Being hugged violently, her thin body became stiff for a moment.

The keen Guo Chen found out immediately, she quickly let go of Bao Qing, and stuck out her tongue shyly: "Then I won't bother you. Do your work, I'll go back to the bedroom first."

Bo Qing pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose unnaturally: "Yeah."

Hopping back to the bedroom with the folder in his arms, Guo Chen couldn't wait to open it, carefully reading each page.

These designers are all foreigners, and the manuscripts are almost all in English. Guo Chen's English is poor, and it is difficult to read. He has to take out his mobile phone from time to time and take pictures for the translation software to translate.

Before she knew it, she watched it for more than an hour.

The alarm clock on the bedside rang. Aunt Wang specially set it for her because she was worried that she would not go to bed on time.Guo Chen reached out to press the alarm clock and stretched himself.

After sitting and watching for so long, her shoulders were sore.

There were hundreds of pages of manuscripts in the folder. Guo Chen spent more than an hour, but only read a dozen pages. It was impossible to finish reading in one sitting tonight, so she closed the folder and put it on the bedside table.

Getting under the covers, Guo Chen looked at the empty bed on the other side.

I don't know how long Bo Qing will be busy, and whether he will come to the bedroom to sleep tonight.

The frenzy over the blueprints passed away, and Guo Chen belatedly remembered that when she hugged Bao Qing just now, she seemed to smell the scent of Bao Qing.

It is obviously the smell of hot pot, in addition to that, there is also a faint smell of perfume.

After Guo Chen left the study, Bo Qing took off his glasses.

He leaned his head on the back of the leather chair, his mind was in a mess, and he kept thinking about what happened tonight.

Especially, it was the sentence Anya asked him.

"Do you have a crush now?"

When he heard these words at the time, what suddenly appeared in his mind was Guo Chen's face that was ignorant of worldly affairs and often showed confused eyes.Every movement, every detail, he actually remembered so clearly.


"No." He said coldly, "I don't have a sweetheart."

He admits that he has a crush on Guo Chen, whether it's her body or the food she cooks, he can't stop physically.

But that's not like it.

He has been in a relationship with Anya, and he knows what it feels like to like him. His desire for Guo Chen is more of the possessive and controlling desire of the gold master, and has nothing to do with the heartfelt liking.

Anya giggled when she heard it, and seemed very happy.

He also said something joking: "What about me, am I not your sweetheart?"

He didn't reply to this sentence. Facing Anya with a bright smile, he didn't know what he was thinking, let alone how to say the truth.

He wasn't fascinated by Guo Chen, and he didn't have the same feelings for Anya as before.

When he broke contact with Anya before and didn't meet each other, he always flashed Anya's shadow in his heart from time to time, thinking of his love that passed away early because of family obstruction.But now, seeing his former lover goodbye, his heart is not at all turbulent.

Even if An Ya hadn't proposed to have dinner together, he would never have thought of such a trivial matter as having dinner together.

Fortunately, Anya didn't delve into it further. After talking about this irrelevant topic, he sent her back to the hotel. Downstairs in the hotel, Anya hugged him.

"Qing, I'm back. After so many years, I'm finally back." Anya's voice was heavy.

Perhaps out of sympathy for Anya, or regret for the lost relationship, he stretched out his hand, hugged Anya back, and patted her on the back comfortingly.

Afterwards, watch her go upstairs and drive home.

Originally, he planned to ask Guo Chen to make hot pot for him after returning home, but he lost his mood because of Anya's problems, and when facing Guo Chen, he had a weird feeling.

"call one"

Bo Qing let out a long breath, saw that the pointer had passed twelve, got up and took a shower in the bathroom of the study, and fell asleep directly in the study.

Early the next morning, I didn't even eat breakfast, and went directly to the company.

Guo Chen had a dream last night. For a while, she dreamed that she became a famous designer. For a while, she dreamed that she went abroad to study design. Hosting your own personal fashion show is nothing short of awesome.

Due to too many dreams, this sleep took a little longer.

When Guo Chen woke up, it was already eight o'clock in the morning.

As soon as she opened her eyes and saw the time, she couldn't help saying "Oops!" She turned over and got out of bed, hurried to wash up, and was about to pack up and rush to school.

The toothbrush was stuffed into her mouth, and Guo Chen remembered that she didn't have to go to school, she asked for leave.Yesterday she injured her foot and couldn't go to school, so Aunt Wang directly asked her to leave for three days.

After washing up and coming out of the bathroom, Guo Chen noticed the neatly made bed on the other side.

Obviously, Bo Qing didn't go back to the bedroom to sleep last night.

Guo Chen immediately thought of the smell of perfume on Bo Qing's body last night, and the indifferent look in her eyes when Bo Qing came back last night.

Suddenly, she felt dizzy.

Aunt Wang came up with breakfast, and what she saw was Guo Chen leaning on the wall and almost falling down.

"Miss Guo!" Aunt Wang didn't even bother to put the dinner plate on, and rushed over to support Guo Chen.

The feeling of dizziness passed, and Guo Chen smiled at Aunt Wang: "I'm fine, just fainted for a while. I used to do this occasionally, it's not a big deal."

Aunt Wang, on the other hand, looked worried: "Of course it's a big deal to often faint. I'll call the doctor to come and show you later. You still have a baby in your stomach. If you faint suddenly, it will be a big deal! "

Guo Chen pursed his lips and did not refute.

Not long after breakfast, Aunt Wang brought the doctor. After the examination, the doctor said that Guo Chen not only had hypoglycemia but also anemia, and needed to replenish his body.In addition to recipes, the doctor prescribed some traditional Chinese medicine.

After the doctor and Aunt Wang left, Guo Chen sat on the bed with the designer's manuscript spread out on his lap.

She stared at the picture on the manuscript, but her mind had already drifted away.

More than once, she recalled the scene of hugging Bao Qing tightly last night. She was so excited at that time that she even forgot her identity for a while.

It's no wonder that Bo Qing's expression is so strange.

Guo Chen was so angry that he couldn't control his behavior, so he punched his leg angrily

Then, she warned herself over and over again in her heart that she must remember her identity in the future, and remember that Bo Qing and her are just a money transaction relationship, and she can no longer make strange actions without authorization, let alone allow herself to have inappropriate behaviors. thought.

She is just a girl from a slum, and Bo Qing is the heir of Lincheng's first family, even if Bo Qing really likes her, there is an insurmountable gap between them.

Not to mention, Bo Qing's attitude towards her is obvious!

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