The Knight of Fire was half-kneeling on the ground, his expression very respectful and nervous, fearing that the old pope would seize on this and kill him directly, but he had already guessed his ending.

"You're not kidding me anymore, are you? Where are the gems?" The old pope was expecting a little bit, but when the box was opened, his face instantly darkened.This box has also been specially treated by him. If the gems are stored in it, it will not be noticed by the outside world. what.But now, because his own injury has not healed, and the front is getting tighter, so he didn't pay too much attention to it. After all, in his opinion, he ruled out being a magic knight. This matter can be said to be a sure thing. Well, with the current strength of country A, there is no possibility of any mission failure without the use of large-scale military weapons, but what is going on?Could it be that these four people are making fun of themselves?Even if the four of them have the guts, they don't have the technology. This box is not a simple existence. Once the things he set are put in, there is no way to open it except for using his unique technique.If the gemstones are not put in, the Lianhe will not even be able to close it, let alone anything else, so what's going on? ?Didn't you just say that there is still one?Why is there no one in front of me now?Do you really hallucinate when you get older? ?
"Master, is the gemstone in this box?" The fire knight was also a little confused by the old pope's sudden question. Although he was already mentally prepared to be scolded or even punished, how did this happen? What's going on?Could it be that there were other accidents? ?But now, although there are many doubts in my heart, Tai still dare not move around before the old pope didn't let him move, and kept this posture all the time, with an ominous premonition in his heart. But I didn't make a mistake, did I?The four of them watched the gems put into the box with their own eyes. Although they couldn't perceive that there was anything special about the gems, but from the importance that country A attached to them, the security measures were basically enough. I can see many things.They only took it out once during the period, but they dared not say it without the Pope asking questions.After all, that has violated the pope's taboo! !Everyone in the Holy See of Magic knows that only he can unravel the things arranged by the pope. As for other people?Then forget it.But this knight of fire is an exception. He already knew how to crack it when he saw the Pope's formation, but it was a secret.It was a secret that had to be guarded while the pope was still alive. The ghost knew if the pope would have any thoughts about him if he knew that he still had such a skill in his hand.So it was hidden as a taboo, but the other three knights kept their mouths tight. The main reason was that they shared weal and woe. They also helped to hide it.On the surface, it seems that among the four of them, only the Water Knight is good at magic circles, but in fact, the Fire Knight's attainments in magic circles are stronger than the Water Knights, but they have to hide. That's all.

"In the box? Do you think I'm really old and dizzy? Take it and see for yourself!!" The old Pope scolded angrily. He didn't realize it at this time. Do you have to wait for yourself to figure things out?But what makes the old pope a little strange is, why does this guy have such courage?Or does he really know nothing?The old pope is not clear about this point. After all, people are separated from each other. Although there is a mind-reading ability, the old pope can also know it. What does it do.Although the strength of these magic knights is not good, I can't ignore them.

"This is impossible!! I remember, I'm not sure, I put the gems in the box at that time, and no one touched it! Why did the gems in the box disappear!!" When the fire After hearing the old pope's order, the knight turned the box around. The empty inside made his heart feel cold for a moment. Originally, he didn't get the three gemstones he wanted, but even if he got one At least gems and the others won't be punished too harshly, but there's nothing in this box?What's happening here?Could it be at that time?Taken by that old guy?Impossible, at that time the time action was very fast and the time was too short, there was no chance to do this at all, and at that time they did not feel the slightest fluctuation of magic power around them, even if it was made by that old guy, but how did he do it? did it?On or at the front line of war with country A?But that's not possible, after all, with their strength, there is no chance of encountering this box, let alone waiting for someone to open it behind their backs, or that they have spies here?He also has a very high talent for magic circles, just to mess with himself at this time?At this moment, countless thoughts popped up in the Knight of Fire's mind, guessing who the suspect is, there is no way, this is about his own wealth and life! !

"You, and the few of you, do you have any explanation? Or did you keep the gem for yourself?" The old pope asked the four magic knights below with cold eyes, as if this was the current situation. the most reasonable explanation.As the pope, he naturally knew the power of this gem. He also relied on the power of this gem in his scepter to be able to sit firmly in the position of the pope, and he also had the power to fight against the Lord of China.He had sensed that three gems had appeared in Country A before, and they were in the same location, but why did the Knight of Fire say they only saw one at this time?When I really saw it, there was only one?Could it be that these three gems are all in their hands, but they were all privately withheld, in order to become interested in their own status as Pope?But if that's the case, they wouldn't be so afraid now, would they?Assuming that they have already taken the gem for themselves, the reason why they are so afraid now is because they have no way to get the power in the gem?So I'm still terrified of myself.But he couldn't bear to give up the opportunity to turn over the gem, so he made up such a farce to fool himself? ?If this is the case, then I really have nothing to do with them for a while, at least until I get the gems out of their hands.

