Originally, the atmosphere between Mu Hanxuan and A Yuan had eased up for a while, but now that Qiao Ruoyin came in suddenly, the air was filled with embarrassment.

Qiao Ruoyin was sitting next to Mu Hanxuan, and A Yuan was sitting opposite the two of them. She didn't know whether to continue eating or put down her chopsticks, because Mu Hanxuan ignored Qiao Ruoyin and continued eating, while A Yuan was being stared at by Qiao Ruoyin.

"Sister Ruoyin, do you want to eat together?" A Yuan asked Qiao Ruoyin cautiously.

Qiao Ruoyin picked up the bowl and chopsticks next to her and glared at A Yuan. She didn't expect that Mu Hanxuan really had dinner with A Yuan. Qiao Ruoyin was very concerned about what the two of them cared about.

"Brother Hanxuan, why didn't you tell me that you were having dinner with A Yuan? I never thought that the relationship between the two of you is so good." Qiao Ruoyin put a piece of fat beef into Mu Hanxuan's plate .

"Oh, what's the matter with having dinner together? And how did you find this place? Didn't I say that I have an appointment with someone else?" Mu Hanxuan looked at Qiao Ruoyin with disgust.

"What, Brother Hanxuan, why do you dislike me so much? How did I know that you guys came here too? Even if you said you want to eat hot pot, I came here because I wanted to eat hot pot. I heard your voice when I was looking for a seat just now. , That's why I came here." Qiao Ruoyin looked a little aggrieved, she put down her chopsticks and took a sip of sour plum soup.

Mu Hanxuan snatched Qiao Ruoyin's sour plum soup and said, "Okay, don't drink this, you don't like sour plum soup, let me give you some coconut juice."

A smile appeared on Qiao Ruoyin's face, and she deliberately glanced at A Yuan, and said to Mu Hanxuan with a proud smile, "Brother Hanxuan, you are so kind, you still remember what I like to drink."

"Okay, let's eat, Maodu, do you want me to order more?" Mu Hanxuan asked Qiao Ruoyin.

"Yeah, I want an extra duck intestine. I want to have another serving of this fat cow. I also want to eat this brown sugar glutinous rice cake." Qiao Ruoyin ordered several dishes and glanced at A Yuan after ordering. Asked: "A Yuan, do you want to eat anything else? Do you want to order more?"

A Yuan smiled and refused: "No need for Sister Ruoyin, these are enough."

"That's all right, then that's all, brother Hanxuan, you're so kind~" Qiao Ruoyin behaved when she got a bargain.

"Okay, okay, keep your mouth shut and continue to eat, A Yuan, don't listen to how much you have eaten with chopsticks, and continue to eat." Mu Hanxuan glanced at A Yuan.

A Yuan pursed her lips and smiled and nodded, holding the chopsticks tightly with her hands, watching Qiao Ruoyin keep acting like a baby with Mu Hanxuan, and Mu Hanxuan still looked doting on her face, A Yuan felt very uncomfortable.

Seeing that the smile on A Yuan's face stiffened, Qiao Ruoyin felt very proud.

"Small sample, do you still want to fight with me?" Qiao Ruoyin thought to herself, with a smile on her lips.

A Yuan should have enjoyed this meal, but after Qiao Ruoyin came, she changed. She felt like a light bulb, blocking the two of them. After finishing the meal, A Yuan found someone Just an excuse to get out of here quickly.

"A Yuan, where are you going? Brother Hanxuan will just send you back." Qiao Ruoyin held A Yuan's hand and said while staring at A Yuan.

"Yes, where are you going? I'll take you back." Mu Hanxuan nodded in agreement with Qiao Ruoyin's words.

"No need, I'll just go back by myself, don't bother Brother Xuan." A Yuan shook off Qiao Ruoyin's hand.


"Oh, I don't want to trouble you, A Yuan, don't you know? You really don't want to embarrass her so much. You can send it to anyone. I'm different from A Yuan. I won't be polite to you. Send me Go back." Qiao Ruoyin interrupted Mu Hanxuan, took Mu Hanxuan's hand and said with a smile, that smile was very annoying to A Yuan.

"Don't you need to learn from others?" Mu Hanxuan looked at Qiao Ruoyin helplessly.

"I'm so familiar with you, why should I be so polite?" Qiao Ruoyin looked at Mu Hanxuan with her mouth pouted, her tone was a bit coquettish.

A Yuan couldn't stand it any longer, she turned around and left. When she was leaving, Jia heard the last conversation between Qiao Ruoyin and Mu Hanxuan.

"Brother Hanxuan~ Could it be that you let me, a weak woman, go home alone?"

"Okay, okay, don't talk to me in this voice, just send you off."

"A Yuan!"

Suddenly Mu Hanxuan called A Yuan's name.

A Yuan looked back excitedly, did Mu Hanxuan know her unhappiness?

"Be careful when you go back by yourself."

"Oh, well, you too."

It turned out that he was just politely asking himself to pay attention to safety. In Mu Hanxuan's heart, he was just Qin Yaran's assistant, and everything was just his own sentimentality.

Look at Qiao Ruoyin and Mu Hanxuan, how well matched they are, no matter what happens, it won't be my turn.

The more A Yuan thought about it, the sadder she became, and the more wronged she felt. How could there be so much fairness in the world.

Qin Yaran nestled on the sofa and asked Zhuo Ziyang what kind of word to understand wild animals from his perspective.

Zhuo Ziyang uttered a lot of words all at once, such as cruel, fierce, individual, etc. The two of them discussed together, it was so convenient to have a genius son.

"Mom, why are you asking so many words about wild animals?" Zhuo Ziyang scratched his head and asked Qin Yaran.

"Of course it's useful, but Yang Yang is so smart, he can think of so many words." Qin Yaran rubbed Zhuo Ziyang's head and smiled happily.

"That's necessary. Two years ago, my father and I went to the African prairie to see wild animals." Zhuo Ziyang looked at Qin Yaran proudly and said.

"Excellent, but your father has been away to New York for a week, why hasn't he come back yet?" Qin Yaran sat up straight, hugged Zhuo Ziyang onto the sofa, frowned and said while looking at the ceiling.

"That's right, why haven't you come back for so long, didn't Dad call you?" Zhuo Ziyang lay in Qin Yaran's arms.

Qin Yaran rubbed the little friend in her arms and said, "I haven't called much in the past two days. Do you know what kind of business your father went to New York to discuss?"

"Well, I heard a little bit in the car. What Brother Wen said is dangerous, let Dad be careful." Zhuo Ziyang pouted, recalling what Brother Wen said on the road when he sent them to Qin Yaran's house that night.

"Very dangerous? Did you hear it wrong?" Qin Yaran was a little confused, how could it be dangerous to talk about business.

"I don't know, maybe it is." Zhuo Ziyang shook his head.

"Forget it, Yangyang, you should go to bed, you have to go to school tomorrow." Qin Yaran took Zhuo Ziyang to bed.

After Zhuo Ziyang fell asleep, he quietly walked out of the living room, and when he still cared about Zhuo Yichen, it was so dangerous to talk about business.

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