"Hello Auntie!"

Probably in order to reflect his sincerity, Xie Jue's voice was particularly high when he said these three words.

So the factory was embarrassing and funny as one can imagine, and Song Zhu himself was surprised by Xie Jue's reaction.

Looking at the big boy standing there, who seemed to be a little top-heavy, Song Zhu didn't hide it at all, and laughed out loud with a thud.

"Mom, look at it and scare people."

After traveling through the book for such a long time, the only thing Song Zhu is familiar with the fastest is getting along with his parents. Probably because he has been looking forward to it for a long time, so he cherishes this encounter so much.

And now in front of her parents, although she was shocked by Song's mother's sudden return, she was a little nervous, but now that Xie Jue made such a fuss, those nervous feelings have long since dissipated. .

He didn't have any scruples about making jokes, even if he was determined, Xie Jue didn't dare to say anything at the moment.

Sure enough, when Xie Jue heard this, he could only smile faintly.

If those people who often fight with Xie Jue see him like this, they don't know how to react.

Song Zhu was a little bored thinking about it.

"Okay, you child, it's good for you to interact with your classmates. Let me introduce the name of this classmate to mom?"

Xie Jue opened his mouth to answer, but Song Zhu preempted him, "His name is Zhang Sheng, does it sound old-fashioned?"

His name was suddenly changed, Xie Jue's face immediately sank, but due to Song Zhu's gaze, he still didn't say anything, but called again: "Hello, Auntie."

It's just that the sound this time is far less pleasing to the ear than the first time.

For her daughter's good relationship with classmates, and she can still take home to teach her studies, Song's mother naturally has to take a good look at it.

But looking at Xie Jue's face, she always felt a little familiar, faintly resembling someone, and she didn't wait for Song's mother to think about it.

Song Zhu next to him was afraid that Xie Jue would reveal some flaws if he stayed any longer, so he immediately said coquettishly.

"Mom, you came back so suddenly, are you tired?"

Being interrupted like this, the doubts just disappeared in an instant. Mother Song nodded lovingly and took her daughter's arm.
"Smelly girl, you are so big and so soft, mom is not tired, you don't even care what time it is, and you have to go out to do something in a while, I want to see you first, so I came back , How about it, the two of you study first, and Xiaosheng will also have dinner at home tonight, I will do it earlier, and check my craftsmanship."

Hearing that Song's mother is going to go out to run errands, this is what the two of them are most looking forward to now, so Song Zhu, who has always said sweet words when Song's mother goes to work after passing through the book, smiled and nodded at this moment, and immediately let go. opened hands.

"Then you have to be careful on the road, I'm waiting to eat the meal made by my mother."

In order to support the family and make the only daughter live a better life, the Song family's parents have long been accustomed to traveling around. These journeys are really nothing to the parents.

But after such a long time, the daughter who had gotten used to the transformation didn't let her rest for a while.

Mother Song was still a little disappointed, but when I saw the exercises scattered on the table, I felt that it was not important. The most important thing was her daughter's study and her future.

He patted Song Zhu's head, smiled and said to study hard, then turned and left again.

When the door was closed again, Song Zhu let out a long sigh of relief, but she knew it was not over yet.

Seeing that Xie Jue was still standing on the spot without any movement, exuding an aura of not getting close to strangers all over her body, she remembered that Xie Jue treated her like this when he first started.

Song Zhu walked over cautiously, "Just now I lied to your mother about your name, not because of other things. Didn't I grow up playing with Mu Jiangting when I was young? My mother and his mother are very good friends. There is also a good friendship between the two mothers, although they cannot be compared in terms of status, but the friendship between the two mothers is indeed very good, especially after giving birth to a child."

Having said that, Song Zhu paused for a moment, and glanced at Xie Jue quietly, and found that the other party showed no signs of getting angry immediately.

She dared to continue talking.

"Before, you saw Mu Jiang stopped by my house for this reason. When he first started, he even told my mother about my situation in school, which shows that there is still a relationship between the two of us. Maybe there is something else. Contact information, if you say your name, my mother knows your identity, I am afraid that the old man will be angry, and will order the two of us not to communicate, but don't worry, just put this aside first, and wait for you to take it easy If you are discovered by others, even if you find out who you are later, there will be no problem."

Song Zhu explained a lot in one breath, and after he finished speaking, he even felt that his mouth was a little dry.

But she didn't dare to leave for a while, she was actually very aware of how big a blow she had said to Xie Jue.

But if you don't make it clear, the result may not be better than now.As an adult in her 20s, she would choose the one with the least potential for damage.

But to Song Zhu's surprise, Xie Jue was not angry when he heard these words, and even his eyes did not have the sharp feeling before.

"To put it bluntly, it's just that I don't live up to expectations, right? For a person like me who fights all day long, doesn't study well and has nothing to do, no mother would want her daughter to have anything to do with me."

His long eyelashes flickered slightly, the expression on his face hardly changed, his tone was lazy and indifferent.But in Song Zhu's view, there was some inexplicable depression.

This look immediately touched her heart.

Once upon a time, the girl who grew up in an orphanage looked like this, even if she grew up with other normal families and went to the same school.

But when every parent knows their identity, they will almost keep their children away from her. The reason is that she did not grow up normally, so she may have learned a lot of bad habits.

She even heard the ugliest sentence.

There are mothers but no mothers.

At that time, she was in adolescence, and those students who were sometimes sneering and sarcastic were also at an aggressive age. She would quarrel with her classmates almost every three or five days.

That kind of inferiority complex even followed her later life. In fact, a large part of the reason for studying so hard is to prove it to others.

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