i really have no magic

Chapter 16 Flying to the Moon?

"Temporary worker?" Does that count as finding a job?Living expenses should be covered.

"The employees are all off work now, and I will introduce you tomorrow. Have you recovered your physical strength? When you recover, go back by yourself." The boss finished speaking, and before Dong Jiashui could reply, he went out and picked up Bai San who had fallen on the ground. The night is gone.

"Abducted me here from the police station in the middle of the night? Where is this place! How do you want me to go back..." Are powerful people so willful now?
But I learned a lot tonight. So those four stones are called energy crystals?
Do the colors represent the attributes of each?The red one should be of fire attribute, the green one should be of wood attribute, and the blue one should be of water attribute. What about the black one? ?shadow? ?
Why do I feel like I'm playing a game...

If even the stone is so extraordinary, what about the books?Wouldn't it be more precious?

It's all over...

The gate of the dormitory at the school must have been closed long ago, so I can only go to the store to make do at night.

If I want to put it aside, I can only go outside to find a small Internet cafe for a night, why don't I stay in a hotel?Are we the kind of people who spend their money in that kind of place?Living there is different, mainly because there is no money...

I went back to the store by the way and put the book away first. If I lose it, I will lose a lot of money.


Walking on a familiar street, as usual, there are no people.

Gradually we reached the end of the street,

Eh?Why is the door open?Didn't I turn it off last time?Was it robbed? !
Thinking of this, Dong Jiashui rushed over quickly. He had been bullied for a day, and now he even attracted thieves?
He casually pulled out a branch from a nearby plant, and used the wood attribute to make the branch covered with small thorns.

Holding a big stick in one hand, he pushed open the ajar door with the other.

"Who's in there! Get out of here quickly." Dong Jiashui shouted.

The store was very dark and the lights were not turned on, but Dong Jiashui clearly felt a figure inside, and paused when he was speaking.

"I saw you! Come here honestly, and I promise to leave a whole body for you!" Dong Jiashui continued to scare him.

The things here have almost nothing to do with him, and he won't lose much if he loses them, so it won't be a big deal.

However, if one's own territory is invaded by others at will, individuals will be very upset.

"You are finally back." A crisp voice broke the silence at this moment.

Dong Jiashui walked into the store and closed the door.

Well, that's right, Dong Jiashui is going to close the door and beat the dog!
"Who are you!" Dong Jiashui asked while fumbling for the switch.

Dong Jiashui, who had already found the switch and pressed it, felt a little more confident. I want to see who dares to touch my bad luck at this time!
"Freeze" The moment the light was turned on, the crisp voice sounded again.

Dong Jiashui, who was carrying the stick at this time, seemed to be frozen at this moment, unable to move.

Dong Jiashui looked at the source of the sound, but he couldn't move his hands and feet. One foot was still hanging in the air and hadn't landed yet.

"What the hell is this! Freezing?? Is this thief also capable?! Why do I feel that I am so mediocre... Anyone who comes here today can abuse me...

Dong Jiashui, who was frozen, could not open his mouth to speak, and could only roll his eyes.

Move your eyes to the direction of the sound, and feel that someone is approaching,

But he didn't hear the sound of walking. Is this person a human or a ghost? !Encountered this kind of unclean thing outside at night?
"Tell me, who are you!" A petite figure approached Dong Jiashui's sight and asked.

I saw this man wearing a loose robe, motionless in the wind. If you look carefully, his feet seem to be still a short distance from the ground.Is this person hanging? !

Isn't the store delivered by this system unclean?!System, do I have any grudge against you?
Also, this sister, you have frozen me, I can still say a fart.I'm afraid you are not the same as that third master Bai, who thinks highly of me...

He seemed to realize that Dong Jiashui could not speak at all.

"Restoration" spoke again, lifting the previous freeze.

Dong Jiashui lost his balance and fell directly to the ground.

"This little sister? Don't come here to harm me. I just moved here recently. It has nothing to do with me." Dong Jiashui got up from the ground.

"Hit you? You deserve it too!" He said disdainfully, just this person in front of him?If you really want his life, it is not a matter of a few words.

"Why are you here? Are you a thief?" The little girl in front of him said to Dong Jiashui again, not yet letting down his guard.

Can we make some sense? !This is my territory!You came here to catch my master as a thief?Little sister, you are really amazing.

"This is my shop, I still want to ask you! How did you get here!" Dong Jiashui said, and at the same time picked up the barbed stick that came from the outside, knowing that you are very strong, but I also not bad!
"Are you that Dong Kaishui? It doesn't look like it." He took out a photo from somewhere, stared at it, and compared it with Dong Jiashui in front of him.

"My name is Dong Jiashui!! Add water!" You call it boiled water!It's the first time someone can misidentify Dong Jiashui's name...it makes him a little bit broken...

Just throw the photo away,
"It doesn't matter. I'm Ye Fu. I'm your boss. I've taken over your place." He said the most domineering words in the nicest voice. That's what he said...

I haven't gone to work yet, where is my boss?And Yefu?blessing?
"You are the one-eyed fortune that Mr. Bai said?" Dong Jiashui asked cautiously, after all, this is not a nice nickname.

