Eternal Love Marriage

Chapter 508 3 Views disagree

"Presumably if the teacher knows that you are following Young Master Bo, she won't embarrass you like this." Zhao Lihua spoke in a low voice that only the two of them could hear.

Guo Chen clenched his fists and replied coldly, "No need."

She didn't want to spread the matter between her and Bo Qing as some bragging rights.Zhao Lihua smiled charmingly when she heard the words.

She looked Guo Chen's shabby clothes up and down a few times, and decided in her heart that Guo Chen's life with Young Master Bo was not satisfactory, so that she didn't dare to tell outsiders not to mention the shabby clothes.

It must be that Young Master Bo didn't let Guo Chen talk nonsense outside!
Thinking of this, Zhao Lihua felt much more comfortable.

She raised her voice, and deliberately said solemnly: "Since this is the case, then you can do it yourself! I don't agree with your three views, and we will not communicate in the future."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Lihua sighed pretendingly and left.

All the students in the class knew that Zhao Lihua and Guo Chen were good friends for many years. Seeing this situation, they immediately had rich associations.

It must be that Guo Chen did something too much to make his good friend for many years look down on him, so that he chose to break up with her.

This time, the rumor that Guo Chen seduced the teacher was confirmed.

Several of the girls who had finished punching their cards chased after Zhao Lihua one after another, praising Zhao Lihua's clear distinction between love and hatred.

Seeing all this, Guo Chen couldn't help but smile wryly.

In the past, she always believed that people said that seeing is believing. Now that she has experienced it herself, she realizes that seeing is not necessarily believing. What she sees may also be false.

At the gate of the college office, the news that Guo Chen was slapped by the head teacher's wife quickly spread in the class, in the college, and even in the whole school.

There are even more good people who wrote about the situation at that time vividly and posted it on the school's forum.

Not only that, but also put Guo Chen's photo on it.

After clocking in to report, Guo Chen felt like he was on his back no matter where he went.When I met a few girls in the class, I even pretended not to see her and walked around her.

Faced with such a situation, Guo Chen couldn't stay in the school anymore. Fortunately, there was no class on the reported day, so she didn't hang around anymore, and went straight out of the school gate to get in the car and go back to the villa.

It was past nine o'clock when she went out, and it was not yet twelve o'clock when she returned to the villa.

Aunt Wang, who was pruning flower branches in the yard, couldn't help being surprised when she saw Guo Chen: "Miss Guo, didn't you report to school, why did you come back so soon?"

Guo Chen didn't want Aunt Wang to see how uncomfortable he was, so he forced a smile and replied: "There is no class today, just report for duty.

"That's it, then you haven't wandered around the campus much." Aunt Wang put away the scissors and picked up the flowers and branches on the ground, "I'll make lunch. Miss Guo, you've worked hard, go and take a rest."

"Thank you, Aunt Wang."

Guo Chen felt uncomfortable. She looked at the slim roses trimmed by Aunt Wang, and simply walked over and sat down on the bench by the garden.

She is very stuffy now and wants to breathe.

Aunt Wang was thinking about the fact that it was almost noon and the lunch was not ready yet, so she didn't notice Guo Chen's negative emotions, so she hurried into the house to cook.

Guo Chen sat alone on the bench, sniffing the aroma of roses, and turned on the phone

The class group was quiet, no one spoke.

Clicking on the space, she saw several news related to her.

I didn't expect that our school also has a shocking big melon, teachers and students have extramarital affairs, hahaha it's really exciting, but I don't know what will happen in the future.

Arrived at school 5 minutes late, missed the melon eating scene, sad jpg.Those who posted these posts were people that Guo Chen knew or had met a few times. Maybe they had forgotten that they had Guo Chen's friends on their account, or maybe they didn't care at all.

Guo Chen looked at the warm and friendly classmates on weekdays, teasing her one by one like watching a play, feeling very uncomfortable.

At the same time, very annoying.

What she didn't do, why was she misrepresented like this!
After being aggrieved, anger welled up spontaneously. Guo Chen became more and more angry when he thought about it. He found the teacher's phone number and dialed it directly.

She had to figure out what was going on in this matter, she couldn't be wronged and abused so much for no reason.She can't, and the teacher can't.

She's going to confront the teacher!
The phone was dialed, rang six or seven times, and was finally connected.

The teacher's tired voice sounded: "Hello."

"Teacher, I'm Chen." Guo Chen couldn't help straightening his back, "Master's wife came to me today and said that my relationship with you is not normal, I really want to ask what's going on.

The teacher just called her name meaningfully, when suddenly the teacher's wife scolded sharply from the phone.

"Don't be ashamed of yourself. You called me right after I left. Why, are you here to complain to my husband? What are you planning to do next? Are you going to call my husband out?"
Guo Chen frowned, and tried to maintain his rationality in the face of a series of questions from his teacher's wife.

She took a deep breath, "Master, I think you have misunderstood something, I have nothing to do with the teacher, you haven't figured out the facts, so you can't wrong me like this.

"I have wronged you, why do you have the face to say such a thing, I tell you, don't pretend to me anymore, I know exactly who you are! Don't call my husband again, or I will find someone break your leg!"

Then, the phone was hung up directly.

Hearing the beeping busy sound coming from the phone, Guo Chen was angry and helpless.

The current teacher's wife is like a powder keg. No matter what she says, the teacher's wife can't listen to her. She has already determined that the relationship between her and the teacher is not normal, and she doesn't believe what she said at all.

But why?
What happened to make the teacher's wife so firmly believe that she has that kind of relationship with the teacher?
Guo Chen was puzzled by this.

After sitting for a while, Aunt Wang came out and said that lunch was ready.

Guo Chen could only temporarily suppress his doubts, put away his mobile phone and went into the house to have lunch. After lunch, Aunt Wang washed the dishes and tidied up, Guo Chen went upstairs with a heavy heart.

In the following time, Guo Chen brushed the space and campus forums almost mechanically.Gossip posts about her and her teacher have become the most popular, because it is an anonymous forum, so there are many speeches that speak harshly, and some people claim to be her classmates.

No wonder our teacher takes care of her so much on weekdays, it turns out there is a special relationship
One reason why I was able to get the No.1 final grade is also because of the unusual relationship.

It's really shameless, other people have worked so hard for so long, it's better for them to sleep.Guo Chen looked at it, feeling nauseated. She rushed into the bathroom and retched several times holding the toilet.Aunt Wang, who was passing by the bedroom, heard Guo Chen vomiting, and hurried into the bedroom.

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