Mr. Han, love this time

Chapter 82 Wedding Farce

Although Lin Na could guess what Han Yifan wanted to do, she wasn't even prepared for this proposal!
She called, but Han Yifan didn't let her speak and said directly: "You just need to put on your wedding dress!"

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Although there is no surprise, every girl should look forward to a marriage proposal!

After Linna hung up the phone, she rushed to the bathroom to fill the bathtub with water, then changed her clothes and soaked herself in it.

After a comfortable warm water bubble bath, the whole person relaxed a lot. Looking at herself in the mirror, her skin was fair and smooth, and her body was well-proportioned. The strange thing was that she didn't lose weight due to acclimatization, but her whole body became rosy.

Maybe because she wanted to look better in her wedding dress, Linna didn't even dare to take a bite of dinner, and she felt a little disappointed when she thought that she didn't even have a good friend by her side at such an important moment.

It took Lena a long time to put on a delicate makeup, put on the wedding dress, and feel like she was really married at that moment.

The clock passed by every minute and every second, and Linna appeared in the banquet hall on the 20th floor on time. The moment she opened the door and walked in, she faced the whole world in a daze. She was shocked by the endless applause.

Looking at Han Yifan in a suit and leather shoes, he was standing in the center of the stage, and he was the only one in her world.

"Today is the day when Chen Linna and I get married. It seems that friends from the media are here. I hereby solemnly announce that Miss Chen Linna is my only wife, Han Yifan!"

Speaking of this, there was a lot of discussion off the stage, and the interesting reporter asked: "Mr. Han, what happened to the engagement ceremony with Ms. Andy a few days ago? She said that you cheated in marriage, is it true?"

"A few days ago, Ms. Andy and I just attended an event normally, and it was called an engagement ceremony by your media. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings in the future, today I take great care to announce that Chen Linna is my wife. In the future, you should not I made a random guess, Linna is my college classmate, we are both first loves, we are very in love!"

Lin Na just thought it was just a joke, but she didn't expect that she and Han Yifan would directly enter the marriage hall like this?

"Then what happened to Miss Andy? What happened to the press conference?"

Facing the attitude of the media to break the casserole and ask the truth, Linna had no choice but to go directly to the center of the stage, took the microphone and said calmly with a smile: "Miss Andy has always been a very beautiful and kind partner, and she is also the right man of President Han. Go-getters, I am very grateful for her efforts and contributions in GT over the past few years, thank you!"

Her appearance attracted more attention from the media: "Miss Andy said before that Mr. Han cheated during marriage. May I ask if she doesn't know if you are married, or Mr. Han has someone else."

"Mr. Han has made it very clear just now. Mr. Han and Andy are just ordinary partners. I believe Mr. Han is always an honest and trustworthy man who dares to take responsibility."

Just when the press group was surrounding Linna to ask questions, the door was pushed open, and Andy walked in like crazy: "Chen Linna, don't go too far!"

The media were more like people waiting to eat melons, and they were even more curious about Andy's appearance.

"Miss Andy, are you Mr. Han's wife or Miss Linna?"

Looking at the messy scene, Lin Na took out the microphone and said very seriously: "Everyone be quiet, be quiet!"

Her roar stopped the whole scene.

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