On the one hand, it is because children watch TV while eating, and may laugh because of the plot in the cartoon. If one is not careful, the epiglottis cartilage does not cover the trachea in time, and it is very easy to choke, making food Into the trachea, if the time comes, it will be troublesome.

On the other hand, if Jing Doudou eats while watching TV, he will be a little dishonest, and he will eat very slowly. All his attention will be focused on the cartoon, let alone finish the meal. When it's time to go to bed, Jing Doudou won't finish his meal.

Another potential reason is that Jing Yiren wants to finish the meal together, so he has been waiting for Jing Doudou to finish eating, so Jing Doudou is absolutely not allowed to procrastinate.

"There's no need to be so strict. If he wants to watch cartoons, he can watch them. Anyway, he's always in kindergarten, so he doesn't have the opportunity to watch cartoons."

Jing Yuanxi is a man, so subconsciously he wants to pamper the child, but he doesn't know how to educate the child at all. He almost always stands by Jing Doudou's side and keeps helping him speak.

Jing Yiren seemed to be a little angry, poked Jing Yuanxi secretly, puffed his cheeks and said in a low voice: "What I say is what I say. Doudou always pays attention to cartoons when eating, why not?" Eat? How about you wash the dishes?"

"It's fine for Auntie Cleaning to do things like washing dishes..."

Jing Yuanxi put forward his opinion weakly, but he gave up in the next second. He was still more afraid of Jing Yiren's angry appearance. Will talk to myself.

"If you can do things like washing dishes by yourself, then let Auntie Cleaning do it."

Jing Yiren finally didn't want to do the dishes anymore, it was already 09:30 in the evening, and she had to call Father Jing to ask about the current situation.

According to Jing Yuanxi's understanding, Father Jing is currently approaching the southern part of his country, so the time difference is not very big, only one and a half hours, even calling now will not disturb Father Jing's rest.

Jing Yiren dialed the number she had stored in her phone contacts for a long time, and then went back to the room. Before returning to the room, she also asked Jing Yuanxi to take care of Jing Doudou.

The phone rang for a long time but no one answered it. Jing Yiren thought Father Jing didn't have his phone, and was about to hang up when he suddenly connected.


Father Jing's voice sounded a little tired, but full of joy, he spoke tentatively.

At this time, Father Jing had already returned to the hotel from the famous scenic spots. Because of the time difference, the sky in Myanmar was not yet dark, and even the sun had just set, and the afterglow of the setting sun was still shining. The scenery was very beautiful.

Jing Yiren didn't expect that the phone could still be connected at this time, and he became happy and talked with Jing's father: "You...are you having fun recently?"

Jing Yiren heard from Jing Yuanxi that Father Jing is currently in Burma, the whole of Southeast Asia, and he has spent more than half a year visiting all the places of interest there. Burma is the last country. If there are no accidents, Father Jing will return home.

"It's okay, the whole of Southeast Asia feels pretty good, although the scenery in our country is weaker than that of our country, but I still like this trip very much.

After all, I still like the local scenery. "

People of the older generation are almost like this. They always think that the local scenery is better than foreign ones. If Father Jing hadn’t taken her to visit several scenic spots when Mother Jing was alive, I’m afraid this time I will not go abroad to play.

Listening to his father's kind voice, Jing Yiren felt that his father seemed to have aged a lot in the past six months. I don't know why Jing's father is getting older. Jing Yiren really didn't notice that Jing's father already looked like this. Still in the past six months, Father Jing has experienced too many things.

"Let's go on a trip together next time. You can't just go to the mountains and rivers by yourself. I want to play with you too."

Jing Yiren managed to lose her childish temper, but she received a seemingly severe accusation from Jing's father, and only Jing Yiren knew that it was her father who was thinking of her.

"You child is really ignorant. Don't you still have a bridal shop in China? How can you take advantage of this time to travel around? You and Dongfang Yanhe finally got together. People don't get along well. What are you doing playing at this time?"

Listening to his father's accusation, Jing Yiren's heart warmed up, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

The eye sockets were already wet, and unknowingly, tears flowed down the eye sockets from the corners of the eyes.

"Okay, I get it, Dad, why are you so wordy, if I want to go on a trip, I will definitely take the whole family with me, don't worry.

You are also really, my daughter wants to travel with you to enhance their relationship, and you still blame me for being ignorant. "

Perhaps because she was a little tired from standing, Jing Yiren gradually moved from the window to the bed, talking and chatting with Father Jing over and over again.

"Aren't I thinking of you?"

Jing's father's voice gradually became softer, and he didn't have the strict appearance just now. If the image of strict father was just now, then he is now in the image of loving father.

Jing Yiren chatted with Father Jing about other things, and more than half an hour passed without knowing it. Jing Yiren also realized that men should not rest too late, so he quickly hung up the phone.

Father Jing is now standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the hotel, looking at the mountains in the distance outside the window, still exuding the afterglow of the sun, projecting through layers of mountains, rivers and buildings onto the scenery in front of Father Jing, he sighs in his heart.

Thinking about it carefully, he put down his job in the company. At this time, he is no longer the president of the company. He is just a mediocre old man in a foreign country. There are also some business insights that cannot keep up with the trend.

If it wasn't for Jing's father's years of hard work and experience that made him a superior old Jianghu, I am afraid that Jing's father would no longer be a veteran in the business field, and the new business trend would be replaced by young people, just like in the East. Extend and this kind of character.

After working hard for half his life, Father Jing gave Mother Jing and Jing Yiren a complete and happy family, and their life was considered complete and prosperous. Now Jing Yiren and Jing Yuanxi have their own businesses, and they can support their family on their own. Father Jing Naturally, he was relieved.

While Jing Yiren was on the phone at this time, Jing Yuanxi tentatively asked Jing Doudou about Dongfang Yanhe.

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