"Master, the four of us are loyal to you!!" The other three magic knights also shouted, mainly because the hat was too big, big enough for the old pope to directly kill them with this hat It will cause dissatisfaction among others, so is there any other choice at this time besides expressing your sincerity to the Pope?Although the Pope was asleep for a while, rumors spread from nowhere, saying that some of them were dissatisfied with the Pope's rule. Although the Pope didn't wake up at that time, and he probably didn't hear these rumors, but It's not certain that there will be people with longer mouths after I wait for others to leave, but they really don't have such thoughts in their hearts, the sun and the moon can learn from each other! !It would be great if they were equipped with a law enforcement recorder. At this time, it is not easy to say anything
"Master, I remembered!! When we were in the core laboratory of country A, we met a strange person. His strength was stronger than ours, and he was able to trap the four of us by himself!! And that person said, just let him take a look at the gem, otherwise we will not be allowed to leave! Then the support troops from country A came, and we were under pressure from country A, so we had to send the photos we took in advance to He took a look, and then let us go. Master, I think the problem is here, do we have any high-level arrangements in country A? Or did the old seniors retire there after retirement??" The calmer Water Knight He said to the old Pope, his head was tightly pressed against the ground and he never raised it. He was extremely nervous. Maybe this was the breakthrough for them to survive. It’s just that they changed the details. After all, if the old pope The Pope knew that the Knight of Fire could undo the restriction he had set up, so even if there was a problem with the old guy before, they would not have a good end! !
"Strange person? In country A? Could it be him?? No, he should not be born, after all, he made a vow! But..." the old pope fell down in his heart after hearing what the water knight said. Immediately, a figure appeared, that was the former pope. Up to now, there is no clear news whether he is dead or not.Before, he was able to overwhelm him with the help of this gemstone in his hand, and successfully replaced it.He didn't drive him to extinction, but it was enough for him to make an oath that he would not affect his status in the Holy See of Magic. In fact, it wasn't that he didn't want to kill him. After all, it was a hidden danger, but he was getting it After being supported by the power of the gemstone, there is still no way to kill it completely, and it can only roughly suppress it.If this matter is related to him, then it is a bit troublesome. If all three gems are in his hands, ah no, even if there is only one, it will be a huge danger to him.After all, he was kicked off the altar by himself, if he was pushed down again, it would be too embarrassing, and at that time, that person might not be like him back then, leaving a life behind
"Master, what are you talking about?" This is a magic knight who is no longer from the previous batch. I don't know how many times he has changed during this period, but he has won the sentence. Companion to a king is like a tiger. Magic knight can be considered a high-risk position.They probably don't know much about these old calendars, so they are also confused at this time, but looking at the Pope's pensive face, it is obvious that what he said has attracted the attention of the Pope, maybe it is true. There is such a person.In this way, their culpability can also be alleviated. Several people are relieved that they can't be investigated.

"You don't know that period of history, and I don't blame you, because it is not an opponent you can deal with. Even I am not sure of killing it completely. But if the three gems are really on him , then it will be a big trouble for us!"

"Because you four have followed me for many years, I won't punish you this time. But after a short rest, follow me to country A again. This matter must be investigated!!" The old pope thought for a while before responding Dao, at this time, he can't take care of other things. His body has not healed yet, but if he really risked his life, he could still use his fighting power at his peak in a short period of time, and the most lacking thing now is time!If the gemstone is in the hands of that person, if there is no accident, it will not be difficult for that person to crack the gemstone. If he is really allowed to use the gemstone at that time, it will definitely do no harm to him. ! !So now we must take back the gems at all costs! !Of course, it would be a different matter if it was confirmed that the person had already died.It's just that he hasn't thought of that other than that person, who else among the magicians living in the outside world has the ability to suppress the four magic knights with one hand? ?Of course, if he was told the truth, he wouldn't know what was going on, but the current pope is already impatient and can't care so much.A thorn that has not been dealt with for many years did not expect to be ready to be slashed at this time. Fortunately, I found it early. If I ignore it, I am afraid that it will be time for me to cool down later.
 The reason why the four knights were brought in this operation is mainly to let the four knights play a role in containing the old guy, or to resist the output by themselves in the front, and they are always ready to make up the knife behind.Let’s take it as their crime and meritorious deeds. There is no way to change to a new magic knight in a short time. After all, this magic knight is not just changed, but cultivated, which also wastes a lot of resources! !For the next battle with the reformers of country A, if you want to reduce the attrition of magicians, the fewer high-strength fighters, the better.

