Mr. Han, love this time

Chapter 72 Thanks for Support

These days, Linna and Jiayi have been busy releasing new models. Although the doors of the studio have not been opened for a while, when they heard that there are new models, the neighbors around were very excited and came to choose, hoping to find something that suits them. .

Linna was also very pleased to see the support of these neighbors, and it was also a sense of accomplishment for every designer.

After greeting the guests, Linna and Jiayi finally stopped, and Jiayi poured them a cup of coffee each.

"Now I find that only coffee can keep me alive. I thought that the door would be closed for so long, and the customers would have already left. I didn't expect that as soon as I heard that the door was open, I would come running over, and there are people from GT!"

"Isn't there a saying that is good, the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, as long as you like it, everything is not a problem."

"That's right, Chinese women's desire to buy is famous all over the world."

While the two of them were chatting, a man walked in, and Jiayi hurried up to greet him: "Welcome!"

"Hi, I'm here to find Miss Jiayi." The man was polite.

Jiayi looked at the man in front of her who was exquisitely dressed, with three-dimensional features and a somewhat foreign appearance, and wondered in her heart: Is this handsome guy making a mistake?

"Hello, I am, who are you? I don't seem to know you."

"I'm David, and I'm Yifan's friend. Some time ago he said that you invited me to dinner, but because I'm temporarily unable to come back in England, so this time I came to apologize."

Jiayi was still confused when she heard this, but Linna knew what was going on: This is the man Han Yifan introduced to Jiayi. He went up to say that they would have dinner together and ended up flying off the plane temporarily, so that Jiayi would be lost for a long time. .

Lin Na came over: "So you are here to treat me to dinner this time?"

"Yes, I wonder if you two are free tonight?"

Lin Na looked at David's very sincere expression and thought to herself: Why has she never heard of Han Yifan having such a good buddy.

"Okay, let us know in advance when the restaurant is booked." Linna immediately agreed.

"Thank you, thank you. This is the silk scarf I brought back from England. I hope you like it. See you later."

After watching the man leave, Jiayi hurriedly approached Dan Linna and asked, "Who is he?"

"Your boyfriend, fool!" Lina patted her head lightly with her hand.

"Oh... this is the boyfriend Mr. Han introduced to me! Sure, I like it."

"I like it too. It's really handsome. It's a bit of a mixed race. It should be a mixed race."

As soon as Jiayi heard that Linna said she liked it, she quickly refused: "No, you have Mr. Han, so you can't compete with me."

"Look at your virtue, be reserved! It's all yours."

Good things come in pairs. David had just left, and Yang Hengyi came. Lina joked with an attitude of nothing to do with herself: "This is a good show, life is a multiple-choice question!"

As soon as Jiayi heard it, she made a face and hurried to greet her: "Mr. Yang, why are you here?"

"I was passing by, so I came to have a look. Are you free tonight? I want to chat with you about work clothes!"

Jiayi remembered that the company does change a batch of work clothes every year at this time, but it has always had fixed manufacturers and partners. Although it seems not very good to pry the order directly, but fair experience, the leader can give it to whomever he wants!

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