It's time to come.

Song Zhu raised his eyes and looked at Mu Jiangting who was slowly approaching him, but he lost the nervousness just now.

"What's up?"

Before anyone approached, she greeted first.

Mu Jiangting was a little startled, normally she would chatter around her and ask if she had breakfast, but today she went out of her usual way and asked herself if she had anything to do?
"'s nothing serious."

Mu Jiang was stunned for a few seconds and replied, "Just now Lu Yan told me something about you."

"Oh." Song Zhu didn't lift his head, looking at the vocabulary book in his hand.

"It's easy for you to hit a tree like this." Mu Jiangting twitched the corner of his mouth and reminded aloud.

Song Zhu sighed helplessly.

She thought she had made the "don't want to chat" very clear.

Who knows that the other party is not forgiving.

"So?" She closed the vocabulary book in her hand, looked at the boy beside her, "What do you want to say?"

Mu Jiangting frowned slightly.

He was slightly dissatisfied with the other party's attitude, but there was nothing he could do.

"You found someone to beat up the girl who once wanted to send me a love letter. Is it true?"

Song Zhu almost lost his footing.

She twitched the corner of her mouth unnaturally.


Why didn't she remember that the original owner had this memory, she was not good at studying and learned to fight with others, alas, the bad girl is hammered, how could the school bully like her?

"Song Zhu, you are a girl, and you still do this kind of thing..." Mu Jiangting didn't hear the speechlessness in her tone, and stopped with a little annoyance, "I said that before college, I wouldn't consider Falling in love and taking the college entrance examination, can't you focus more on your studies?"

If it was someone else, perhaps Mu Jiangting would not have said so much.

But Song Zhu's parents had some contact with his family, the relationship is here.

In the end, he still reminded her.

Song Zhu gave a perfunctory "hmm" and looked down at the vocabulary book in his hand again.

Mu Jiang stopped thinking that she didn't care about what he said, and didn't bother to persuade her too much, so he raised his foot and brushed past her.

Going upstairs and turning a corner, the two stepped into the classroom together one after the other.

There were endless whispers.

"I just said that Song Zhu was just pretending. I thought she had a sudden change of sex. Didn't she stop pestering Mu Jiang?"

"Exactly! Look at her, isn't she still the same as before?"

Song Zhu couldn't help frowning, his expression moved slightly, and he glanced at Mu Jiang's books and notebooks lying on the table.

She spoke suddenly.

"Didn't you just say that you want me to focus more on my studies?"


Mu Jiang stopped for a while, but didn't turn his head. Instead, he pulled his seat and sat down before looking up at her.

He thought that the other party didn't listen to what he said at all.

"Since you want to help me, can you lend me your notes and wrong questions?" The girl murmured, and then continued, "It will take half a day, and I won't disturb your study."

The whispering stopped, and then a burst of laughter broke out all around.

"Are you kidding, the second to last student borrowed the first note in the class, Song Zhu, can you understand it?" The students at the side sneered and said in a contemptuous tone.

"That's right, it's still half a day, don't blow it."

"Song Zhu, this is not your new way to pursue Mu Jiangding, hahaha." Another classmate continued.

Song Zhu didn't respond, but took the materialization notes from Mu Jiangting, and the other party looked at her hesitantly.

"You want them all?"

He asked her in a low voice, "...don't force yourself if you don't understand."

Song Zhu smiled softly, and waved the notebook in his hand.


After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked towards her seat, leaving no extra words to those people.

Anyway, it's useless to justify, it's better to let him go.

This class happened to be self-study, Song Zhu sat down on the seat, flipped through the notebook in his hand, frowned and looked at one of the questions.

Then he couldn't help but picked up the pen and circled the revised place next to the title.

There should be an easier way to do this.

She subconsciously wrote down the formula next to it, and then realized it.

Probably, these high school students don't need to be exposed to such advanced formulas...

Song Zhu then took the eraser and erased the line of writing.

As a result, this action was seen by the classmates who were paying close attention to her and were about to laugh at her.

"Mu Jiang stop, Song Zhu seems to be drafting in your notebook!"

Someone poked his head and whispered.

Mu Jiangting was originally reviewing in his own place, but when he heard this, he raised his head and looked towards Song Zhu with a frown.The girl seems to have indeed modified something in her notebook with an eraser.

"Song Bamboo."

He endured it, but he still didn't, and reminded her in a serious tone, "Don't scribble on other people's things, it's a basic courtesy."

The sound is not loud, but in the quiet self-study class, half of the class can hear it clearly. If it is the original owner, I am afraid that it will be embarrassing immediately, but Song Zhu is not.

Without raising her head, she replied softly, "It's not a draft, I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

Then after wiping, I reached out and wrapped the eraser crumbs in a paper towel and put them in the table hole.

Mu Jiangting frowned even tighter.

In fact, he didn't have a good impression of the daughter of his mother's family. She pestered him all year long, as if she couldn't understand his straightforward rejection.Now he suddenly changed his sex again, I don't know what tricks he wants to do.

Mu Jiangting didn't intend to continue to argue with her, but the girls behind Lu Yan didn't want to let Song Zhu go like this.

Taking advantage of Song Zhu's inattention, she snatched the things in her hand, compared them, raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Are you copying Mu Jiangting's notes? What are you writing about?"

The students around came to look at it, and it was really different. The steps in Mu Jiangding's notebook were neatly displayed line by line, meticulous and clean.But Song Zhu's is different, except for a title, there are only two or three lines of formulas below, plus a little bit of ghost drawing, which is obviously a trace of a draft, and the words are floating, just like cursive script.

Someone deliberately threw the notebook at Mu Jiangting's side: "You better not lend her to read it, it's such a waste of money."

Mu Jiang stopped and sighed in his heart, he knew that Song Zhu would not figure out so quickly that he had to study hard, picked up the notebook and glanced at it casually, then suddenly stopped.

The words... are really ugly and nothing to say, but the answer at the end is clear, and even before he has time to calculate the correct answer for this question, she has already written it, and it only took a few minutes?

She scribbled it, or?

Song Zhu didn't care much about being robbed of her notebook, she just wanted to see their current study progress, instead she took out the next notebook and read it leisurely, and by the way opened the thermos cup for herself in a good mood Pour a cup of jasmine tea.'s not difficult at all. Based on the background of the original owner, this kind of content can be ranked at the bottom of the test, which is also quite impressive.

After taking a sip of tea, he suddenly thought of someone again.

If that person...

While she was thinking about it, she heard a voice from someone beside her, with a familiar voice: "Can you tell me how you solved this problem?"

Ignoring the ghost-like eyes of the students in the back row, Mu Jiang stopped by Song Zhu's desk, holding the two notebooks in his hand, and looked down at her seriously.

If she could really figure out the correct answer so quickly...

Mu Jiangting's eyes dimmed, so what was she before?
When the girl heard the movement, she looked up at him with a blank expression. Just when he thought she would say something about this question, she saw her tap the pencil on the table and tilt her head to look at him with some doubts.

"I'm the second to last, so who is the last?"


Mu Jiang stopped talking, but it was Song Zhu's deskmate, a girl who looked very quiet, she turned her head and looked at the empty seat in the last row with some fear, breathed a sigh of relief, and then whispered: "That... ...It's Xie Jue."


It turned out that the big idiot who was at the bottom of the original owner was the villain.

For some reason, Song Zhu suddenly felt better.

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