Mr. Han, love this time

Chapter 80: Fengzhang Road Turns?

After much deliberation, before returning home, Lin Na secretly met Han Dongming behind Han Yifan's back.

At this time, Han Dongming was watching the news at home. He seemed to be very free these days. He heard from the housekeeper that he and Han Yifan seldom spent time at home, and even when they were at home, they rarely talked.

"Mr. Han, I know you hate me, but I want to say goodbye to you before I leave." Andy stood respectfully in front of Han Dongming.

"We're not familiar enough for you to be so polite to me!"

"I came today with an immature suggestion, if you can go back to China with us, or ask Yifan to spend more time with you."

Just when Han Dongming was about to say something, the assistant suddenly came over to indicate that there was an urgent matter to report.

Han Dongming said directly: "Speak out."

"Okay, Miss Andy held a press conference just now, publicly stating that Mr. Han cheated on his ex-girlfriend during marriage, and even said that his ex-girlfriend came here to spoil her marriage with Mr. Han."

After hearing this, Han Dongming said eloquently: "I don't think you need to go back to China, just deal with this matter before leaving!"

Although it was unfortunate news, Linna was very happy and surprised: "So, if I handle this matter well, you agree that we can be together, right?"

"Let's talk about it after you've dealt with it!" Han Dongming got up and left and returned to the room.

"Thank you Mr. Han for giving me a chance!"

Linna immediately called Jiayi and told her that she would postpone her return to China for a few days.

Jiayi was still sleepy on the other end of the phone: "When did you go abroad?"

"Are you sleeping stupidly, you..."

Jiayi came to her senses and immediately sobered up: "Why? You won't leave me alone, will you?"

Instead, Linna played tricks and said: "I have something important to deal with now, and I will tell you when I return to China, so that's it, you go on sleeping!"

After Linna returned to the hotel, she immediately took out her computer and got busy. Perhaps because of work, she likes to carry her laptop with her.

She began to collect evidence of her relationship with Han Yifan as quickly as possible, as well as evidence of Andy plagiarizing her works in China.Also as a designer, she didn't want to ruin a person's future in such a way, but it was all forced by her.

Andy's explosive news blew up the entire financial world in an instant, and even the entertainment headlines that had nothing to do with it were all about it.

The stock price, which had soared just two days ago, fell again, like an unreasonable child crying and laughing.

At this time, Han Yifan called: "Lin Na, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave today!"

"It's okay, I can't go either!"

"You're not leaving either?" It was obvious that Han Yifan didn't know about her agreement with Han Dongming.

"Well, I want to play for a few more days."

"Well, it's just that I may be a little busy these two days. Where do I want to go, I'll ask the driver to take you."

"It's inconvenient for the driver, I can just walk around by myself."

Lina has been busy in front of the computer for a long time, maybe because Andy is a public figure, so the news about her is like a popular female star, and there are a lot of information on the Internet.

 Looking at Andy's resume, it is rich and colorful and full of challenges. Don't look at her becoming the vice president of China at a young age. This occupation is nothing more than to satisfy her personal petty hobbies.

Although Lin Na feels ashamed, she tells herself that she must persevere, this is the only chance for her and Han Yifa to be together!

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