This wealthy family is too rich for me

Chapter 134 Getting the Proof

However, his question was indeed straightforward, which made Jing Yiren a little distracted, because now she didn't know where to go.

But at this moment, Jing Yiren's phone rang.

The ringing of the phone is very clear in the narrow and quiet car, which cannot be ignored.

Jing Yiren took the phone out of the bag and glanced at it, and found that it was a call from a member of her team that she liked.

She hesitated for a long time. After thinking about Dongfang Yanhe's attitude yesterday, she wanted to hang up directly, but Jing Yuanxi turned her head and asked her with concern: "Yiren? Who called it?" Why don't you answer the phone? It would be bad if I need you urgently. "

Jing Yiren finally got through the phone after struggling a lot: "Hello? What's the matter?"

On the other side of the phone came the voice of a woman who sounded quite young, but at this time her voice sounded a little anxious: "Sister Yiren, where are you? Why don't you come to the company? Bridal shop problem occurs!"

As soon as Jing Yiren heard that something might have happened, she tensed up, but she still tried her best to comfort the person on the other end of the phone: "Don't worry, speak clearly slowly, I'm here now We are on our way to the group."

The caller was a freshly graduated intern. Jing Yiren saw that she was quite smart, so she stayed.

At the same time, as soon as Jing Yuanxi heard it, he turned the steering wheel and drove the car in the direction of the Dongfang Group without needing Jing Yiren to give him any other instructions.

And on the phone, Jing Yiren probably knew what happened.

"Originally, the bridal shop was already on the right track, and the sales volume has been good, and it is also developing in a good place.

But this morning, a newly married expecting couple suddenly came to the store to complain that the quality of the wedding dress was not up to standard and that it would harm their baby.

Now this matter has been exposed by the media, and this trend is likely to affect the current Eastern Group! "

Jing Yiren's body froze immediately, but then she quickly adjusted her state, trying to keep speaking in the calmest tone, so as not to further expand her panic: "Don't panic, arrange for people to go over first, I'll be right there.

Remember, try to stabilize the situation before I come, and don't let things develop into a worse place. "

"Okay... I will try my best, but Miss Yi Ren," she suddenly paused as she spoke, as if she was thinking about whether she should say the next thing or not.

After all, anyone who can see these days knows that there must be something wrong between Jing Yiren and Dongfang Yanhe, so at this moment she is also hesitating whether to tell Jing Yiren the news.

But in the end, she gritted her teeth, and said to Jing Yiren regardless: "Nuan... Sister Yiren! Just now the president of Dongfang Group called to inquire about the situation..."

Hearing this, Jing Yiren's eyes were blank for a moment.

Originally, Jing Yiren planned to go to Dongfang Group to clarify the situation with Dongfang Yanhe, but since the others had already gone, she didn't have to go again, so Jing Yiren called Jing Yuanxi and asked him to take the trip. go there yourself.

Fortunately, there was no traffic jam on the road in such an emergency, so Jing Yiren and Jing Yuanxi came here almost unimpeded along the way, but when Jing Yiren got out of the car, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

There was quite a group of people outside the door of the bridal shop, and at a glance, it was all a mess, and the scene was very chaotic.

Even though the Limen store where Jing Yiren was standing was still some distance away, he could still hear the filthy swearing from the crowd from time to time.

They scolded very badly, and they scolded the clerk of the bridal shop with all their parents and mothers.

Even the special glass for the window was smashed with something, and broken glass shards can be seen everywhere.

As early as the moment she hung up the phone, she rushed over quickly, but she was powerless facing the scene in front of her. She never thought that this group of people would be so vicious and would not listen to persuasion.

So when Jing Yiren saw the little girl who called her, she was being guarded tightly by several security personnel, with an expression on her face that was about to cry.

After Jing Yuanxi saw the situation here, of course he would not leave Jing Yiren to face it alone.

He frowned and glanced at the group of mob-like people, and then protected Jing Yiren from the side of the bridal shop, trying to sneak in when no one noticed.

However, I don't know which sharp-eyed person recognized Jing Yiren, and yelled at the group of people: "Catch that woman! It's the bridal shop she opened! All our losses are caused by her!"

As a result, the crowd that was finally suppressed by a group of security personnel began to commotion again. They yelled at Jing Yiren with angry faces, insulting her while trying to break free from the group of security personnel standing in front of them, but in the end it was all in vain .

