After Xie Jue saw Song Zhu coming in, he was stunned for a few seconds, and then he realized what was going on in an instant, with a touch of disgust in his eyes.

For some reason, he remembered that the last time he came home, the house was completely new, as if someone had cleaned it.He thought it was his mother who had returned.

Later, when I saw the study materials on the table, I knew who had been there.

Casting a sharp look at Song Zhu, Xie Jue inexplicably felt a little irritated.Putting one hand in the pocket of his trousers, with a sullen look on his face, he went out without looking back.

Seeing the pale face of the woman on the hospital bed, Song Zhu suddenly felt mixed emotions in his heart.Xie Jue was chased by her creditors all day long, and her nose was always bruised and her face was swollen. Presumably her mother's life was not easy.

There are no cruel parents in the world, only cruel children.

If it is not a last resort, who would abandon their children and ignore them?Like Xie Jue's mother, who fainted on the side of the road during the Chinese New Year, who knows what happened to her?

"Are you Xie Jue's mother?" After thinking about it, Song Zhu decided to chat with the woman for a while.After all, it was indeed too much for Xie Jue to say that.

The woman must have been heartbroken.

"Well, you still know my son?" The woman looked up with some surprise in her eyes.

The woman looks about 40 to [-] years old. It can't be said that she is well maintained, but she still has a temperament.It's just that that face has been through many vicissitudes no matter how you look at it.

"Well, I'm at the same table as him." Song Zhu showed her a comforting smile, looked up at the water situation carefully, and then sat down.

"Really? How is he doing in school? Is he doing well?" There was some hope in the woman's eyes, and some urgency in her tone unconsciously.

But when he thought of something, the light in his eyes dimmed again: "Forget it, I also know the virtue of my kid, he must cause trouble everywhere."

"Not really..." Song Zhu wanted to praise her child more in front of the parents.It's a pity, after thinking about what Xie Jue said for a long time, it was the first time that she felt at a loss for words.

"How long does Auntie stay at home this time?" Thinking of the male supporting role's mother who almost never appeared in the original book, Song Zhu only felt a little strange, so he changed the subject.

"I have to leave in just these two days." The woman paused, her eyes stained with sadness.

"I'm not a qualified mother, but I also have my own difficulties. I...can you understand?"

The woman suddenly burst into tears, Song Zhu was a little dazed, and hurriedly took out a tissue and handed it over.

Song Zhu just wanted to say something when he heard the woman continue to say: "Forget it, I don't ask anyone to understand me, he is also a poor child."

As the woman spoke, she took out something from her close-fitting clothing.

Then the woman took Song Zhu's hand and put a wad of banknotes in her hand: "Girl, this money is to pay back the medical expenses you paid for Auntie this time, and Auntie wants to ask you for a favor."

As the woman spoke, her tone began to become hasty, her tears couldn't stop streaming down her cheeks, she looked at Song Zhu with earnest eyes, Song Zhu hurriedly got up and supported her.

"I'm not a good mother, I'm not qualified, I couldn't be by Xiaojue's side to take care of him, I guess I won't have many opportunities in the future."

"Auntie would like to ask you to take care of Xiao Jue, please? You and Xiao Jue are still classmates. If someone bullies Xiao Jue, can you help take care of Xiao Jue? I know this request is a bit strange, and I also know that you are a good boy."

As the woman spoke, her voice was drowned in sobs.

"Auntie." Song Zhu was not good at dealing with such situations, so he could only pat her on the back, feeling unhappy.

Take care of Xie Jue?It's not impossible for her, but in that case, she will be involved in the plot of the original book, and what will happen after that?Will the ending be changed?
The holidays of the high school student party are always very short.

After the new year, Song's father and Song's mother also left for work, and Song Zhu was left alone at home.

I roughly reviewed my homework, and school will start after I finish my homework.

When school started that day, Song Zhu went to the bookstore by the way, and picked up a few extra review materials.Her speed is much faster than ordinary people, and the teaching aids at hand are definitely not enough.

Song Zhu didn't pick a few books at first, but each one was very thick, it looked like he had taken a lot of books.

"Song Zhu." As soon as he entered the school gate, Song Zhu was stopped by someone.

Turning his head, he saw Mu Jiangting, Ruan Yunxi and Tang Sifeng walking side by side.

Sometimes Song Zhu wonders, does Tang Sifeng really like Mu Jiangting so much? Is it sour to be caught between two people as a light bulb?Even in the latter part of the original book, he joined forces with Xie Jue to harm her best friend for many years?
"What's the matter?" Song Zhu put his hand on his forehead at the level of his eyebrows, blocking the glare of the sun.

The sun is shining today, Song Zhu is wearing a beige thin coat with an orange cotton sweater inside.

"Why did you take so many books? Do you need help?" Mu Jiangting walked towards Song Zhu in a black and white casual suit, reaching out to take her hand.

Mu Jiangting didn't know why, but he always felt that Song Zhu was different from before.He is no longer the one who pesters himself all day, clamoring that whoever dares to like him will punish him.

This feeling is very strange, I can't explain clearly.

Glancing at the teaching aid in Song Zhu's hand, he was a little surprised: "Did you also buy this material? I heard it's good, but I haven't finished the questions in my hand, and I plan to do it later"

"No, I just want to buy it back and have a look."

Sensing the eyes cast on him by the two behind Mu Jiangting, especially Tang Sifeng, Song Zhu felt that he wanted to avoid it quickly, so as not to get involved in the disputes caused by the jealousy of these girls.

"But..." Mu Jiangting was still about to say something, but the girl in front of him smiled politely, then turned and left on her own.

There is indifference and alienation in words and deeds, as if between the two of them, even the little friendship of more than ten years has disappeared.

"Yunxi, then I'll go first too." Turning around to greet Ruan Yunxi, Mu Jiangting also left.

At this moment, Tang Sifeng was so angry that his facial expression was out of control.

She grabbed Ruan Yunxi's arm, and said anxiously in her tone, "Yunxi! I knew Song Zhu was not a kind person. Isn't she just playing hard to get with Mu Jiang?"

"Look, she's getting closer to Mu Jiangting like this. It's really scheming! Doesn't she know that Mu Jiangting likes you?"

Tang Sifeng's words seemed to be for Ruan Yunxi's sake, but they were also full of jealousy.

It's just that Ruan Yunxi has always been kind, and he doesn't doubt his friends around him.

She blushed and whispered: "Sifeng, don't talk nonsense, when did Mu Jiangting say he likes me?"

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