup and threw it at his feet: "Dongfang Yanhe! I like you so much and I will never let you go!"

Dongfang Yanhe turned his back to her, only tilted his head and replied indifferently: "Your liking makes me sick."

Chen Qianqian stared fiercely at the door, clenched her fists and fell down on the bed.

Jing Yiren managed to put his son to sleep, and he collapsed in the living room too tired.

The child gradually grew up, became more and more sensible, and was more difficult to coax than before, and relied more heavily on Dongfang Yanhe.

Tossing so late is because he has been arguing to wait for his uncle.

Thinking of Dongfang Yanhe, he looked at the time again.

She was a little worried why she hadn't come back yet.

It's not just Doudou who misses him, she also misses him, and wants to see him before going to bed.

"Do you want to work overtime? When will you go home?"

She sent a WeChat.

"go home now."

Just after reading the message, I heard the sound of the door opening.

"Miss me?"

Dongfang Yanhe changed his leather shoes and came over to hug her.

Leaning on his shoulder and nodding: "Well, I figured it out! Have you had dinner yet? I'll cook for you."

Said to go to the kitchen.

Dongfang Yanhe didn't let go of her, but hugged her even tighter: "Don't move, let me hug you."

Jing Yiren also knew that something had happened to him in the company recently, so he just let him hug him submissively as if he was tired.

Dongfang Yanhe felt that this moment was really good.

The crisis of the group had already left him at a loss, and Chen Qianqian's entanglement made him extremely exhausted.

Today was not without gains. Chen Qianqian was abnormally excited, as if someone had caught her sore foot, which not only made him have doubts about the car accident, but also made him even more suspicious of Chen Qianqian.

He didn't know what Chen Qianqian wanted before, so he stayed put and watched what she wanted to do.

Today Chen Qianqian has made it very clear that she wants him.

Dongfang Yanhe sneered, really painstaking.

With her character that is bound to win, could it be... After all, not long after she appeared, the group faced a major financial crisis.

Although it was not as serious as bankruptcy last time, it was still a heavy blow to him.

Is it possible... Just as I was thinking, I heard Yi Ren's soft voice: "I'd better cook for you."

Jing Yiren was really worried that he was hungry, how could he not eat after a hard day?Dongfang Yanhe let her go: "Okay, just cook anything."

He sat on the sofa, picked up the phone at hand and sent a message: "Give me a deep look into Chen Qianqian and the Huanyu Group behind her."

If it's what he guessed, then Chen Qianqian has gone mad.

Thanks to Mr. Chen, he was willing to take the entire chaebol to coax her to play.

But since Father Chen dared to do it, he must have made all the preparations so that he would not be found out easily, so Dongfang Yanhe had no choice but to leave this matter to the 'mouse'.

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