After the exam, it's a holiday. She originally thought that after the holiday, she would relax for the last time before the college entrance examination.

How can you give up this opportunity?
Qian Wenqian had been to bars before, but it was the first time to go with Song Zhu.

In addition, with my boyfriend, even sitting in the car to go, the whole person is excited.

This is also the first time that Song Zhu has dealt with Brother Chen so closely and for a long time.

Song Zhu used to be a little sister, and she saw a lot of fights, but she really hadn't seen the so-called boss on campus.

It's just that I had chatted with Xie Jue when I was free, this brother Chen is different from those gangsters who only know how to bully their classmates.

The worst thing he could do was start bullying his classmates because he was doing well.

Seeing such things on weekdays, he did not hesitate to help, and he was very kind to his brother.

Therefore, there are still few people around here who can provoke him.

Such a character is different from Xie Jue.

Xie Jue didn't like to be close to people, so naturally he didn't become a character like him.

Song Zhu let go of his thoughts and began to think about these things.

"I said, Xiaozhu, you stared at my boyfriend, don't you just fall in love with him?"

Qian Wenqian knew that Song Zhu was thin-skinned, and she was in high spirits, so she started joking around.

Sure enough, Song Zhu's face turned red, and he stretched out his hand to tightly pinch the flesh on her thigh.

Xie Jue didn't like being close to people, so he sat in the co-pilot, behind Song Zhu and Qian Wenqian were next to each other, and on the other side of Qian Wenqian was Brother Chen.

At this time, Song Zhu's attack was very smooth, and Qian Wenqian also let out a cry of pain, and almost hit her head on the roof of the car.

"You're a dead girl who just talks nonsense about you, and that's what you look like..."

Qian Wenqian was pinched on the other thigh by the boyfriend next to her just as she was halfway through her sentence.He saw Xie Jue turned his head and stared at her fixedly.

I had no choice but to say embarrassingly, "Pretend I didn't say it."

When the four of them arrived at the gate of Soho, they saw the gate that should not be crowded at this time in the past, but now there is an endless stream.

Song Zhu smacked his mouth, "What's going on? Didn't we report in advance?"

Who knows that she doesn't understand that Qian Wenqian, who has been in this place all year round, does understand.

"How do you know, the more people there are in this place, the more people feel that way. It must be some kind of discount method to attract customers."

The street where Su Ho is located is already crowded with people, if you want some way, such as a discount, it is not difficult to win over customers.

Sure enough, after entering the inside, even Song Zhu was a little excited by the scene of people's voices.

Shen Shuo had expected this appearance a long time ago, and greeted him with a smile.

To meet is to give Xie Jue a big hug.

"You can finally have a good way out."

For this friend who is more like a brother, Shen Shuo has always tried to persuade him with good words, trying to make him go on the right path.

But it has never been realized. Until now, it has gradually improved because of Song Zhu.

Xie Jue understood what he meant, and turned back tightly, and after hugging for a while, the two let go.

On the contrary, Qian Wenqian said with a smile beside her. "It seems that I was thinking too much in the car. The two of you should get along very well. It's all good."

Qian Wenqian often makes friends outside, as long as she is willing to get along, it doesn't matter if she is familiar with her.

She has been to Soho before, and now she treats them as very familiar with several people, and she doesn't beat around the bush when she speaks.

Xie Jue's originally relaxed expression became hardened again.

Brother Chen didn't want his girlfriend to receive such stares, so he hurried forward to block it, and started chatting about boys' chatting.

Song Zhu was also in a hurry at this moment, and pulled Qian Wenqian to his side, drank a few glasses of fruit wine, and looked at the dancing people in the center of the dance floor.

Some helplessly said.

"I said you haven't seen each other for a few days, and your mouth is getting worse and worse. Next time you talk nonsense in the car, and now you talk nonsense here, aren't you afraid that others will throw you out?"

"Cut, what am I afraid of? My Brother Chen is here."

Song Zhu turned his head slightly and saw the smug expression on Qian Wenqian's face, and snorted, "I was just thinking, why did you transform into Brother Chen like this, and why do you guys look like that?" It seems that the two of them can't fight together?"

When Song Zhu asked this question, it was obviously provocative.

Unexpectedly, Qian Wenqian looked like a broken jar.

"We call it one cold and one hot, what do you know, you brat? Besides, you and Xie Jue don't seem to match each other."

Qian Wenqian was two years older than Song Zhu. When she was young, she got into a fight and was suspended from school, and it took a long time for her family activities before she could continue.

What she said was reasonable, but Song Zhu raised her hand and gave Qian Wenqian a shudder.

"I have nothing to do with him at all. I don't understand why you all say that there is an improper relationship between the two of us. We are the same..."

Song Zhu stopped talking in the middle of his speech, and only then did he realize what he had just said.

If she and Xie Jue lived together, it would be troublesome to tell anyone.

"Same with what? Same room?"

Qian Wenqian was already in high spirits today, but the astonishing attitude of these words has not changed.

"What are you talking about? The two of us are of one heart and one mind, and we will both be admitted to a good university."

It was so easy for Song Zhu to make up those four words. Fortunately, Qian Wenqian was not a careful person and didn't think too much about it.

Speaking of going to school for the college entrance examination, Song Zhu wanted to ask about the things he had kept in his stomach for a long time.

"Qianqian, I feel that if you put in hard work in your studies, you will definitely be able to do it. I have persuaded you several times before, why don't you study hard?"

Ever since Song Zhu felt that he was teaching Xie Jue to look good, he felt in his heart that if he met a child who didn't study hard, he should persuade him twice.

So later, whenever I saw Qian Wenqian, I always had to talk for such a long time, and sometimes I had to talk for a long time from the phone before giving up.

Qian Wenqian's ears had already been calloused when she heard it, but this time it was probably because she had been drinking in a relaxed mood.

His eyes dimmed.

"Anyway, it's useless for me to study. It's better not to read. Alas, it's not like you good people, if you want to get ahead, you can get ahead."

Song Zhu was stunned for a while when he heard this, but he didn't realize what was the meaning of this sentence?
But anyway, she knew it was not a good thing, so she was ready to stop asking, but Qian Wenqian became interested and chattered endlessly.

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