"Forget it, if you don't want to go in, then you can wait at the door, and I will come and help you get it when the time comes."

Except for some necessary things, Song Zhu doesn't want to force Xie Jue now, he just thinks that he can do well.

When he went over to take the bucket over, Xie Jue leaned slightly, avoided Song Zhu and walked towards the laundry shop.

"Don't force yourself, hey..."

Song Zhu hurriedly followed, and as soon as he entered the door, he found the proprietress' eyes as if she was looking at a monster.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, auntie, we want to do laundry, how much does it cost to wash these clothes once?"

Everyone came in, and Song Zhu didn't expect him to say these things, so he took the words directly.

The proprietress gave Xie Jue a sideways glance, and then looked at Song Zhu with a smile on her face.

"Oh, you are the most recent high school student in the county middle school. This little girl looks as good-looking as in the photo, and she has seen more than our dead girl."

The proprietress yelled so loudly that several nearby shops could almost hear her, Song Zhu frowned, and had no choice but to laugh along with her.

"What are you talking about? I want to do laundry. Let's take a look."

She doesn't want to stay here any longer.

Song Zhu didn't care much about the gossip of the neighbors, but he also didn't agree with their actions. Those words would always hurt others unconsciously, not just including Xie Jue.


The proprietress had her own thick waist, she came out from behind, took a bucket and threw the clothes in Xie Jue's bucket into it one by one.

"Fifty in total, but how long does it look like it hasn't been washed?"

Song Zhu didn't need to ask, he knew that the proprietress was asking for too much, and the prices around here were very low, not to mention this kind of laundry that no one came to once in hundreds of years.

But I didn't bother to argue with her anymore, so I just scanned the QR code and paid.

"Auntie, I'll come get it in two days."

When Song Zhu laughed, his brows were crooked, coupled with his gentle voice, the proprietress knew that she had made a profit this time, so she didn't say what was in her stomach.

"Okay, girl, have you eaten yet?"

"have eaten."

Song Zhu was too lazy to argue any further, so he pulled Xie Jue out after saying goodbye.

But as soon as she went out, she heard the voice of the proprietress inside again.

"Hey, the good little girl insists on mixing with that kid, and I don't know how sad the adults at home are."

She pulled Xie Jue to walk faster.

He said angrily while walking. "Don't take those people's words to heart. In fact, they have nothing to do at home and watch their children every day. They just want to have fun for themselves. If they have opinions or bigger things, they will definitely say it. It's not Targeting you on purpose."

This is also what she thought about before. After coming out of the orphanage, even if she can go to junior high school normally, there will still be those parents who will ask the teacher during the parent-teacher meeting if they can ask their children not to have sex with her. At the same table, for no other reason than because she came out of an orphanage.

At the very beginning, Song Zhu was also angry and blamed others, but later found out that those parents were only doing it for the good of their children, if her parents were there, they might do the same.

Thinking about it this way, although it seemed to be a reason for others, it actually made me feel a lot more relaxed.

If it's not because there is no way to tell Xie Jue these things now, Song Zhu really wants to tell these things about his past, it would be better to make Xie Jue feel more relaxed.

"You've been told that before."

Xie Jue looked at the girl's expression and said Wude.

It took Song Zhu a long time to realize that he was talking about Yuan Yuan's appearance as a little concubine in the past.

"Well, that's sort of it." She didn't refute, but said affirmatively.

"In short, as long as people live happily, why should they care about other people's opinions? Some people may have done something wrong, but the past is the past, and the present and future are the most important things."

Song Zhu smiled, which was much more sincere than the smile in the laundry just now.

"Others always say that I am different from you, and even Qianqian sometimes mentions it, but I don't think there is any difference between people. I used to be a little sister, and you are also admitted to the capital now." The best conservatory?"

I don't know why, when thinking of this, Song Zhu felt a little happy, but she was actually a little angry when she heard others say that.

In the book, Xie Jue became like that in the end, not necessarily because of these people fanning the flames.

The snow has stopped, and I can walk on the ground and leave faint footprints.

While Song Zhu was thinking about that, on the other hand, he seemed to have found something interesting, and deliberately stepped on the ground with his footprints.

She turned her head and was about to say something, but saw Xie Jue also staring at the footprints she had left on the ground, stepping into them step by step.

"I didn't expect you to be so naive."

She said with a smile, followed the footsteps of her own walk, returned to the front of Xie Jue, put her hands behind her back, leaned forward and said.

"I'm going home. Before noon tomorrow, I will find a chance to come out. You must take care of yourself and don't make a mess at home. If I see that look again tomorrow, I will wait until the next time I send you off." When I give you something to eat, I'll mess everything up for you!"

After finishing speaking, Song Zhu realized that he had threatened Xie Jue countless times during his stay with Xie Jue today.

Come to think of it, it was said that Xie Jue had a bad temper, as expected, the rumors were not credible.

"Look well, be careful on the way back."


Song Zhu responded and turned to leave, raising his hands every few steps, until he felt that Xie Jue couldn't see him, then he put his arms down.

Although her community is not far from here, it is still more than 20 minutes away. I went back downstairs and glanced at the time.

It is already 3:00.

Song Zhu was pacing downstairs, worrying about what to do when he went back, when he saw Father Song coming out of the corridor.

"How is it, Dad? Is Mom angry at home? What should I say when I go back?"

She ran up quickly, grabbed Papa Song's arm, and asked in a pitiful voice.

Of course, part of it was to win his father's sympathy, and only Song Zhu knew it in his heart.

Father Song hugged his daughter, raised his hand and gave Song Zhu a shudder on the forehead.

"Why did you go out for so long, girl? Is your classmate okay? I told your mother about this directly, and she didn't get angry at all. It's almost the same as before."

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