i really have no magic

Chapter 3 Street Debut

Dong Jiashui came out from the logistics point, holding two big boxes, stacked together, not heavy, but the box is too big, the things inside are not fixed, and it is always shaking, so it is not easy to hold.

It's a pity that there are people all the way here, and there are surveillance and so on.

There is no safe little corner for him to stuff things into the system warehouse and free his hands...

Dong Jiashui thought: This is not good, next time when the miracle points are available again, see if we can get something like detection.It's good to be able to hide from surveillance.

Naturally, these two big boxes couldn't be moved back into the dormitory. How crowded is the dormitory, and then put them in?I guess I can't even get in the door.

So it can only be done in the store that the white lady ticket just arrived today, anyway, the place is big enough, he plans to use it as a warehouse.

Because the location was too far away, he didn't think about running the store well.

What's more, he is still a student, so he usually doesn't have much time to spend there.

Not to mention recruiting people to visit the store, this month's profit is probably not enough to pay other people's wages.Dong Jiashui didn't really have a big family and a big business, so naturally he wouldn't lose money like this.

As for renting out the shop to others?The system won't allow it... He doesn't dare to do it the other way around.

As soon as I walked to this familiar street...my stomach started to growl...I can't help it, I'm hungry again, we are born to consume quickly...

I saw the bun shop where Ying Xiaoshi bought breakfast before the entrance of the street.Forget it, just buy two steamed buns.

Last night was so fun, even though it was AA with six people, it still cost a lot.In addition, Dong Jiashui's wallet was even more deflated this afternoon, and this month's life is estimated to be tight, so save as much as you can...


"Hey, auntie, here are two steamed buns."

In front of the breakfast shop on the street, Dong Jiashui said to the bun shop with two big boxes in his arms.

The aunt who sold the buns was taken aback when she saw the young man in front of her, and looked at the top box in the young man's hand dangling as if it was about to fall.

He quickly raised his hands, holding the box and helping to protect it.

I'm afraid that the box will fall, and it will be bad if it smashes my shop or falls on the ground and breaks it.

Dong Jiashui also noticed it, and quickly stabilized the box, so that the aunt let her guard down a little, but her eyes were still fixed.

He quickly took the plastic bag, grabbed two steamed buns, and was about to hand them over to Dong Jiashui. Seeing the young man's hands that could not be freed, he was in trouble.

"Son, I don't have any hand to give you this. Why don't you wait, I'll find you a cart. Wouldn't it be convenient."

Regardless of what the young man said, he put down what was on hand.Went into the house.

"Hey! Hey! Madam! Madam!!" Dong Jiashui shouted.

Wow, this boss is too kind!Dong Jiashui was a little afraid of causing trouble to the boss.

Not long after, the aunt also came back at this time, followed by a very strong-looking uncle who pushed a small cart for delivery and came out.

"Hey, kid, I will lend you this little stroller. Just remember to return it later."

"Thank you ma'am, my name is Dong Jiashui, you can just add me Xiaodong. My shop is at the back, and I will return the car after I use it up."

"It's all right." Mother waved her hand and said.
After finishing speaking, he urged the uncle to push the car in front of Dong Jiashui, and helped him put the top box on the car.

"Thank you, uncle." Dong Jiashui thanked quickly.

"Small matter, small matter. This cart is useless for the time being, you can get it back after you move things." Then he turned his head and walked back to the shop, continuing to work.

He put the big box on hand on the cart, took the plastic bag handed over by the aunt, and used his other hand to reach into his pocket, ready to withdraw money.

Dong Jiashui is not used to putting everything in the system warehouse, so there is nothing left or right.

emmmm is so embarrassing, he forgot that there is no money on the clothes on his body now, the money is put in the system warehouse, and the mobile phone is also received in the system warehouse.He hurriedly put his hands into his pockets, ready to open the system warehouse to withdraw money.

But I don't know why, the system warehouse suddenly didn't respond...

what happened!Why can't it be opened!Isn't this playing me!
Embarrassment was written on Dong Jiashui's face.

Looking back,

The aunt also seemed to see the difficulty of this young man, and quickly waved her hand, "Didn't bring any money? It doesn't matter, we are all neighbors, you take it first, and give it together next time."

