Seeing that the sky outside was gradually getting dark, Chen Qianqian raised her eyes and glanced out of the window, then deliberately put on an extremely sad expression, "Go back, master should be waiting for you to eat."

That's right, it should be late. Dongfang Yanhe is either working in the company at this time, or has already gone home.

But today, because of Chen Qianqian, there was a unique exception.

Originally, Dongfang Yanhe should indeed leave, but Dongfang Yanhe still felt very suspicious about Chen Qianqian's matter!Although I was indeed responsible for the car accident, but... "It's okay, I'll leave later."

This time, Chen Qianqian nodded but did not refuse.

I haven't seen Dongfang Yanhe for so many days. For Chen Qianqian, she also misses Dongfang Yanhe very much.

Now that he finally came, even just staying in the same space with him was something that could make her extremely excited.

"OK then."

This night, after Chen Qianqian fell asleep, Dongfang Yanhe chose to leave, but before leaving, Dongfang Yanhe's expression was ugly!As for why Dongfang Yanhe waited so long, it was just to go to the attending doctor and re-understand Chen Qianqian's current situation without Chen Qianqian's knowledge!However, Dongfang Yanhe did not get any accurate answer from the attending doctor.

This caused Dongfang Yanhe a huge headache, because Chen Qianqian's appearance caused a lot of unhappiness between Jing Yiren and himself!If it wasn't for this car accident, the current Dongfang Yanhe would only treat Chen Qianqian as a passerby!After shaking his head helplessly, Dongfang Yanhe left the hospital.

At the same time, after a day of decoration work, Jing Yiren was out of breath. After saying goodbye to Jing Yuanxi at the door of the studio, she returned to her home.

After returning home, I found that Dongfang Yanhe had not returned.

Can't help being a little surprised!But at this time, after seeing her mother coming back, Doudou hugged her mother.

"Mom, you are finally here, I miss you so much!"

"Mom misses you too?! Didn't spend much time with you all day, are you wronged?"

"No grievances, no grievances."

Doudou shook her head like a rattle, "Our teacher said that people must have a hobby. I think it's cool for my mother to work for her hobby!"

Upon hearing this, Jing Yiren couldn't help smiling.

"How do you know what my hobbies are?"

"of course!"

Doudou nodded, looking extremely confident, "Mom, you always like to draw and design beautiful little skirts when you are free, so I think this must be your hobby."

"Our Doudou is really smart."

In the past few days, Dongfang Yanhe came back much earlier than usual, so Doudou has also formed a fixed concept that Dongfang Yanhe will come back earlier.

But today, Dongfang Yanhe didn't come back for a long time... Doudou has been sitting on the sofa playing with building blocks, and when it's time to go to bed, he has no intention of going back to the bedroom.

Seeing this, Jing Yiren reminded Doudou, "It's time to go to bed, kid, go to bed.

After all, only when you sleep well can you grow taller. "

Hearing the sound, Doudou first raised her head, then lowered her head in regret, "But..."

"What's the matter? Doudou has something that hasn't been done yet."

Jing Yiren asked, "The attitude of insisting on finishing one thing is commendable, but we have made an agreement that we go to bed at this time every day, and we can't change it easily."

"Mom, why hasn't uncle come yet?"

Doudou milk asked childishly.

After hearing this, Jing Yiren probably guessed the reason why Doudou was still reluctant to sleep, "Because your uncle Dongfang still has to work!"


Doudou pouted and said.

Jing Yiren walked up to Doudou, squatted down, and said very gently, "Go to sleep!"

No, at Jing Yiren's request, Doudou obediently went to bed in the bedroom.

Now Doudou doesn't need Jing Yiren to coax him to sleep anymore. He lies on the bed by himself, and usually falls asleep quickly after playing with plush toys for a while.

It is the same today.

After Doudou fell asleep, Jing Yiren was still busy in the living room. She watched the minute hand walking around and couldn't help sighing.

In fact, it's not that she doesn't understand Doudou's thoughts. It's when children are growing up that they need the company of their parents the most.

It's just that she and Dongfang Yanhe are both busy with work, so it's inevitable that they can't take care of Doudou at the same time as work.

When she thought of this, she felt that as a mother, she was really remiss.

Tomorrow is Saturday, originally Jing Yiren had agreed to go to the studio with Jing Yuanxi, but after what happened tonight, she resolutely decided to stay by Doudou's side tomorrow.

Work may be delayed, but the company and care for children cannot be delayed and made up for.

Jing Yiren would always forget the time as soon as she started working. After she finally adjusted and revised the design draft again, she raised her head and glanced at the clock in front of her, and found that it was really late.

After doing one movement continuously for a long time, it is inevitable that there will be some back pain. She stood up, made a bending movement, and then continued to stretch her body.

It's just...just after finishing a forward bend on the sofa, Jing Yiren suddenly heard the sound of the door knocking.

She turned her head and saw that it was Dongfang Yanhe who had returned, but her action at this time was a bit embarrassing and funny.

Jing Yiren seemed to see Dongfang Yanhe curling her lips slightly, and she didn't know if it was his illusion, but she immediately sat back to her upright posture.

"You're back?"

Jing Yiren got up and went to the kitchen, "Is there anything you want to eat? I happen to be a little hungry too, so let's make it together."

"Have you been waiting for me?"

Dongfang Yanhe asked while changing his shoes.


Jing Yiren originally wanted to say that he had been working all the time, but when the words came to his lips, he hesitated and couldn't say anything.

One thing she had to admit was that part of the reason she had been working in the living room was because she was waiting for Dongfang Yanhe.

"I'll just make some noodles."

she says.

"it is good."

Dongfang Yanhe nodded, but for some reason, a little tiredness was inexplicably revealed in his voice.

Jing Yiren originally thought that Dongfang Yanhe was overwhelmed by too many things at work, but he didn't consider whether there were other reasons.

After the two bowls of hot Yangchun noodles came out of the pot, the hot air began to diffuse in the room, which seemed to add some warmth to the home.

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