"Thank you, thank you, you are my student, but I am too late to be happy for you."

The teacher continued, "I heard one side mean that I want to invite you to participate in their exchange meeting in Paris. I heard that there will be many top people in the industry participating."

For Jing Yiren, this is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Xiaojing, you can't delay this matter. If you decide to go or not? But you must tell me quickly, I'm still in a hurry to give people an answer."

It's impossible for Jing Yiren not to know how rare this opportunity is recently, but she is currently busy with many affairs, and she really can't spare such ample time.

In the face of reason, no matter how excited she was, she could only hold back her temper first.

"Okay, let me think about this first..."

"Well, I'll wait for you. If you have an answer, you must tell me."

"it is good."

After finishing the call, Jing Yiren looked at the manuscript in front of him again.

Paris, a designer's paradise, is a place that everyone yearns for.

The moment she heard the news, she almost replied directly to the teacher without even thinking about it.

It's just... after thinking about the reality, how could she do as she pleases.

Among other things, if he goes abroad, it will definitely take at least a few weeks, and who will be able to take the time to help her take care of the child at that time.

No matter how sensible Doudou is, she is just a child after all, and it is the time when she needs mother's love the most.

Jing Yiren sighed and continued to create.

This day passed quickly, and when people are busy, they are always in the mood to take care of other things, so Jing Yiren can be regarded as comforting himself because of work.

This night, Doudou fell asleep after taking a quick bath after playing with building block toys for a while.

Seeing that the night was getting deeper and deeper, Dongfang Yanhe hadn't come back yet. Jing Yiren originally wanted to sit on the sofa and wait for him to come back, but after just sitting there for a minute or two, she got up and went back to the bedroom.

She thought angrily, time is so precious, and her work today is so tiring, why should she spend time waiting for him for no reason?Just like that, Jing Yiren finally counted the sheep and fell asleep in bed.

But this night... exactly the same as the situation a few days ago, Dongfang Yanhe still didn't return all night, and didn't even send a short message to Jing Yiren.

In the morning, standing in the empty living room, Jing Yiren had a blank expression.

In the next few days, the former two are still gluey, but now, it seems that they are becoming strangers bit by bit.

This is really a ridiculous thing.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

Seeing her mother standing there motionless, Doudou asked in a childish voice.

After hearing Doudou's voice, Jing Yiren finally regained her senses. She squatted down and forced a smile at Doudou, "It's nothing, mom is just in a daze."

"However, I feel that my mother seems to be in a bad mood."

Jing Yi was heartbroken, but after all, it was in front of the child, so how could she express her emotions so clearly.

She pretended to be surprised and touched her face, "Really, how did Doudou see that? Mom is really in a good mood now."

"That's good."

After Xiaorui nodded, he patted his chest and added to Jing Yiren, "If Mom encounters any unhappy things, you must tell me immediately."

"Why did I tell you the first time?"

"People say that a daughter is Dad's little padded jacket, so I am Mom's little underpants!"

Ming is an extremely funny sentence, and it is even more interesting when Doudou says it so solemnly.

Looking at her child's adorable appearance, Jing Yiren finally cleared away the haze in her heart, "Okay, then you will be a mother's underpants for the rest of your life."

"Okay, I'm Mommy's panties!"

Doudou smiled and repeated Jing Yiren's words.

Jing Yiren really couldn't like his children so much, he couldn't help but reach out and rub Doudou's jet-black hair.

As soon as she put her hand on it, Doudou's body immediately moved backwards flexibly, "Don't, you won't grow taller if you touch your head!"

I don't know where Doudou heard this theory, but it made Jing Yiren laugh from ear to ear.

"Okay, okay, mom won't touch it, is this okay?"

Seeing that the time was approaching, Jing Yiren stopped teasing Doudou. She quickly took Doudou's hand and prepared to send Doudou to kindergarten.

However, the two of them had just boarded the subway when Jing Yiren's brother suddenly called Jing Yiren again.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

So many things happened to Jing Yuanxi one after another, Jing Yiren knew that his state would definitely be affected.

It's just that after she answered the phone without saying a word, she didn't hear the reply from the other end of the phone, only the noisy voice was coming continuously.

"elder brother?"

Jing Yiren frowned, and called her brother again.

"Don't scare me, what are you doing now?"

"Hello, brother?"

After shouting a few times, there was still no response from the other end of the phone, only the noisy voice seemed to be getting louder.

Through this trivial voice, I barely heard a few words.

"You... what do you mean, you look down on people, don't you?"

"You are not in good health, are you afraid that we will tell you?"

Listening to this conversation, Jing Yiren felt that something was wrong, and she shouted again, "Brother, what are you doing?"

There was still no answer on the other end of the phone, and Jing Yiren felt that something was wrong. After sending Doudou to the kindergarten, he took a taxi and rushed directly to the community locked by Jing Yuanxi.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the community, Jing Yiren saw a group of black people gathered not far away, who were busy with something.

Along the way, she made several phone calls to Jing Yuanxi, but no one answered.

At this time, she had just dialed a number again, seeing the scene in front of her, she immediately hung up the phone and hurried to go up.

As expected, a woman's sixth sense is always active, and the center of this group of people is indeed Jing Yuanxi and an old lady.

The old lady is very old, both her hair and eyebrows are completely white, but she still looks very energetic. For example, when she was arguing with Jing Yuanxi, her voice was really not ordinary.

The two of them were talking to each other, and Jing Yiren didn't hear clearly what the two of them were arguing about.

Just looking at the scene in front of her, she naturally couldn't watch the fire from the other side, she quickly squeezed through the crowd, and grabbed Jing Yuanxi.

"Bro, do you even know what you're doing now?"

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