Ever since Song Zhu sat at the same table with Xie Jue, she found that there were indeed fewer and fewer people harassing her.

Probably because of being given the title of "Xie Jue's tablemate", or because others felt that Xie Jue was behind him, Song Zhu lived an extremely leisurely and happy life.

But, the communication between her and Xie Jue is limited to the occasional transmission of information.

"Song Zhu, Xie Jue didn't come to class today, you can help the teacher bring this information to him." Li Ming can already be regarded as an advanced teacher, and most of Xie Jue's absenteeism adopted a positive education method. Attitude, never reported these to the teaching office.

Song Zhu couldn't help thinking of his former class teacher, who fired more than ten people in the third year of high school alone. Li Ming was probably the legendary "teacher in other classes".

Most of the students at the same table can become very good friends, probably because people's personalities are very different, and those who can sit together day and night without conflicts must be able to tolerate each other.

When working together towards a goal, there will always be moments of sympathy. Whether it's gossip or grades, there are always endless topics to talk about, and it's not difficult to become friends.

Li Ming naturally thought the same way, and he naturally assigned the task of notifying the news to Song Zhu.

The phone screen was on, and there was a string of numbers quietly lying on the dial, Song Zhu was still a little nervous.

"Xie Jue, I'm Song Zhu, I have something to do with you."

Looking at the unfamiliar number, Xie Jue was a little dazed, but he still reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, as if the fight just now was an illusion when he spoke.

"How do you have my number?"

Xie Jue was very upset by the feeling of being spied on in his personal space, although he also guessed that it was Li Ming who gave it to her.

"Ms. Li gave it to me. You didn't come to class today. I have materials for you. Or will you come to class tomorrow? I put it on your desk."

It's getting late, and it's been 10 minutes since the end of get out of class. The students in the classroom have already left in a hurry, and Song Zhu is left alone in his seat, looking at Xie Jue's study materials and not knowing what to do with them.

"No." The boy's voice was very sure, and there was no room for negotiation.

After sitting at the same table for so long, Song Zhu naturally knew that he was determined not to come.

"This is for the exam the day after tomorrow. Teacher Li told you to read it. Otherwise, you should come to the school. I'll wait for you at the gate."

Xie Jue looked at the wound on the corner of his mouth in the mirror, and lightly applied some alcohol, but he still groaned in pain.

"Are you injured?" Song Zhu felt something was wrong when he heard his voice, he was weak, completely different from his usual cold attitude.

"Don't worry about it."

"Where are you now, let me send you the information."

Song Zhu was actually a little worried, if something really happened, if he was the last person to talk to him, then he would definitely feel guilty afterwards.

No matter what, I have to see him today.

Xie Jue didn't bother to deal with her anymore, thinking that Li Ming must have given her the death order, and must deliver the information to herself, otherwise, according to her personality, she would not insist on it at all.

It's just that my head still hurts badly, and I just finished fighting, and my hands are a little weak.

When Song Zhu arrived, he saw Xie Jue with a pale face and blood on the corner of his mouth, sickly, and his usual strongman's aura had weakened a lot.

"Are you sick?"

Just as Song Zhu was about to reach out to touch Xie Jue's forehead, someone grabbed his wrist. Although the strength was not strong, it was still uncomfortable.

"I said you don't need to worry about it. We had three chapters in the agreement at that time."

After Xie Jue finished speaking, he coughed violently a few times, closed his eyes in annoyance, and wanted to close the door after receiving the materials.

"Wait, I don't mean anything else. You'd better take your temperature and see if you have a fever." Song Zhu eagerly blocked the door with his hand, but he was pinched by the door frame without noticing it. There was a big red spot.

Xie Jue was also obviously frightened. He withdrew his hand for an instant, and looked at Song Zhu fiercely with a frown, but he still didn't let go: "I said Song Zhu, don't you like Mu Jiangting? Then you should go Care more about him, don't bother me all day, don't you count?"

Song Zhu sometimes feels that Xie Jue is like the snake in the story of the farmer and the snake who doesn't know how to ask for warmth, and must face everyone with the attitude of injuring the enemy one thousand and self-injury eight hundred.

Be it good or bad.

Of course, Song Zhu knew that he was from God's perspective, he knew what Xie Jue had experienced, and what made him such a hot and cold character now.

Besides, even if your hand is pinched by the door, it's not a big deal.

"You wait, don't close the door yet."

Xie Jue looked at the back of the girl who ran away in a hurry, and his body, which didn't have much strength, became even more exhausted.

He doesn't need other people's charity and kindness, Xie Jue never wants those false things.The hypocritical appearance makes anyone feel disgusted when they see it.

Besides, she also likes Mu Jiangding.

When he came back to his senses, he had been obediently waiting at the door for several minutes.

Xie Jue rubbed his hair irritably, and when he was about to reach out to close the door, Song Zhu's figure appeared in the stairwell again.

Because of the girl's running, the broken hair on her forehead was wet with sweat, and her cheeks should have been tanned by the sun, with a touch of rosy hanging on them, and she was panting with her knees supported.

"Here, here is a thermometer, cold medicine, and alcohol, you can test it yourself later, if you have a fever, take the medicine quickly, and you don't need to pay me, just treat it as me, thank you for being my deskmate. "

The original owner's body was not in good health due to the fact that he had ruined it before. Although Song Zhu had been in good health for a long time, his foundation was still weak.

It's just that I didn't expect that I would be so tired after running for such a short time. I used to run 800 meters without panting.

It seems that we still have to continue to maintain our health.

Of course Xie Jue didn't know that Song Zhu was thinking about these things at the moment, but he just saw that the things in Song Zhu's pockets were a little dull, and he didn't want to reach out to pick them up after he recovered.

"I said, you don't have to worry about my business."

Song Zhu raised his hand and looked at his watch, feeling that if he didn't go back, Song's father and Song's mother might be worried, and she didn't have much time to talk tongue twisters with this old man here.

He directly pulled Xie Jue's hand over, and put the plastic bag on his wrist.

"I bought everything, whether you like it or not, I'm going home, goodbye."

Song Zhu walked gracefully, and his shadow in the setting sun stretched quite long.Xie Jue looked at the disappearing figure in the distance, with a gloomy expression in his eyes, he still took the medicine in his hand and entered the house.

"It's really good at pretending, there's not even a single flaw."

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