i really have no magic

Chapter 13 Taken Away

Dong Jiashui, who had just entered the door, saw that Kaito Kuroba left the packaged things on the table.

"Which of you ordered takeout?" Dong Jiashui looked at the package and seemed to have never seen this restaurant before.

"Didn't you bring this? Then I don't know." Ying Xiaoshi turned his head and glanced at the thing Dong Jiashui said.

Dong Jiashui didn't care too much, so he put the things aside...


On the other side, Kaito Kuroba, who just came back to his senses and didn't take out his things, was still wondering if he was discovered...

But the most urgent thing is to remove the disguise on the face!

If someone who knows Dong Jiashui sees it again, it will be even more difficult...

Just as Kuroba Kaito avoided the crowd and returned all the way to where he stored his equipment.

I happened to see two policemen standing guard at the door of the bathroom!
Heiyu Kaito panicked a little. This is not the R book. He finally brought these equipments to China. Could it be that he was taken over by the same pot now?No, I can't just give up like this...

Realizing that the mask had not been removed from his face, he boldly walked towards the police.

But was stopped by the police, at this time, the bathroom door opened.

Kuroya Kaito frowned instinctively.

A policeman at the door just happened to notice the change in Kuroba Kaito's face.

A captain-level policeman walked out of it, holding several transparent bags in his hand, which contained things that Kuroba Kaito was very familiar with!
There is the white dress he wears every time he transforms into Kidd, the gun that can play playing cards, and some auxiliary props.

"My house was ransacked so suddenly?" Kuroba Kaito was a little curious, how did the police find this place? Usually no one comes here!Will my identity be exposed?

It's better to flash first!Where there is life, there is hope!

Immediately, Kuroba Kaito also planned to run away immediately.

"Uncle Policeman, keep busy. Goodbye Uncle Policeman." Kaito Kuroba shouted while walking towards the survival passage.

"Wait, stop." The policeman who noticed Kaito Kuroba stopped him who was about to run away.

"What's the matter, Uncle Police~" Kaito Kuroba slowed down his pace slightly, and didn't stop because he was called by the police.

Seeing Kuroba Kaito's performance like this, the other two policemen also noticed something unusual.

Immediately exchanged glances, there is a problem!

"Did you hear me tell you to stop?" He scolded Kuroba Kaito while slowly following him.

Kuroba Kaito noticed that the police were following up, and reached into his pocket with one hand, touching the gadget he had prepared, just in case.

The police who followed behind Kaito Kuroba saw that Kaito Kuroba still did not stop, and softly used the walkie-talkie to call nearby colleagues to come over for support, and at the same time broke the information about the appearance and clothing of Kaito Kuroba at this time.Prevent the suspect in front of you from running away.

At this time, Kaito Kuroba had already reached a fork in the road, and the police behind him were still a short distance away, so he stopped immediately, with his hand still in his pocket.

"Uncle policeman, I'm not a bad person. I'm timid, why do you follow me?" Kaito Kuroba pretended to be innocent and puzzled.

However, the police did not stop.

"Don't talk nonsense! Stretch out your hands and squat on the ground!" The leader of the police shouted.

"Okay, okay, okay, policeman, don't be harsh on me. I'm very timid!" Kuroba Kaito slowly stretched out his hand.

"What's in your hand!" The leading policeman realized the danger.

"Uncle policeman, you are talking about this. Don't be nervous, it's just a gadget." The two red envelope balls in his hand lit up.

"Get down and put things on the ground!" The two sides were only a few meters away at this time.

Hearing this, Kaito Kuroba didn't answer, and pretended to squat down and put it on the ground.

At this time, the police stepped up their pace, getting closer and closer to Kuroba Kaito.

I saw Kuroba Kaito in front of me holding a small ball and suddenly threw it hard in front of the police.

"No!" The more experienced policeman quickly pushed away the two colleagues next to him.Who knows what this thing is and whether it is dangerous.


A cloud of gray smoke instantly blocked the sight of the three policemen, mixed with a pungent smell.

After you react, immediately pick up the walkie-talkie and call for support!Chase the suspect!

"I'm going, I'm almost finished!" At the moment when the instant-explosive smoke bomb was activated, Kaito Kuroba quickly ran away, removed the disguise on his face, and took off his coat at a blind spot under surveillance. He got down, turned out the other side of the jacket and tied it to his body, and made the hairstyle as it should be.

After doing all this, I saw several police officers running over from a distance.

One policeman was left to stop Kuroba Kaito, who had transformed back into his own form, while the rest of the group continued to their destination.

"Are you a student here? Take out your student ID card and check it." After showing his ID, the police guarding Kuroba Kaito investigated Kuroba Kaito in front of him.

"R himself? What are you doing here?" After checking the student ID card, he asked, his face a little cold.

"I'm looking for a study room with no one around." Kuroba Kaito pretended that he was not fluent in Chinese and had a special accent.

"Why are you looking for a study room with no one? I see you didn't bring anything." Why didn't you bring a book when you were looking for a study room?

"I want to find a place to practice magic. Mr. Police, look." Kaito Kuroba took out some small props from his pocket and started to show off.

"All right, all right, did you see any strange person coming over?" Realizing that R himself in front of him should be fine, he thought about it, he just didn't know the clue of the suspect.

