Mr. Han, love this time

Chapter 23 3 years

Chen Linna appeared in Hou Yanpeng's office the next day. This was her decision after a night of deliberation.

Three days later, she and Liu Yi appeared on the streets of Paris together, talking and laughing, and there was hope and confidence in their eyes.

Liu Yi put a bank card into Chen Linna's hand: "Although it's not much, it's enough for a few months' living expenses."

Chen Linna didn't accept the card, but said with a smile, "I spend a lot of money, you should save the money to marry a wife!"

"Okay, I will make you fat and fat for nothing."

Liu Yi knew that he couldn't force her. Now that Chen Linna is renting with him temporarily, life should not be a problem.

Chen Linna has always wanted to learn fashion design so that she can inherit her father's business in the future, but her father does not want her to step into this business scene without gunpowder. He thinks that he has enough ability to make her live comfortably for the rest of her life, but he certainly did not expect that Now Chen Linna is living a harder life than most people.

But she doesn't blame her parents at all. Fortunately, she also has the perseverance that most people don't have. She didn't choose to marry the rich second generation in exchange for a long-term meal ticket, nor did she become a lazy "little lover" living in a golden cage. Not living in anyone's shadow, she can be her true self.

During the day, Liu Yi is busy studying and going to work, and she is busy going to school. In the evening, whoever comes back early cooks. The fatigue of the day can be driven away by a hot meal, which is simple but very happy.

After dinner, the weather was fine, and the house where the two of us lived happened to be on the top floor, so we went to the top of the building to watch the stars and the moon and miss our hometown.

"Would you like to live like this for the rest of your life?" Liu Yi asked suddenly.

"I have always known your intentions, and I am very ashamed of you. I can't repay you for your help, but..."

"Okay, I see, long live friendship." Liu Yi picked up the wine glass and touched Chen Linna and drank it down.

Chen Linna's excited tears instantly moistened her eyes, and all the thousands of words were merged into two words: "Thank you!"

Since then, Liu Yi has never asked about the relationship between them. Peace and friendship are like good roommates for many years. They understand each other but do not interfere or default.

Three years passed quickly. Liu Yi returned to China with his girlfriend a year ago. He heard that he had just been promoted to a baby daddy. Chen Linna was very happy when she found out.

I am about to return to China, but my heart is apprehensive. Accepting and changing passive cognition is new, exciting and scary.

Fortunately, Jiayi is still the same Jiayi. Although she has an extra wife, their emotions have confirmed the saying "A confidant in the sea is like a neighbor in the world".

"Honey, you're finally back." Jiayi hugged Chen Linna tightly when she saw her.

Returning to her long-lost familiar yet unfamiliar home, Chen Linna put down her luggage and cleaned up the house as quickly as possible.Although it is the same sky, there are already different moods.

The phone rang at the right time, and no one else knew about it except Jiayi. Although it was an unfamiliar number, the long ringing reminded that this was not a pleasant news.

"Are you back? Go see your grandma when you have time!"

Although she hadn't heard this voice for a long time, Chen Linna immediately knew it was her aunt's voice.

" she okay now?" Chen Linna recalled the scene of visiting her grandmother in the hospital, and regretted that she didn't take a second look before leaving.

"She went to see your mother!"

Chen Linna's eyes were moist in an instant.

In the huge cemetery, now is not the time to sweep graves, so there are very few people.

It was a sunny day, and Chen Linna stood calmly "in front of" her grandmother and carefully put down a bunch of chrysanthemums. She remembered that her grandmother once said that she would accompany her mother. My mother's grave is next to my grandmother's.

My aunt said that this was my grandmother's last wish before she was alive, which was to bury her next to her mother.

The next morning, a radiant Chen Linna appeared in the office of the company, and Hou Yanpeng was still waiting for her like three years ago.

"Welcome back!"

At this moment, there was thunderous applause in the office.

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