Mr. Han, love this time

Chapter 10 Sadness and Sorrow

It was a late-night bar again, with slutty music, as if the so-called adult games in this city had to take place here to look proud and proud. Chen Linna felt sad and embarrassed that she was one of them.

As soon as she arrived at the bar, Chen Linna ordered a glass of whiskey for herself with ease, picked up the goblet and shook the liquid in it, and the crisp sound of the collision between the transparent glasses seemed to declare that "only this kind of sound has your home".

"Why are you here?" Obviously Han Yifan didn't know about her appearance.

"I asked Ms. Chen to come here, do you know each other?" Another man beside him said.

"No, Mr. Li, let a girl come over for a drink between us men..."

"Mr. Li is still very interesting, let me come if you know there is wine, thank you!" Chen Linna drank the rest of the wine in the glass.

At this moment, the music slowed down, and Chen Linna put down her glass and continued, "I heard that Mr. Li's dance is very good. I wonder if I have the honor to ask Mr. Li to dance."

"Of course, of course, Miss Chen is very polite!"

Han Yifan watched the two walk into the dance floor hand in hand, feeling as uncomfortable as countless bugs scratching their itch.He knew that Chen Linna had learned to dance since she was a child, and she must be a very good dancer, but he couldn't understand why she was so "degrading" just because of a contract?
Han Yifan watched them talking and laughing, and finally couldn't help but walked in: "Mr. Li, my sister-in-law called just now. It seems that there is something at home and I want you to go back early."

After the two watched President Li leave, Chen Linna wanted to take a taxi home, but Han Yifan followed her into the taxi. She really didn't want Han Yifan to know where she lived, so she had to compromise under the urging of the driver.

"Why did you do this?" Han Yifan couldn't bear it for a second and began to question, forget about what happened last time and now it's like this again, is she just ruining her self-esteem like this?
"What's wrong with me? Don't you just bow and bow like a pug dog!"

"Linna, you don't understand what I have to say. I can make this order for you!"

"Hmph, do it for me? Do you think Li Guochang didn't know about our relationship before? He called me here on purpose tonight to make things difficult for you. Do you think he would agree to you so easily?"

"But even if you can't sign this order, you can find other customers. There are so many customers in this world..."

Chen Linna didn't want to argue with him, maybe the alcohol had played a role, she felt a little dizzy, she closed her eyes gently and tried to take a rest.

"I can introduce you to other clients..." Han Yifan softened his heart when he saw Chen Linna's tired look.

"To shut up!"

Han Yifan didn't speak any more, Chen Linna took a nap in the car on the way home.

When we got home downstairs, Chen Linna hadn't woken up yet. If the driver hadn't said he was leaving, she wouldn't know how long she had slept in the car. It was strange to say, she was always a light sleeper, why Han Yifan was there She will be so reassuring by her side.

After getting off the car, Chen Linna still couldn't help but secretly looked in the direction of Han Yifan who had already left. Facing this silent and black-wrapped night, she should be used to it, but why did she feel so lonely at this moment, and missed her parents so much? They must have reunited, so What about yourself?

A message came from the phone, it was Han Yifan's "Rest early!"

For some reason, she read these few words over and over again, feeling very sad.She told herself countless times that she would live a beautiful life, but in fact, it was just a heart that was already in a mess hidden under a beautiful skin.

No longer sleepy, she turned on the computer and got busy, only this long sleepless night seemed short.

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