As for why not let him go home later and get the money back, this young man is here for the first time, and he also opened a shop nearby, in case something happens in the future and needs help?Besides, the cost of two steamed buns is only how much.

It's not easy for anyone these days, so I didn't plan to write down the money.

Dong Jiashui observed the surrounding situation from the corner of his eye, and was about to turn his free hand to the boss, and try again to see if he could open the system warehouse.

The system warehouse suddenly couldn't be opened in his pocket, and he was very nervous in front of people and on the street, so he was afraid of exposing the system.

Suddenly felt someone coming from behind, so he immediately turned back.He scratched his head embarrassingly.

"Boss, take a steamed bun." It was a beggar who looked a little old.

"Okay." The aunt glanced at the beggar in front of her, took a steamed bun from the steamer with a plastic bag, and stuffed a meat bun into it.

Dong Jiashui also noticed, is this boss really so kind? !

The beggar also saw this scene and was taken aback.He thought the boss had heard it wrong, so why did he take more.

"Boss, why did you take an extra meat bun? It's wrong, I just want a steamed bun."

"You don't need money."

The aunt didn't continue to say anything, and handed the things to him directly.

The beggar was a little confused. Did he feel that the boss disliked him, so he gave him an extra meat bun to send him away?
He didn't say anything either, and when he regained his composure, he poured all the money out of the old iron cup in his hand and found a fifty cent one dollar coin, put it on the table, and poured the rest of the money back.

Although we don't have much money, we can't let others see it all!
There didn’t seem to be much money left in the iron cup, six or seven coins were stacked, and there were one or two crumpled banknotes pressed down, ten cents, fifty cents, one piece, the iron cup was also pitted, and there were various Inexplicable stains.

The boss is wondering if the beggar in front of him has misunderstood?
Then I saw Dong Jiashui, who couldn't afford the money before, staring at the iron cup in the beggar's hand.The aunt frowned, wouldn't this child do such stupid things without money and face?

Immediately, he became vigilant. Although he didn't plan to call the police, he had to find a way to prevent him from continuing to do stupid things.

Naturally, Dong Jiashui couldn't want to grab it, who made the system suddenly release the task just now!

"Under the premise of not exposing the system, find a way to pay for the steamed buns by yourself, and show kindness to the beggar in front of you."

Not to mention that it is illegal to rob things, even if he has no money now, it is impossible to rob a beggar.

Wouldn't it be nice to slowly rely on this system and make a fortune silently?
However, this iron cup can be used for a while. It is also a means of concealment. I just hope that this system warehouse will not malfunction again.

Immediately prepare to discuss with the beggar uncle and borrow it for a while.

The beggar uncle naturally noticed the gaze of Dong Jiashui standing next to him, and reacted instinctively, protecting the iron cup in his arms with both hands, watching every move of the young man with his eyes, and slowly moved his body away.

This is his next meal money. Being stared at like this, he naturally feels a little nervous.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen when I bought a steamed bun.

Seeing the young man stretched out his hand, the scene was tense instantly, and the beggar uncle was about to turn around and run away.The lady boss is also going to stop this young man who is going to do something stupid.

"Uncle, I'm not trying to rob you. I want to borrow this cup from you to try it out."

The beggar uncle also hugged tightly, it was over, he really wanted to grab it. "Steal the money, grab the old beggar's money!" shouted.

The lady boss was also holding on to the young man's clothes tightly to prevent him from committing stupid things.

The eyes of the people around were all attracted by the voice of the beggar uncle.They gathered around one after another, and some good people came forward to see what happened.

A few young people even picked up their mobile phones to record videos, posted them on Moments, and even thought of titles.

The beggar uncle was a little flustered seeing so many people surrounding him, but he still frowned and stared at the young man, stunned.

Slowly poured out two one-dollar coins from the jar.

Docking to survive? ? ?

"Young man, it shouldn't be easy for you to look like this, so don't do anything stupid. Although my life is not good, little old man, I can still live on. Although the two dollars are a bit small, I can still eat a few Steamed buns. You can use them, and I will help you as an old man. We still have to look forward to the future."

