At this time, it is the peak time to get off work.

During the traffic jam, he sent people from the company to all over the country to find out if there were any hospitals that could cure leg problems.

He firmly believed that Jing Yiren's leg would be healed.

And he planned to take Jing Yiren to Sanya for a trip after her legs recovered.

In less than an hour of inquiring, the employees in the company gave him satisfactory results.

There is a very large hospital in Huizhou City, which specializes in treating leg diseases.

There are countless pennants and excellent medical skills.

Dongfang Yanhe, who had the score in his heart, was extremely happy. When he arrived at Jing Doudou's kindergarten, Jing Doudou hadn't finished school yet.

Dongfang Yanhe walked around the surrounding shopping malls and bought a lot of toys for Jing Doudou, which he couldn't usually do when Dongfangmi was busy.

Only then did Shang Allergy realize that he hadn't fulfilled his duties as a father conscientiously.

Even if Doudou calls her uncle, she still can't change the fact that she is his father!I am not a good father!
After choosing the type of toy that Jing Doudou likes, Dongfang Yanhe went to pick up Jing Doudou with big and small bags.

Jing Doudou, who was led out by the teacher, waved happily when he saw Dongfang Yanhe who was waiting for him.

At this time, Dongfang Yanhe also squatted down and hugged Jing Doudou.

And Jing Doudou stuck her head in Dongfang Yanhe's arms.

Dongfang Yanhe picked up Jing Doudou and put it on his shoulder, and said to Jing Doudou: "Do you miss your mother? Let's go find your mother now and bring your mother the cake she likes.

Let Doudou choose. "

When Jing Doudou heard that she could find her mother, she immediately clapped her hands happily like a blooming flower.

In this way, Dongfang Yanhe and Jing Doudou arrived at the cake shop they had frequented.

"Doudou, you choose."

Jing Doudou used his own hands to grab the cake on the counter that he couldn't see at all.

After grabbing it with my hands for a long time, I couldn't catch what Jing Yiren liked to eat.

Dongfang Yanhe looked at the little one beside him, and gave Jing Doudou a helpless smile.

He took a box of Jing Yiren's favorite cake.

But Dongfang Yanhe still wrapped up everything that Jing Doudou had caught. After all, if you are rich, you are not guilty, and if you are rich, you will be willful.

Then the two people with the cake drove to the hospital.

Seeing Jing Yiren lying down, Jing Doudou ran over like a baby.

Rubbing Jing Yiren's arm with her little head, she said to her, "Mom, I miss you so much, when will you go out to play with me? And why don't you get up all the time, and you didn't come to pick me up from school today.

But I'm not angry, I bought you a cake. "

Jing Doudou chattered endlessly.

Jing Yiren laughed happily when Jing Doudou said that, and a bright smile appeared on her pale face.

Jing Yiren asked Dongfang Yanhe to carry Jing Doudou to the hospital bed.

Dongfang Yanhe said jealously: "Why don't you let me go to your hospital bed, you are such a eccentric bad woman."

"I love Doudou more than I love you..."

The three of them also found the warmth they once had at home in the ward.

At this point, night has fallen.

Jing Yiren has fallen asleep with Jing Doudou in his arms.

Dongfang Yanhe went to Jing Yiren's attending doctor to ask about Jing Yiren's condition.

The doctor in charge told her: "Jingyi's legs can be cured. After all, the cells and tissues have recovered very well. But if you want to get out of bed and walk, you still need to go to a hospital that specializes in orthopedics for targeted surgical treatment."

At this moment, after Dongfang Yanhe heard the words of the attending doctor, the stone in his heart was completely put down.

Dongfang Yanhe, who was physically and mentally exhausted, fell asleep beside Jing Yiren's ward.

When he woke up, Jing Yiren and Jing Doudou hadn't gotten up yet, and he had completed the discharge procedures early.

When the mother and daughter got up, Dongfang Yanhe sent Jing Doudou to school.

Then he took Jing Yiren home.

He told Jing Yiren that there is a hospital where her leg can be cured, and he has already arranged the hospitalization procedures.

After Jing Yiren heard this, she was very happy, not only because she had such a careful boyfriend, but more importantly, because her legs were recovering.

It's not that Jing Yiren loves vanity, but that she doesn't want Dongfang Yanhe to be a burden.

After a brief discussion, the two packed up and went to the hospital in a neighboring city.

The two of them talked and laughed along the way, and Jing Yiren didn't feel inferior because of her leg disease.

When they arrived at the hospital, Dongfang Yanhe said to Jing Yiren: "Your surgery may be arranged in a while, and I have already made an appointment for you in advance."

Jing Yiren looked dazed at this moment, and was picked up by Dongfang Yanhe and taken to the hospital.

When he first entered, the dean inside came out to receive her. Because the dean knew the importance of the Dongfang Group, Jing Yiren's operation was immediately scheduled.

"Mr. Yan, your wife's surgery has been arranged, and you can do it with just one word, and the techniques are all top-notch."

The dean said respectfully.

Dongfang Yanhe replied: "Just half an hour later, I have to explain something."

"Okay, I'll arrange it for you right away."

Dongfang Yanhe said to Jing Yiren in his arms: "Yiren, listen to me.

Don't be afraid during the surgery, I will always be with you.

It won't hurt, and you will be given anesthesia.

Just stick with it and your legs will be fine.

obedient! "

Jing Yiren tugged at the corner of Dongfang Yanhe's clothes and said pitifully, "I'm afraid."

After Dongfang Yanhe explained to Jing Yiren, he went into the operating room with Jing Yiren.

The light shines on Yiren in the cold operating room.

The only thing that can make Jing Yi feel warm is those big warm hands, Jing Nuan's hands that Dongfang Yanhe is holding tightly at this moment.

The operation started, Dongfang Yanhe has been singing to Jing Yiren.

In this way, Jing Yiren relaxed, and the operation was over in 20 minutes.

The operation went well without any obstacles.

After the operation, Jing Yiren already had a little intuition, which made Jing Yiren very happy, but the doctor advised Jing Yiren not to move around for the time being.

But because Jing Yiren really wanted to be able to stand up and walk around, she kept begging Dongfang Yanhe to take her out for a walk.

Reluctantly, Dongfang Yanhe couldn't hold back Jing Yiren, he put his hands on Jing Yiren's waist, and moved forward step by step.

Like a toddler learning to walk.

After only three hours of practice, Jing Yiren felt that even if he couldn't exercise vigorously, if there were handrails, it would be fine to walk a few steps.

This made Jing Yiren as happy as a three-year-old child.

In the end, Jing Yiren was discharged from the hospital that afternoon!In this regard, Dongfang Yanhe was full of helplessness, but there was no way!Who made her the sweetest thing in his heart?After confirming some precautions with the doctor, I took Jing Yiren to pick up Jing Doudou.

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