Take a good cub to set up a daughter-in-law

Chapter 64 Investigation and Monitoring

"Officer Huang! Is Officer Huang there? I want to find Officer Huang." A Yuan took Long Ting to the police station to look for Officer Huang.

"Here, what's wrong with Miss A Yuan?" Officer Huang came out of the office.

"Officer Huang, can you show me the surveillance video of the delivery girl from before, I want to make sure of one thing." A Yuan looked serious.

"Okay, you and this lady go inside and wait, I'll tune up the video right away, Xiaobai pours water."

"Okay!" Xiaobai responded loudly.

Officer Huang showed the video to A Yuan.

"That's it, can her hand be enlarged a little bit here." A Yuan pointed to a scene where she could see it more clearly.

"Okay, Xiaobai, you can adjust it." Officer Huang asked Xiaobai to come.

"Do you think this is okay?" Xiaobai zoomed in on the camera.

"It's a bit blurry, can you handle it?" A Yuan couldn't see if there was anything in the delivery man's hand.

"Okay, that's enough." Xiaobai zoomed in and adjusted the lens.

At this moment, the delivery man's hand can be seen clearly. He is indeed wearing a bracelet, but the bracelet is still blurred.

"Can you make it clearer?" A Yuan continued to ask.

"It shouldn't work." Xiaobai shook his head.

"Okay, let's see if the delivery man has a bracelet on his hand after he comes out." A Yuan asked Xiao Bai to switch to another surveillance video.

From another surveillance video, it can be seen that the bracelet on the delivery man's hand is missing. A Yuan asked Xiaobai to continue to compare and confirm from the angles of multiple cameras. It's gone.

"What's the matter, Miss A Yuan?" Officer Huang asked A Yuan.

Ayuan's face was a little relaxed and joyful: "I should be able to know who this person is."

"Who is it?" Long Ting asked puzzled.

A Yuan looked at Xiao Bai and did not answer Long Ting's question.

Officer Huang understood what A Yuan meant, and waved Xiao Bai out.

"Can we talk now? Miss A Yuan." Officer Huang stared at A Yuan.

"This person should be Wu Yuting. If there is nothing wrong with this bracelet, Wu Yuting accidentally set it up in our studio after setting off a smoke bomb the day she dropped it. Wu Yuting also posted a Weibo to commemorate her lost bracelet. Here are pictures for you. Take a look." A Yuan opened the photo album, and also took out the bracelet and handed it to Police Officer Huang.

Officer Huang carefully compared the two bracelets and found similarities.

"The interface is a little damaged, you have noticed it too." A Yuan asked Police Officer Huang.

"Yes, but this cannot be used as strong evidence." Officer Huang frowned.

"Officer Huang's bracelet is a global limited edition, cherry blossom brand, you can check who has bought this bracelet, and you will know if this is the one that Wu Yuting disappeared. You can take it easy on the smoke bomb. , it is not impossible for this bracelet to be returned to its original owner." A Yuan's thinking was very clear.

"Okay, Miss A Yuan, let me check this bracelet first, and I will let you know if there is any news." Officer Huang nodded and agreed with A Yuan's statement.

"Okay, we'll wait for your news." A Yuan smiled and took Long Ting away.

"A Yuan, I didn't expect you to be so smart? You can deduce this." Long Ting looked at A Yuan in surprise.

"Hmph, it's nothing. I just want to know what Wu Yuting did during the time when the smoke filled the air." A Yuan stared forward with a serious expression.

"Everyone's things are still there, what can she do in our studio? Could it be possible to steal a manuscript and sing it back?" Long Ting thought with her mouth flattened.

"." A Yuan paused and did not speak.

"A Yuan, I'm talking nonsense. How is it possible? It's incomplete even if you steal it." Seeing that A Yuan stopped talking suddenly, Long Ting thought she had said something wrong, and quickly explained.

"It's not impossible." Long Ting reminded A Yuan when she said this. A Yuan thought that Qin Yaran's first draft for the competition had been compromised, and Wu Yuting might have stolen the first draft.

"Ah? A Yuan, are you serious?" Long Ting looked at A Yuan suspiciously.

"Hmph, just wait for the evidence, as long as she did it, everything will come to light one day." A Yuan sneered.

Long Ting looked at this A Yuan whose style was different from before, and could understand why Qin Yaran reused A Yuan.

At the scene of the manuscript, Qin Yaran watched Wen Huanyang write lyrics and compose music from the audience. People who are serious are really attractive, and Qin Yaran admires Wen Huanyang very much.

There were three rounds in the manuscript competition, and each round was broadcast live. Online and offline votes directly determine whether to advance. Wen Huanyang undoubtedly succeeded in the first round.

"How do you feel? You hold the style, right?" Qin Yaran looked at Wen Huanyang and handed Wen Huanyang a bottle of water.

"Okay, it feels okay, hahaha." Wen Huanyang smiled easily, looking unstressed.

"Yes, you are in good condition. Congratulations on entering the first round. Let me treat you to dinner." Qin Yaran smiled sideways.

"Why didn't you keep up?" Qin Yaran took two steps and Wen Huanyang didn't catch up. He turned around and saw that the young man was playing with his mobile phone.

"What about the good news?" Qin Yaran turned around and looked at Wen Huanyang with folded hands.

"Ah? Hahaha no." Wen Huanyang put the phone away, and followed Qin Yaran in a desperate manner.

"Let's go."

Wen Huanyang didn't walk at the same time as Qin Yaran, but secretly glanced at the message from Wu Yuting on the phone behind him, lowered his head and laughed.

"I just said Ah Yang can do it! You are awesome!"

"To be honest, do you have a girlfriend and have so much fun playing with your phone?" Qin Yaran looked at the big boy who was eating and giggling across the way.

"Ah, is there? Is it obvious?" Wen Huanyang raised his head and looked at Qin Yaran with a blank face, and he couldn't realize that he was smiling.

"Otherwise, treat girls better." Qin Yaran shook her head and smiled.

"No, teacher. I didn't have a girlfriend. I was just a friend. I met yesterday. I came to travel alone and stayed in the same hotel as us." Wen Huanyang introduced to Qin Yaran.

"Okay, okay, I know, hurry up and go back to rest after dinner, and we will continue tomorrow." Qin Yaran interrupted the young man, he didn't want to eat any dog ​​food right now.

"Okay teacher, I got it." Wen Huanyang smirked.

"People you just met, whether male or female, do you know?" Qin Yaran pretended to be careless.

"Well, I will." Wen Huanyang nodded seriously.

When Wen Huanyang and Qin Yaran returned to the hotel, Wu Yuting suddenly appeared behind Wen Huanyang, which shocked Wen Huanyang.

"What's the matter?" Qin Yaran looked back at Wen Huanyang, and caught a glimpse of the little girl who was half blocked by Wen Huanyang.

"Ah, it's okay, just the friend I told you about." Wen Huanyang hid Wu Yuting behind him, and looked at Qin Yaran with an embarrassed smile.

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