"I didn't see it, Mr. Policeman, I didn't see anyone else here." Kuroba Kaito replied quickly.

"Then you go, remember, if you have any clues, remember to provide us in time!" Then, he left without looking back.

"Mr. Police, go slowly." Kaito Kuroba heaved a sigh of relief as he watched the police go away. It seemed that he was safe.

But... That Dong Jiashui should not be so lucky.

No, this person must be possessed by a degenerate spirit!After getting involved with him, I, Kuroba Kaito, are extremely unlucky!

I sent a warning letter, but it seems that no one has responded to it to this day.

As soon as he was about to start, he was bumped into by an uncle security guard who was watching the night. Later, the police were attracted and a hang glider was lost.

Changing into the appearance of Dong Jiashui, his small base was taken away by the police before he got the things, and he was almost caught.

Just think of it as giving back to Dong Jiashui.

Dong Jiashui, who was still in the dormitory watching his roommates cheating, hadn't realized that he had been bullied by Heiyu Kuaidou.


"Captain, the surveillance near the area of ​​Qinzhou University did not capture the suspect."

"Captain, the colleagues in the laboratory did not have any other clues in that batch of things except the suspect's approximate height and shape."

"Yes, I understand." We originally planned to catch that person through surveillance video, but who knows whether the surveillance was ineffective or the suspect was too cunning and no relevant images were left.

So I was going to find a professional to draw the general characteristics of the suspect.

Soon, it was confirmed that he was a student of Qinzhou University, and the clue pointed to Dong Jiashui.

Of course, he didn't go directly to bring Dong Jiashui back. After all, there are still policemen watching over Qinzhou University. Even if it was him, it would not be easy to run outside.

Instead, it was called to monitor and find out Dong Jiashui's trajectory today.

The previous one was pretty normal, going to the activity center, then going to the canteen, etc. was all normal.

But the part in the dormitory was very strange!
One entered the dormitory, and another was eating in the cafeteria at the same time.

When the one in the cafeteria went back to the dormitory, the one who was originally in the dormitory came out quickly.

If it weren't for the two "Dong Jiashui" clothes being different.The police who watched the video thought they had seen a ghost.

The monitoring in the cafeteria and dormitory is not prone to problems, and it is still high-definition.

Later, the "Dong Jiashui" who came out of the dormitory seemed to be avoiding surveillance, and his whereabouts were suspicious. Although he didn't see his final destination, he finally disappeared on the way to the scene of the accident.

This "Dong Jiashui" is very suspicious!The "Dong Jiashui" who stayed in the dormitory never came out.

So he didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately asked the colleagues who stayed at the school to bring Dong Jiashui over first.

Even if Dong Jiashui was wronged in this matter, he must have a special relationship with the suspect.

Otherwise, it's not good to pretend to be someone, why do you have to pretend to be Dong Jiashui?It’s not like he’s a celebrity, internet celebrity, handsome guy or anything like that.

Maybe someone is going to make Dong Jiashui!


"咚咚咚" the door of the dormitory was knocked,

It is impossible for them who are still busy to open the door, it is still:
"Wait! Express delivery at the door!"

"Boom boom boom" rang again.

"Stop knocking, here we come." Dong Jiashui's extremely reluctant voice came, no matter who let him be idle now, he is not playing.

"Police...uncle policeman...please...please come in!" Dong Jiashui saw two policemen standing at the door as soon as he opened the door, he was a little slurred and panicked.

The two policemen outside the door first showed their IDs, then stared at Dong Jiashui and entered the dormitory.

"Why does the police keep staring at me? I didn't do anything bad! Could it be that R himself sold me out, and they want me to be a mutant??" Dong Jiashui, who had been stared at by the police all the time, panicked even more.

One of the policemen took out his mobile phone, opened a picture, and placed it in front of Dong Jiashui.

"Is this person you?"

"Ah...yes...it's...it's me." He really came to look for me!I really didn't do anything bad!

"You are currently involved in a case. I hope you can come back with us for investigation." He did not take out a pair of exclusive silver bracelets.

"Uncle policeman, I really didn't do anything bad!"

"Yes, uncle policeman, Dong Jiashui has been in school these days, how could it have anything to do with him?" Ying Xiaoshi argued for Dong Jiashui.

After the five roommates noticed that the police had arrived, they stopped driving.

A policeman looked in Ying Xiaoshi's direction and found the suspicious packaging bag on the monitor on the table.

Then he took out the equipment he carried with him, and packed the things left by Kaito Kuroba.

"Don't worry, it's nothing. It's just assisting the investigation. This thing is the same."

So, under the watchful eyes of his roommates... Dong Jiashui just left with the police...

Kuroba Kaito, who was lurking outside the dormitory, naturally saw this scene.
"Finally, I still took Dong Jiashui away, let's see how you hinder me."

Thinking about the next course of action.

It is impossible to give up. No one can stop me until I am sure whether those things are Pandora.


ps: Regarding the update time issue,
Not around four or five o'clock in the afternoon, just before ten o'clock in the evening.

At least one update every day, with at least 3k words.

Depending on the click and collection situation, it will be updated from time to time. (There is no hoarding of manuscripts, and it is coded every day.)
Please click, please collect, please recommend!

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