This group of security personnel was specially transferred from the group by Dongfang Yanhe, and all of them were well-trained, so no matter how restless the group of people were, they just stood there with an unshakable appearance, blocking the group of people .

After finally entering the bridal shop, before Jing Yiren could calm down completely, she heard a choked voice: "Yes... I'm sorry, Sister Yiren, I'm too useless, I can't stop them...they still Throw something at me."

Only then did Jing Yi notice that there was a large water stain on the clothes she was wearing, and the color seemed to be cola.

She also looked very embarrassed at this time, with obvious slap marks on her face.

After seeing her like this, Jing Yiren's eyes suddenly turned cold, but she covered it up calmly, and only softly comforted the girl in front of her who was several years younger than herself as usual.

At this moment, Jing Yuanxi, who came into the bridal shop with him, was not idle either.

Basically, it is almost clear about the cause and effect of this matter.

"Have you gone to the manufacturer to find out the situation? We have to confirm that there is no problem with the fabric first." This is also Jing Yuanxi's usual characteristic. He has always been so efficient and solved the problem on the spot.

"Understood, there is no problem with the manufacturer, but the certificate has not yet been obtained. Just now, the president has gone there with someone to get the relevant certificate, and only we are left... to stabilize the crowd outside who are smashing things. , "As she said, all the scenes in her mind were the scenes where she strayed into the crowd, was pushed, beaten, and splashed with coke, and was even raped by someone she didn't know.

She still has lingering fears, so she speaks in a very low volume.

Of course, Jing Yuanxi and Jing Yiren didn't blame her either.

When anyone is faced with an unexpected situation like now, the first reaction is absolutely overwhelmed, let alone a girl who has just graduated from university, who doesn't know how to deal with it at all.

But the certificate issued by the manufacturer is too important, facing some people who are still hiding in the dark, it is safer for Dongfang Yanhe to get it by himself.

"Well, when the proof is obtained, the group of people outside will not be troubled, but we can't take action against them now, so as not to make excuses, so we can only try our best to stop them.

But what is certain now is that among the group of people blocking the door, except for a small group of people who are purely watching the excitement and following the booing, the rest should be hired by people with intentions to smash the scene. "

"Even later... Dongfang Yanhe obtained the certificate from the manufacturer, proving that there is no problem with the fabric, and it cannot fundamentally solve this problem.

Our focus is still on the young couple who are the first to come to the bridal shop to complain about our poor quality, which will harm her child. The key is to find out their loopholes, otherwise, even if there is proof, the group outside may be like crazy The same people will not buy it. "

Jing Yuanxi patiently analyzed the situation with Jing Yiren and proposed a solution.

Jing Yiren immediately agreed with him.

"Actually, there are loopholes in what the couple complained about." After Jing Yuanxi finished speaking, Jing Yiren also put forward his own opinion: "They said that they would harm their children, so at least there is no harm at present. Any actual harm, so apart from someone behind the scenes contributing to the flames, their point is completely untenable, and we can start from here to refute them in a while."

In fact, if the current situation is caused, it will not only have a certain impact on Jing Yiren, but also affect the Dongfang Group, which has just stabilized now, and everyone knows who the biggest beneficiary of all this is.

So the answer is very clear. What happened this time was nothing more than Qin Hao's use of it to attract the attention of the media, so as to direct the public opinion from Jing Yiren to Dongfang Yanhe.

People who have been in the mall for a long time know what kind of virtue Qin Hao is, and naturally understand his methods of dealing with people.

His move can not only hit Jingyi people, but also affect Dongfang Yanhe, so it can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

But Jing is absolutely impossible for him to succeed!For a while, everyone fell silent.

But the next moment, Jing Yiren resolutely raised his footsteps and walked towards the door, but the group of people at the door hadn't dispersed yet.

"Yi Ren! Don't be impulsive, we should wait for Dongfang Yanhe to come back before discussing strategies!"

Of course Jing Yuanxi knew what Jing Yiren was going to do, but it was precisely because he knew Jing Yiren that he was so nervous and worried now.

He rushed over in a hurry, trying to stop Jing Yiren, but Jing Yiren had already walked out.

Seeing her slender but slightly thin figure standing in front of the group of people, Jing Yuanxi's heart felt as uncomfortable as being grabbed by someone's hand, so he followed her out the door without thinking.

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