
"Isn't it?"

"The reason?"

After Qiao Ruofeng finished speaking, they all looked at him incredulously, and they all asked themselves why.

Qiao Ruofeng stretched out his hands to signal them to stop and not talk.

"Stop, just like what you just heard, Yichen won't be discharged from the hospital until tomorrow. Didn't he have a full body checkup? There is a project that will come out with results tomorrow. If there is nothing serious, he can be discharged tomorrow. He will stay for an extra day. That's all."

"Oh, there is another project whose results will be released tomorrow. I was wondering what it was. You said don't talk paragraph by paragraph, it scared me to death." Qin Yaran breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and before Qiao Ruofeng finished speaking, she said, I was taken aback.

Zhuo Yichen chuckled, and touched Qin Yaran's head, feeling a little pampered.

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm not worried about anything." Qin Yaran took Zhuo Yichen's hand away, and sat beside Song Liyuan herself.

Not only that, she waved Zhuo Ziyang to sit beside her, and Zhuo Ziyang obediently sat beside Qin Yaran and leaned against her.

Mu Hanxuan saw that everyone was present, so he took a deep breath and planned to tell the story.

"There is something I want to tell you."

Song Liyuan has been observing Mu Hanxuan, and smiled disdainfully when he opened his mouth to speak. This man really has something on his mind, and now he can't help but say it.

"What's the matter? Tell me." Qin Yaran looked in Mu Hanxuan's direction when she heard the sound.

Qiao Ruofeng saw Song Liyuan's "I guessed it" expression, and poked her arm curiously.

"Do you know what it is?" Qiao Ruofeng asked Song Liyuan in a low voice.

"I don't know, just listen and you're done." Song Liyuan was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile.

Mu Hanxuan poured himself a glass of water, and immediately drank it all.

Seeing Mu Hanxuan like this, everyone sat up straight involuntarily, feeling that what Mu Hanxuan was about to say was not a trivial matter, and the atmosphere at the scene instantly became tense.

Then, they saw Mu Hanxuan take out an old-looking envelope from his pocket.

"This is a letter, no, to be precise, it should be a suicide note. It is the suicide note left by Yaran and your parents. This suicide note was discovered by accident when I was packing things in your hometown after I sent you abroad. , At that time, I didn't know what was written in it, so I opened it out of curiosity, I'm sorry Yaran, after reading the contents, out of my own selfishness, I hid this suicide note."

"But now I see that no matter how many difficulties and setbacks you and Zhuo Yichen have experienced, they are together in the end. I can see the feelings you two have for each other. From the time when you had mental problems, Zhuo Yichen I can see the meticulous care for you, and I can also see your feelings for Zhuo Yichen, I know there will still be a little estrangement between you because of the previous generation."

"Seeing that you all love each other, I figured it out. I can't affect you because of the things of the previous generation, so I made a long-term decision to find this suicide note. Now, it should return to your hands , I'm sorry Yaran, forgive my selfishness, I hope that after you read this suicide note, the barrier between you and Zhuo Yichen will disappear."

Mu Hanxuan pursed his lips and looked at the letter in his hand, gritted his teeth and showed a forced smile, then handed the letter to Qin Yaran.

Faced with Mu Hanxuan's sudden words, Qin Yaran was a little taken aback, and she didn't even reach out to receive the letter.

Seeing that something was wrong with Qin Yaran's state, Zhuo Yichen reached out to take the letter by himself.

"Read it out." Qin Yaran swallowed, she was digesting what Mu Hanxuan said just now.

Zhuo Yichen patted Qin Yaran's hand lightly, and opened the envelope.

"Of course, I'm sorry, this suicide note was written to you after Mom and Dad made a long-term decision. I think we should tell you the truth of one thing. After you know the truth, we don't expect you to forgive us. To selfish parents, but I hope that if you are lucky enough to meet people from the Zhuo family, I hope you can treat them well for free, this is the last wish of parents."

"The thing is like this. Your parents framed Mr. Zhuo of the Zhuo family for their own selfish interests, causing him to commit suicide. This matter is our fault. We should not be fooled by interests. Parents know it is wrong Yes. Since Mr. Zhuo committed suicide, both of us have been unable to eat well and sleep well, and we have always been very guilty. I think this is retribution, and now we have to use this method to apologize to the dead Mr. Zhuo."

"Of course, you are the only daughter of mom and dad. Mom and dad hope that if you meet someone from the Zhuo family, you can treat them better and make amends for mom and dad. It is mom and dad who are sorry for you and let you have a pair of selfish parents. , let you atone for us even after death. The Zhuo family is a good family, you must treat them well when you meet them, and you can’t be so ungrateful like your parents, I’m sorry Ranran.”

When Zhuo Yichen's voice fell, Qin Yaran was already in tears, she still couldn't accept this reality while covering her face.

Zhuo Ziyang hugged Qin Yaran and caressed her back.

The other people present were also in complicated moods after listening to it, they were silent and didn't say anything, even the daughter-in-law calmed down and lay down in Song Liyuan's arms and looked at Qin Yaran.


A tearing sound caught everyone's attention, and they all looked in Zhuo Yichen's direction, only to see Zhuo Yichen tearing up the suicide note with a blank expression.

"Yi Chen." Qin Yaran held back her tears and raised her head to look at Zhuo Yichen.

And Zhuo Yichen just looked at Qin Yaran with a slight smile, and threw the torn suicide note into the trash can with a relaxed look.

"I'm here, everything is over, don't think about it so much." Zhuo Yichen hugged Qin Yaran tightly and hugged her tightly.

In fact, if you look carefully, you can see that Zhuo Yichen's eye sockets are already flushed.

Hearing Zhuo Yichen's words, Qin Yaran couldn't stop crying, and kept sobbing.

"I'm sorry, Yi. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, you don't need to apologize, so many years have passed, no matter how many grievances and grievances, it's over, be good, forget the past, let's start again, okay?" Zhuo Yichen held Qin Yaran's face and wiped away the tears on her face Said affectionately.


When this scene happened, Mu Hanxuan had quietly left the ward, and Qiao Ruofeng followed Mu Hanxuan out.

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