"Yes, master!!" The four magic knights were overjoyed, and they finally managed to fool this matter, otherwise they don't know what kind of punishment they will face.Although they are not afraid of death, sometimes death is still a luxury. There is no way to survive or die.They didn't have any objections to going to country A again, but they didn't expect to have the opportunity to go back so soon and seek revenge on that person!This time, it was obvious that the Pope took them there to find a place. It would be great if that old guy continued to be there!They are not very worried about the strength that the Pope said is beyond their ability to deal with. There is no way-to be tough, is there no chance to steal people? ?
"Strange, why did these three gems come together again? Is there something wrong with my perception?" The old pope sensed the position of the other three gems again. It’s too BUG, ​​but I didn’t expect that the result of re-perception showed that the three gems were still in the same place, but in the next moment it became the signal of two fast gems. It’s very weird. Could it be that they suddenly Is this also the reason why the two gems are missing?However, the old pope still recorded the general location where it appeared, and then he will go directly to find it nearby.Now in the eyes of the old pope, this is almost undoubtedly the old guy's position.Stop this old guy no matter what! !You must not lose your current status! !It would be great if he could snatch one or two gems back from him, at least he would have the capital to compete with that old guy, and his own strength would be improved again! !

 At this time, Dong Jiashui, Ye Fu and others were already in the building of Heiyu Kaito, and Dong Jiashui also showed the appearance of the third gem in front of everyone, otherwise the previous hard work and dedication would have been in vain Yet?It would be a bit embarrassing if it was directly absorbed by myself like last time. At any rate, people who know this stuff should take a look at it. Sometimes it would be a lifetime thing to miss it. What kind of method can deduct the absorbed gems from it? This is why the old pope only felt three gems in an instant, and then it became two gems because Dong Jiashui took things in. Inside the system warehouse.It would be strange to be detected by the old Pope there.

"Jiashui, what do you plan to do next? Are you going directly to State O?" Mole asked Dong Jiashui, knowing Dong Jiashui's general itinerary plan very well.

"Yeah, but Brother Mole, you may not be able to stay with me from now on." Dong Jiashui responded, although it was a bit cruel, but some things should be made clear in advance.
"Okay, I know. I am satisfied after going through such a period of time outside." Mole wanted to fight for it, but he still supported Dong Jiashui's decision. After all, it was Dong Jiashui who brought him out of China in the first place. , Dong Jiashui's face still has to be given.At the same time, Mole also believes that Dong Jiashui made such a decision with certain considerations, and it was not a sudden decision, nor was it because his actions were a little too watery this time. Probably.But they also know about the risky mole in O state. After all, they are their old opponents, a long-time enemy, and they know each other a little bit.As for the mole, it is estimated that he was discovered as soon as he entered, because his powers already have some corresponding information that may have been mastered by the other party long ago. Even if he can't do anything to the mole, some actions It will still be affected by the arrival of the mole, so forget it.In comparison, Dong Jiashui is more suitable. At least Dong Jiashui has not been in office for a long time, and he still has the status of a student. At that time, it is possible to use domestic power to mix in O State by means of exchange students. At the same time, Dong Jiashui His skills are much more than Mole's, and his strength is also stronger than Mole's. If something happens, it is estimated that not many people can stop him.In addition, Dong Jiashui still has a strange state, which is listed as top secret by Li Lao.They themselves believed in Dong Jiashui, maybe Dong Jiashui could find the reason for his state in this way?
"Brother Mole, don't be discouraged. If there is a chance in the future, I will still find a way to bring you out. Even if I don't need me, it may be convenient to report my name on some domestic matters?" Dong Jiashui pointed Mole said with a smile, mainly the current situation is really inappropriate for Mole.Of course, if there is a chance next time, Dong Jiashui will still choose to bring the mole. After all, the mole is also a life guarantee for Dong Jiashui! !In terms of escaping skills, if it is serious, it is much better than Kuroba Kaito, Kaitou Kidd and the like.

"Haha, then I will remember your words." Mole replied with a smile. He still knew about Dong Jiashui's little identity and background. It is possible to use it only if it is in the circle of aliens and has a certain status. However, if such a situation occurs, it may be that the mole has poked something big. Naturally, the mole will not Let things like this happen.

"What about Ye Fu?" Dong Jiashui turned to Ye Fu on the other side and asked. After all, he is a colleague, and the other party has experienced the tragedy of genocide. It is necessary for him to care about it. As for the rent and so on Yes, Dong Jiashui has long since forgotten about it.

"I'm going back. There's a lot of pressure from Boss Xu, so I won't stay outside anymore." Ye Fu directly interrupted Dong Jiashui and responded, seeming to have returned to the time when he was several blocks ahead of Dong Jiashui. But now it's because Dong Jiashui is too lazy to care about it.

As for the Black Feather Kaito guys, they will still stay here to send out the mysterious organization they want to investigate, but they will still allocate a certain force to give Dong Jiashui a certain amount of support in O State, after all, they are unfamiliar with the place where they live place, it really can't do without some help

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