After the word Cyclops was uttered, the aura exuded by this little sister instantly strengthened.

"Mr. Bai? You dare to call me that when that guy calls me that?!" Ye Fu was so angry that he grabbed Dong Jiashui's neck and lifted it up. "I will teach you the first lesson today, respect your superiors!"

Long black nails protruded from his hands, a pair of black wings suddenly appeared behind him, and his eyes gradually became scarlet.

my God?What the hell is this!

Dong Jiashui was stunned, this is a monster...

"I won't beat you up, it's too useless." Hearing this, Dong Jiashui breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll take you out for a drive!"

Dong Jiashui instantly felt a hint of danger...

"Aren't you afraid of being exposed? Let's play like this!" Dong Jiashui was trying to think of a way to save himself, but found that he could not get rid of this hand, his feet were off the ground, and he had no way to use his strength.

"I've taken care of all the surveillance around here, and there's no one there. How do you say it's exposed?!"

At this time, Dong Jiashui was being manipulated like a white mouse.

"You third-level alien, don't struggle." I felt Dong Jiashui trying to break free.Anyway, as long as I don't let go, no matter how hard you try, it's useless.

"What is a third-level alien?" Hearing this, Dong Jiashui also became interested and stopped resisting.

This is the first time Dong Jiashui heard that this thing has grades?So he planned to continue listening to Ye Fu.

But Dong Jiashui didn't even think about it, would the man in front of him follow his wishes?

Otherwise, it wouldn't be carried around the neck...

"No more trouble? Okay, let's set off!" Carrying Dong Jiashui, he walked towards the door.

The moon broke free from the clouds, bringing a ray of brightness to the dark night.

"It's a favor for you, let you experience the feeling of flying! There will be no such opportunity in the future." Ye Fu said flatly.

But why did Dong Jiashui feel a hint of excitement on Ye Fu's face?Is this an illusion? !

Immediately, Ye Fu spread his closed wings, kicked his feet, and ran towards the moon...

In the exchange student dormitory of Qinzhou University, a figure is practicing magic skills facing the window.
When I saw the UFO suddenly appearing outside the window and then gradually disappearing, it brought back a trace of memories.

"The black crow in the night?"

No, this is obviously a big bat,
It seems to be holding someone, which looks familiar.

It seems that there are still many things in this world that I don't know. Maybe the fateful time "Pandora" is also true.

"It doesn't matter, I am not qualified to touch these now. Go to bed and sleep, and think of a way to determine those gems tomorrow."

Turning around, he was about to go back to the bed, ready to rest, and didn't seem to have the slightest worry about Dong Jiashui.

It should be safe. Anyway, there is no direct evidence that he did it, except for his face...

"Oh, who sent so many text messages?" I opened the phone and took a look. It turned out to be Qingzi. Didn't that idiot know how to make calls... He was still the same as before.


In the early morning, when the sun slowly rises,

In Dong Jiashui's small shop, Dong Jiashui couldn't go back last night, so he could only stay here.

But the small room in the shop was taken by that big bat named Ye Fu...Dong Jiashui couldn't grab her...

After a sleepless night, his eyeballs were a little bloodshot, and Dong Jiashui didn't even know how he got back last night.

Being carried by a big bat, gliding high in the air, rolling...

I'm still a little nauseous to this day. Is this a disguised treatment for Dong Jiashui's fear of heights?Thank you so much!

Dong Jiashui's legs are still trembling.

I looked up at the time... Well, it's time to ask that person to go back to the company...

Recalling last night after going crazy in the sky and landing in the sky, Ye Dabat went to sleep with a satisfied face... In stark contrast to Dong Jiashui who didn't recover all night...

Is this the innate difference of race?
I just don’t know at that point, is there anyone in Xingxing who is too busy to sleep… and then record them by the way… But with this headstrong tech boss here, it shouldn’t be a big problem…

"Boom, boss, get up!" Dong Jiashui knocked on the door carefully.

"Get the hell out of here!" There was an angry shout from inside... This wake-up is really full of anger...

I can't get used to her, Dong Jiashui doesn't even think about whether I can get used to her?
"Dong dong dong" Dong Jiashui continued to knock.

Hearing the sound of slippers being dragged, Dong Jiashui originally stepped back a little, keeping a certain distance from the door.

"You'd better hope your business can interest me!" Ye Fu's sleepy eyes did not stop the murderous aura from leaking out.

"Boss... you said last night that we should go to the company together today. Let me wake you up." Dong Jiashui answered carefully.Who knows if this big bat will suddenly hit him again...

"Boom" the door closed, it seems that this boss is still a little sensible...

"Hurry up, stop the ink stains." The door opened again, Big Bat, ah no... Ye Fu had already changed her clothes, her eye-catching big robe.

"Leader? Let's walk there, don't fly..." Dong Jiashui really didn't want to take off again...

"Pa" Ye Fu jumped up and covered Dong Jiashui's forehead.

"Flying you ghost, I thought flying was so easy! Come with me..." Ye Fu naturally wants to fly... When you don't see it's daytime...there are more people on the street.If Ye Fu can handle surveillance, can he handle so many pairs of eyes?

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