This wave of chicken soup made Dong Jiashui really confused, and he didn't go to pick up the money from the beggar uncle.

The people around also saw that the situation was not right, chattering and discussing, a few strong men stood up and blocked Dong Jiashui's surroundings.

Not to mention, there are quite a few enthusiastic people.

The boss uncle also came out, frowning as he watched the development of the situation in front of him, no one wanted such a thing to happen at the door of his shop.

Dong Jiashui was panicking at this time. If things continued like this, he was afraid that he would either be left behind here or in this task of the system.

Looking at the equipment that was secretly filming around him, he who often surfs the Internet can imagine that he might be "hot" soon.

Withdrew the hand that was stretched out to the beggar uncle, bit the bullet and went forward to explain.

"Uncle, ah no, uncle, you are my uncle, okay! I really just want to borrow this iron cup from you, not to rob it!"

The beggar uncle is a little confused, what are you doing with the broken cup?Could this thing be some rare thing, an antique? !But he dug it out from the waste recycling bin with his own hands.how could be?

Hearing this, the people around were also a little confused. This is the first time I heard that someone asked a beggar for a job. Do you want to double row with a beggar?Experience life?
The beggar uncle looked around again, there were more and more people, even if he gave this guy something to the guy in front of him, he probably wouldn't be able to run away.

The increasingly dense crowd made him a little flustered.

He handed the broken cup to Dong Jiashui dubiously, keeping his eyes on it.

Dong Jiashui took the cup, took out all the money inside, picked out the banknotes and returned them to the beggar.

Everyone is looking at him, what is he going to do.

Then he saw the young man turned his head, turned the mouth of the cup towards the crowd, and put the coins he took out into the broken iron cup in front of everyone.Turn the mouth of the cup around again.

After everyone read it, they took one hand and slowly covered the mouth of the cup, holding it with the other.

It started shaking up and down, left and right again.

Everyone around was fascinated by his operation,
I'm afraid this guy is sick!

What are you doing?
As the shaking continued to increase, the sound coming from the iron cup became louder and louder.

The crowd, including the beggars, were stunned. Why did it sound like there was more and more money? !
Impossible, money can make money by shaking it?
Is there such a good thing?
Dong Jiashui dangled, feeling as if it was about the same.He stopped shaking, with one hand still covering the mouth of the cup.

Pretend to be mysterious.Facing the crowd, he held it with one hand and covered it with the other, placing it in front of the crowd.

Everyone was staring at the dilapidated iron bottle without blinking.

A smile appeared on the corner of Dong Jiashui's mouth, and he slowly picked up the hand covering it.The next step is to witness the "miracle" moment!

money!Full of coins! !

how can that be!

The beggar uncle was dumbfounded, the proprietress was dumbfounded, and the onlookers were also dumbfounded!
To subvert cognition, what kind of fairy is this?Can you still change money to play like this?
Dong Jiashui calmly took a one-dollar coin from the iron cup and handed it to the lady boss.

Because two steamed buns cost just one yuan, but a meat bun is indeed one yuan, and the price is clearly marked.

The proprietress took the money in a daze, she hadn't recovered yet, she was obviously shocked by this hand.

The iron cup was handed back to the beggar uncle, and nothing was touched except for the one dollar steamed bun money given to the proprietress.

"Although I forgot to bring the money, I won't snatch it." Dong Jiashui said rather pretending to be 13.

The beggar uncle took the cup blankly. Although the cup was a little small, it was enough for him to live frugally for a while.

After all, who can guarantee that there will be kind people willing to help every day.

"Immortal?" The proprietress was stunned for a long time before she said these two sentences.

"No, no, no," the young man hurriedly smiled and waved his hands to explain, "How can I be a fairy? I'm just an ordinary person who can play a little magic."

"I also opened a store at the end of the street, everyone can go and see it when you have time." Dong Jiashui laughed and laughed, and advertised his store, perfect!

The people around were a little dazed, although they knew what magic was, but is magic so magical? They almost saw the whole thing from the beginning to the end, and didn't find any strange little tricks at all.The boss and the beggar are quite familiar, so it's unlikely that it's a trustee, right? !

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