However, Xie Jue didn't allow her to go no matter what, and she really had no choice.

"The college entrance examination is coming soon, but your mind can't settle down. You keep saying that there will be a surprise at the coming-of-age ceremony. What is it?"

Here, thinking how he could sneak over to take a look at Xie Jue, Song Zhu was startled by this sudden voice.

Looking back, it was Mu Jiangding.

After all, the two of them lived together for a semester, and they got to know each other slowly, and everyone has opened up their hearts, so it's not as embarrassing as before.

"The college entrance examination is going to be in a few days. I won't learn anything at this time. Instead, I will make myself nervous. Learning new things is better than meditating on those old ones in my mind. A combination of work and rest is the best way to learn." the most important."

Song Zhu didn't feel at all that the closer the college entrance examination time was, the more he had to study hard, especially since there were still a few days left, it was just a drop in the bucket, so what did he do to increase the pressure on himself?
Probably after coming here, she became a little more relaxed, and her personality became different from before, and she was willing to tell some jokes in front of her friends.

"Then what's the matter with you?"

Mu Jiangting also agrees with this statement very much, these days he basically won't be able to force himself to read books anymore.

The teachers are also a little more relaxed. It's almost time for self-study now, and the class is still noisy.

He sat down directly in Xie Jue's position, and asked after a while.

"Is that kind of relationship between you and Xie Jue?"

Song Zhu secretly poked his hand on the phone, "What kind of relationship?"

"That's it."

Song Zhu couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Say it soon."

But Mu Jiangting's face suddenly turned red. Seeing his appearance, Song Zhu suddenly understood what he was talking about.

"It's not that you're thinking about something. The relationship between the two of us is at the same table, and the relationship between friends is nothing messy. I admit that I am happy these days because of his affairs, but between friends, something good happened because of each other. And happy, shouldn't it be right? You still care about me, why don't you hurry up and care about Yunxi."

In order to separate himself, Song Zhu directly moved the original heroine out.

"Why are you bringing this up all of a sudden?"

Well, Mu Jiangting's face turned even redder.

The relationship between the two gradually became less powerful in the class. In addition, the matter between Mu Jiangting and Ruan Yunxi did not deliberately cover up, and the impression Song Zhuhe left in everyone's minds also They are completely different, so the two can still interact normally in the class.

"Okay, I don't know how your brain grows. Why do I feel that you don't pay any special attention to the relationship between yourself and Xie Jue?"

"What did you say?"

Hearing the other party's reaction, Song Zhu came back to his senses, and he accidentally said what was in his heart.

Just when he was about to say something to explain, he heard Mu Jiangting's voice.

"Those are things between adults. No one will know what the specific situation will be. Why should I have any prejudice against him? In the past, it was just because I thought he was not a good student. Leaving him in the class will harm other people." It’s just a person, it’s changed now, so naturally we can’t keep the same impression as before.”

Song Zhu was really dumbfounded at this moment, what is the situation?Mu Jiang stopped, did he really think so?
"Don't look at me with this kind of eyes. Normally, others won't know about this kind of thing. Since he told you this, it means he trusts you. It's okay to tell you, my mother." He once told me that what happened more than ten years ago cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences, nor can it be described in terms of right and wrong."

Song Zhu always thought that there was a big reason for Zhao Lan's previous incidents. After all, she became pregnant before she was married, and this matter cannot be justified on anyone.

But I never thought that after marrying someone else and becoming a wife, I would still maintain such an objective attitude towards this kind of thing, let alone teach my children to resent and disrespect.

No wonder, Mu Jiangting can grow into the perfect person as written in the book.

Tutoring is also essential.

She smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, I was thinking too much."

Mu Jiangting also smiled, and suddenly reached out to pat her head.

"It's okay, it's nothing if my sister asks my brother these things."

Song Zhu froze for a moment, then nodded, the relationship between the two of them is very good and suitable.

It's just... Xie Jue might not let go so easily, but she didn't want to persuade Xie Jue to let go. Don't persuade others to be kind unless they are cool.

If Xie Jue hadn't experienced so many things, he wouldn't have ended up like that in the end. No one hopes that he will have a bad end.

"I found that you girl is real. You are different from before. You are happy for a while, sad for a while, and now you are so preoccupied. I dare not ask you what's wrong."

"What are you two doing!"

As soon as Mu Jiangting finished speaking, his hand was slapped away.

As soon as Song Zhu raised his head, he saw Xie Jue with an unfriendly face. He really said that Cao Cao Cao Cao would be here, and he wondered why this person arrived so coincidentally?

Mu Jiangting also knew that his half-brother was not friendly to him, so he just smiled at Song Zhu and got up to leave.

But he was grabbed by someone.

"What the hell did you want to do just now?"

Song Zhu knew that something was wrong when he saw this scene, so he immediately stood up and took Xie Jue's hand.

"The two of us are chatting, it's nothing, okay, didn't you go to practice the cello? How are you doing?"

As soon as Song Zhu opened his mouth, Xie Jue hesitated for a moment, then let go of Mu Jiangting.

Mu Jiang stopped and didn't say anything, just left and returned to his seat.

Seeing that there was no quarrel, Song Zhu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, tomorrow is the coming-of-age ceremony, are you ready? You told me there was a surprise, so I told everyone around me, don't let me down."

When Xie Jue looked at her, there was more tenderness in his eyes. "Don't worry, I won't disappoint you."

Starting at 6:00 pm the next day, the auditorium where the school held the coming-of-age ceremony has begun to enter one after another. It is different from the usual school uniforms. Everyone is dressed in a more solemn way. Most of the boys are wearing suits. , the girls were wearing slightly grand gowns, which made many students almost not recognize each other.

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