Qian Wenqian said word by word that she was not a delicate girl in the first place, but what she said now is her best effort.

She looked at Song Zhu's appearance, and remembered how she was in a hurry when Xie Jue was fighting.

In the past, she didn't think about it and didn't feel anything, but now the facts have been placed in front of her.

"You seem to really like him."

Qian Wenqian's soft voice interrupted Song Zhu's thoughts.

Song Zhu's mouth opened unconsciously, and she stared blankly at her friend.

The two of them just looked at each other, and in the end, it was Song Zhu who was the first to look away.

"Is it really that obvious?"

Qian Wenqian nodded solemnly, "Actually, I didn't feel particularly powerful before. It was only now that I realized that you really cared about that person. Think about it carefully. Every time you talk about That person, you are always nervous. Since I met you, your temperament has always been of the safe kind. No matter what you do, you seem to be confident, but only when you face him, you will panic. "


"No, but since you like him so much, why don't you ask him face to face? You used to be two very close people. Why do you have to shrink back at such an important moment? If something is missed, then It’s a lifetime thing.”

Qian Wenqian had never said such a thing before, and she didn't seem like a person who could say such a thing. Song Zhu's rationality at the moment told her that what Qian Wenqian said could not be ignored at all.

Song Zhu's hand on the table clenched into a fist, and her heart that had been hesitating all this time seemed to have taken a reassurance at this moment.

She is a person who has nothing and lost everything. Now that she has gained more and more, why does she shrink back at this moment?
Seeing her like this, Qian Wenqian knew that Song Zhu had made a decision and put her hand on Song Zhu's shoulder.

"Brother, I believe in you, do whatever you want, okay?"

Song Zhu looked at the mobile phone on the table. She didn't take the initiative to contact Xie Jue for the past two months.

In fact, it's more of fear.

"Qianqian, can I really?"

"It's really possible." Qian Wenqian said solemnly, and at the same time patted Song Zhu, as if to give her courage.

"The college entrance examination is over, no matter what you want to develop in the future, the two of you should at least sit together and have a good chat."

Song Zhu hesitated for a while, and finally made a decision when the milk tea in front of her was cold.

"I know, Qianqian chooses a day instead of bumping into it. I'm afraid that after one night, I won't have the courage I have now. I'm going to find him now."

Her voice was soft, but she no longer had the fear of speaking before.

Qian Wenqian had long expected such a result, so how could she stop her at this moment.

She stood up directly and gave Song Zhu a big hug.

"My little girl, you must work hard."


She also hugged the girl who pushed her back.

Friendship, maybe that's it, it's great, she also has friendship, and it's still such a good friendship.

At this time, Song Zhu really wanted to thank God.

The regrets of the previous life seem to be made up for step by step.

After Song Zhu left the store, he went straight to Soho.

The place where Su Ho is located is not remote, not far from here, Song Zhu's steps are very light.

But it was unprecedentedly firm. She had never experienced what it was like to like someone before.

During this holiday, she lived in a muddle, and once thought that the word liking was a drag, a fetter, and even a heavy shackle.

But on the way to Soho, she suddenly felt relaxed, a kind of relaxation she had never had before, and there seemed to be a trace of joy in it.

She had a smile on her face, her eyebrows were curved, she was so beautiful and gentle.

The hair has already passed the shoulders, and the hair is flying with the breeze, and there seems to be a bit of sweetness in the air.

She didn't know how long she had walked, she was too lazy to check the time, Song Zhu only felt that the road was not far away.

Looking up slightly, she saw the words "Soho" hanging on the door.

Bars are mostly open at night, but Soho has always been open 24 hours a day.

In this way, there are quite a few people coming nearby, even during the day.

There were many people coming and going, and when they saw the girl in the white dress standing at the door and not going in for a while, there was no lack of surprise in their eyes.

So how can a pure girl get involved with your bar in "Soho"?
There was even an aunt who was about to step forward to persuade the girl to go in, but at this moment, the girl walked in.

"Oh, girl, this is not where you came from."

As soon as Song Zhu entered the door, an old man who was drinking at the door laughed and said, the dark circles under his eyes showed that he hadn't had a good sleep in the past few days.

The waiter who was watching by the side also greeted him.

Before the other party could speak, Song Zhu spoke first. "I want to find your boss, Shen Shuo, please call me."

The waiter is also winking. Generally speaking, few people nearby know the name of the boss, and he needs to find someone when he comes in. He immediately responded and went to find his boss.

It smelled of alcohol inside, but it didn't smell as bad as when Song Zhu came to do his homework last time.

If you don't want to go in, you can only find a seat at the door, sit down and wait.

It was probably because Shen Shuo didn't feel that any important person wanted to find him here instead of over the phone. After a while, Song Zhu didn't even wait for the person to come down.

But she is not so impatient now, she ordered a glass of zero-degree drink, and just sat there and sipped it, as if I would not leave until the boss came out.

When the uncle next to him saw the little girl, he just asked for a drink, smiled contemptuously, made some sarcasm, and continued drinking his own wine.

Normally, Song Zhu would be a little scared anyway, but now, her mind is full of that person, so she can't care about it anymore.

There was a door next to him, people came in one by one, and they wanted to go out one by one, Song Zhu was thinking about other things in his mind, and felt a little dazzled seeing these in his eyes.

As soon as she turned her gaze back, she heard a voice.

"Shen Shuo, haven't I already said it? You don't care about this anymore!"

Looking up abruptly, Song Zhu saw a familiar figure from the back, facing away from him, answering the phone.

She immediately stood up from her seat.

"Where are you now? I'm in your shop, we must clarify this matter!"

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