Mr. Han, love this time

Chapter 63 Back to School

Han Yifan drove all the way, Linna found that it seemed a bit far from the direction of eating.


"You'll know when it arrives."

Looking at the increasingly familiar scenery, Linna understood something. They came to the former school.

"Why are you here?"

Lina's mood is a bit complicated. This place is full of their sweet memories, but her lonely figure is also left here. After Han Yifan left without saying goodbye, she often walked alone on the road that two people walked together.

"I suddenly thought of the school's dishes, so I came here. You said that if we go to class now, people will still treat us as students here?"

"It's a good idea, I'm almost a parent of a student, and I still want to be a student."

Indeed, this is the first time they have come back after graduation, and it has been seven years.

Looking at the campus she hadn't seen for a long time, Linna felt more emotional. If she could do it all over again, she would rather not know Han Yifan. The clean and blank memory might make her more willing to come back.

When she came to the school cafeteria, Linna was a little hesitant. This is where they spend three meals a day together.

The moment Han Yifan directly held her hand, it seemed as if all the feelings from back then returned.

At that time, in order to avoid queuing, Han Yifan always took her hand and ran over in a hurry, at that time she always made fun of him for being a starving ghost, but what she didn't know was that he only wanted her to eat her best food. Love the chicken stew with potatoes.

"Wow, there are still so many people, you go find a seat, and I'll line up." Han Yifan made arrangements enthusiastically.

Linna consciously found a seat by the window, which was where they used to sit. Why has this old habit not changed at all after so many years.

Linna stared blankly at the plants and trees outside the window. It happened to be spring, and everywhere was full of greenery and vitality. The youthful and youthful breath rushed to my face. This feeling is really good.

Han Yifan walked over with the food: "Do you still remember? Aunt Wang was still dividing the food there, she even recognized me, and specially gave me a big chicken drumstick."

At that time Han Yifan loved to play ball, so he ate a little late in the afternoon. Every time he ate in the cafeteria, there was not much food left, but he always liked to buy a big chicken drumstick from Aunt Wang. Aunt Wang always secretly kept it for him.

Lin Na looked at the stewed chicken with potatoes in front of her, which seemed to be the same as before, but when she tasted it, it didn't have the same taste as before.She put down her chopsticks after eating a piece of potato.

"What's wrong? It's not delicious?"

"No, I'm a little thirsty."

Han Yifan hastily opened the yoghurt next to her for her, this is her habit, she always wants to drink something when eating.

"I saw Professor Han just now. He glanced at me and then left. I probably didn't notice it. He seems to be much older."

Professor Han, who teaches calculus, often likes to make jokes about the two of them. Even the boring classes are taught by him with great interest, so as long as there are his classes, there are always bursts of laughter in the classroom, and the students like his classes very much. , and he can write very beautiful chalk characters, and her characters have also been secretly learned since then.

Lin Na didn't know what to say, all the memories appeared in her mind one by one like a movie.

"Han Yifan?" A man's voice sounded, still with that familiar feeling.

Lin Na looked up and stood up quickly: "Professor Han, hello!"

"Chen Linna, long time no see!" Professor Han was a little excited when he saw her, "I saw Han Yifan when I was cooking. I thought I was wrong, but I didn't expect it to be you."

"Yeah, we haven't come back to see you for a long time, how are you doing recently?"

On the contrary, Han Yifan was a little restrained, he didn't know what kind of joke Professor Han was making.

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