Due to the long distance, it was dusk when Chen Linna returned home from the cemetery. She saw Han Yifan standing at the door with a suitcase beside her.

"Where did you go? Why didn't you answer the phone?"

Chen Linna remembered that she forgot her mobile phone at home: "I forgot to bring it, why are you here?"

"You haven't eaten yet, have you?"

"What's up?"

Lin Na didn't open the door, but Han Yifan took the key to open the door and pulled the suitcase into the room.

Without further ado, Han Yifan walked into the kitchen and got busy. She didn't know how to cook, but in order to take care of Linna, she learned a few dishes, and the taste was not bad.

Lina sat at the dining table and watched Han Yifan busy in an apron, she felt very uncomfortable. Is this what a pampered man should look like to support his family?It must have hurt his parents to see that.

"Eat, why are you staring blankly?" Han Yifan didn't notice her unhappiness.

"You came here with a suitcase..." Linna couldn't ignore the suitcase that was placed next to her.

"I've decided that this will be my home from now on."

"What? Your house? Why?"

"Just because you need someone to take care of you!"

"I do not need!"

"Don't be brave, eat quickly, it won't taste good if it's cold." Han Yifan put a piece of fish into Linna's bowl.

After dinner, Han Yifan cleaned up the dishes and cleaned up the dishes immediately. He looked like a competent family husband, and Linna softened her heart after seeing it.

"You come here, does your father know?"

"He doesn't need to know, and you don't need to worry about him. We are all adults and have our own lives."

"You should know your father doesn't like me..."

Han Yifan stopped peeling apples, looked at Chen Linna and said sincerely: "You have never been a person who changed your mind because of others, I don't know why you are becoming submissive now, Linna, you have to believe We will be fine."

After what he said, Linna really felt that she had changed. She began to worry about what others would think of her, and she began to feel confused.

"What about Andy?" Lena didn't want to mention the name, but she couldn't convince herself that she didn't care.

"Linna, you have to believe me, no matter when and whoever, I am yours, I dare to swear, I have never changed for you."

That night, Chen Linna and Han Yifan chatted for a long time, she hadn't spoken out like this for a long time, although there were still many troubles tomorrow, but the feeling of confiding was really good, there was too much emotion between them to express.

Before going to bed, Linna even wanted Han Yifan to stay in this room for a moment, but she never said so, Han Yifan thought that she had quietly closed the door after falling asleep and came to another room.

Han Yifan was lying on the bed when he received a message on his phone

Andy: Is the bed at your ex-girlfriend's house comfortable?

Han Yifan was very helpless and directly dialed the phone: "If you really want to know if the bed is comfortable, I can tell you responsibly that it is very comfortable. If you have other things, please ask tomorrow. I am going to sleep now. .”

"Han Yifan, you are really amazing."

Then Han Yifan's phone was suddenly hung up, and now Andy lives in his family's big villa, which is arranged by his father and he can't control him, so that he can just come out to accompany Linna, even though the family is probably already "the world" Great War", he couldn't control that much anymore.

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