Mr. Han, love this time

Chapter 117 The omnipotent boyfriend

Lina came directly to Han Yifan's company, but Han Yifan happened to be away when she arrived suddenly. On the contrary, the colleagues around were whispering about something.

"Sister Linna!" Han Yifan's assistant stopped her.

"Where did Han Yifan go?"

"I don't know. Mr. Han didn't tell me that he didn't come to the company today."

"OK, thanks!"

Linna walked out of the office building but was surrounded by a group of reporters who came unexpectedly. She couldn't help mocking in her heart: It's really time.

Reporter [-]: "Miss Linna, do you have anything to say about your photos on the Internet this time?"

Reporter [-]: "What is Mr. Han Yifan's opinion on this matter?"

Reporter [-]: "May I ask why Mr. Han Yifan didn't come out with you? It says on the Internet that you have already broken up?"


Faced with waves of tireless questions, Linna knew she couldn't escape, so she simply picked up the microphone and said, "The photos on the Internet are indeed photos of me in bars, but let me ask everyone present, have you been to bars?" A bar? Don’t you look like this when you go to a bar? There are so many people singing and dancing in the world, who am I?”

Reporter N: "So what's said on the Internet is the truth."

"In a word, I have a clear conscience, and I am worthy of the conscience of heaven and earth." Lina returned the microphone to the reporter, then ignored the reporter's questioning and drove away.

Before arriving in Dihua Capital, the downstairs phone rang, and it was Han Yifan who immediately dialed the answer.

Han Yifan's first sentence: "Where is it?"

Lin Na didn't have time to explain so much and just asked, "Do you believe me?"

"Of course, I've always believed in it."

"Okay, then leave this matter alone."

"Your business is my business. You should not go to the studio these days. Either you stay at home or you go abroad to relax."

Lin Na stopped the car on the side of the road after hearing a kill, and was very angry: "Han Yifan, you should know that running away is never something I would do, unless you don't believe me."

Linna hung up the phone and continued to drive to the downstairs of Dihuazhidu Company.

When she arrived at the company, the front desk did not let her enter the office directly. She never thought that the company that said she admired her very much would change her face if she said it would change her face.

The world is getting worse and people's hearts are not old!
"Miss Chen, I'm really sorry, Director Lan is busy now, so it's not convenient to meet guests."

Lin Na knew that she was rejecting her, but she still didn't give up: "Then ask her when it's convenient for me? I can wait as long as I want."

Immediately, the front desk called again, and after talking a few words, Linna was taken to the Blue Forest office.

Lan Lin kept flipping through the magazines on the desktop, knowing that she was here, but didn't look directly at her.

Lin Na had no choice but to ask directly: "Director Lan, hello, I just want to know why I was disqualified from the competition?"

Lan Lin laughed directly: "I see you are not happy!"

After Linna heard this, she was furious and furious, but she still controlled the impulse: "Excuse me, what's wrong with me? I can change it."

"You can't change it. Don't you have a boyfriend who can do everything? Isn't it easy for him to put on a show for you?"

At this moment, the office door was pushed open, and it was Han Yifan who walked in. The receptionist just explained cautiously: "I'm sorry Director Lan, I couldn't stop him."

Han Yifan directly hugged Lina in his arms and said, "Yes, I will hold a show for you when I get back home, and I will make work uniforms for all GT employees in the future."

Director Lan regretted it after hearing this, because she knew that GT and Dihuazhi had a cooperative relationship, and the invitation to Linna was more or less because of Han Yifan, and the reason why she refused Linna's participation was also because of Andy, It was embarrassing and helpless for her to be caught between these two people.

Now it seems that she should support Linna unconditionally.

"I'm sorry Mr. Han, I didn't mean that. Miss Linna can participate in our show. I'll let you know right away."

"No need, save some effort!" Han Yifan directly pulled Linna away gracefully.

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