In their eyes, Qin Yaran is very important, probably an excellent and friendly leader will bring out a group of caring employees.

Yaran Studio has successfully concluded all the work for this year, and the Spring Festival is about to enter, while Zhuo Group's situation is not as smooth as that of Yaran Studio, but under the leadership of Nuo Cheng, they have almost ended the year 's working now.

Without Zhuo Yichen, the Zhuo Group can persist under many pressures, thanks to the cooperation and hard work between Nuo Cheng and Amy.

"Tomorrow will be a holiday. Do you have any news from Mr. Zhuo, Manager Nuocheng?" Amy asked Nuocheng who was resting on the goods behind him while counting the last things in the warehouse.

Nuo Cheng worked intensively for several days, sorted out and sorted out the operation of the Zhuo Group in the past year and made a plan for how the company should continue to operate when Zhuo Yichen has not appeared in the future. After the high-level regular meeting, I am resting in the warehouse now.

"En..." Nuo Cheng heard A Yuan's voice, but he was too tired to answer A Yuan.

A Yuan met Nuocheng for a while without saying a word. When she looked back, he was sitting on the cargo with his hands folded and fell asleep with his head down, breathing very gently.

"It looks like I'm exhausted, I've worked hard." A Yuan took off a clean blanket next to her and put it on Nuo Cheng.

"Have a good rest, no one can disturb you now." A Yuan whispered in Nuo Cheng's ear, and then continued to count the goods.

The corners of Nuo Cheng's mouth raised slightly, he heard A Yuan's words.

"A Yuan!" Kevin hurriedly opened the warehouse door and came in.

"Shh." A Yuan pointed to Nuo Cheng who was taking a nap next to her, and signaled Kevin not to be so loud.

After glancing at Nuocheng, there was no response, so A Yuan and Kevin left the warehouse cautiously.

"What's the matter? Do you have any news?" A Yuan frowned and looked at Kevin.

Kevin took a group of photos from the folder and said to A Yuan: "It can be said that when we were looking for Mr. Zhuo, I found that Chen Xinyu was also trying his best to search for Mr. Zhuo's whereabouts."

A Yuan's expression became tense, looking at the photos in her hands, most of them were photos they secretly took of Chen Xinyu's search, and there was also a very blurry photo of her watch.

"This one? Where did you find this watch?" A Yuan picked up the photo and asked Kevin.

After taking a closer look at the photo, Kevin said: "This was actually found next to the cemetery of Mr. Fett in New York. Chen Xinyu and the others also started from New York to find Mr. Zhuo. They seem to be investigating what Mr. Zhuo did when he went to New York. What, so I suspect.."

Kevin didn't continue talking, and paused for a while.

"What do you suspect? Don't you suspect that Mr. Zhuo didn't crash the plane but because he participated in Mr. Feite's affairs." A Yuan also began to make bold guesses.

Although there was Zhuo Yichen's list on the plane, they also found Zhuo Yichen's watch near Mr. Fett's tomb. That watch was made by Zhuo Yichen and it was unique.

This thing is really suspicious.

"Kevin, find some other people to follow Chen Xinyu and the others. Be careful not to be discovered. I believe you can use Chen Xinyu's hand to find out the whereabouts of Mr. Zhuo." A Yuan thought.

"Well, I'm also planning to do so. How is the company doing recently?" Kevin looked at the warehouse.

A Yuan understood immediately that he was asking how Nuo Cheng was doing, because she saw him resting in the warehouse.

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, but it's okay. Nuo Cheng is indeed the person Zhuo believes in. By the way, the Chinese New Year is coming soon. You need to increase your manpower. Money is not a problem. You must find President Zhuo quickly. You know that the gang above are arrogant. Really, now Nuo Cheng can last for a while, but not for long." A Yuan suddenly became serious.

"Yeah okay, I have an appointment, let's go first, and you have a good rest." Kevin also left in a hurry after explaining the matter.

Nuo Cheng gently opened the door of the warehouse, put his hands on the edge of the door and looked down at Amy.

Amy wanted to go back and continue counting the items, but she turned around, her head still looking in the direction Kevin left.

"Hey, are you reluctant?" Nuo Cheng's tone was a little jealous.

"Oh my god, why did you wake up suddenly." Amy was taken aback by Nuo Cheng, and patted her chest to suppress her shock.

"I didn't fall asleep at all, I just squinted for a while." Nuo Cheng shrugged, pulled his tie, and looked at Amy sleepily.

"Then did you hear my conversation with Kevin just now?" Amy walked sideways from Nuo Cheng into the warehouse.

Nuocheng put his hands in his trouser pockets, leaned against the door and looked at Amy: "Well, I heard, according to your assumptions, will my cousin's chance of survival be very high?"

"I think it will. I have already asked Kevin to check what happened to Mr. Zhuo in New York, and he will reply soon." Amy talked to Kevin while counting the items, without any delay.

"I didn't expect that Kevin is not only a lawyer, but also a detective." Nuo Cheng smiled, feeling a little interesting.

"I hope there will be good news before the year." Amy said, taking a deep breath and looking at the list in her hand.

"Will do."

"Mr. Chen! We already know what Zhuo Yichen did when he went to New York. He participated in the fight for the inheritance of the Fei Te family. In the end, Vickers, Fei Te's third grandson, successfully inherited most of the inheritance and the company." Xiao Hei hurriedly knocked on the door twice and ran in to tell Chen Xinyu the news.

"Then what's the matter with Guan Yichen? No, old man Fei Te and Yichen used to have a very good relationship. After his uncle passed away, he treated him like his grandson, so there must be a part of Yichen's inheritance." Chen Xinyu bit her finger and said seriously thought about it.

"That's right, Fei Te's eldest son, grandson and other heirs strongly opposed it, but the objection was ineffective. Te Fei's eldest grandson, Jayne, seems to have attacked Yichen." Xiao Hei reported to Chen Xinyu panting.

"The rich family is competing. I also know a little about the Fei Te family. Then Yichen knew that it was a tiger's mouth and he insisted on jumping in. Did you get any other news?" Chen Xinyu thought for a while and felt that the matter should be Let's start with Jayne.

"That's all we know so far. Vickers has been blocking the news, and someone sent you a photo this morning, Mr. Chen. We found Zhuo Yichen's custom-made watch in the cemetery next to Mr. Fitter."

"Well, I know all this. Since I found the personal watch near the cemetery, you should divide up a group of people to search around the cemetery. Make sure to find me as soon as possible, and don't let any news go!"

"Alright Mr. Chen! Let's go now."

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