Eternal Love Marriage

Chapter 505 Envy and Jealousy

In the past, he didn't care how Guo Chen was bullied, but now, Guo Chen is his woman, and if he bullied Guo Chen, he just couldn't get along with him.

Guo Chen can ignore it and suffer from this kind of dumbness, but he, Bo Qing, can't.

Zhao Lihua works part-time at the front desk of a hotel.

The hotel didn't accept summer jobs originally, but she was eloquent, dressed maturely and flirtatiously, and her bold style attracted the manager, who hired her as an exception.

Once, this was the capital she could show off in front of Guo Chen.

But now...

Thinking that Guo Chen has already climbed a high branch, and she is still here with a smiling face as the front desk, Zhao Lihua's face twisted with jealousy.

She managed to get off work with great difficulty, and was just about to pack up and leave when she looked up and saw the man she had seen during the day walking into the hotel gate following Guo Chen.

The driver had already found Zhao Lihua's location, walked straight up to Zhao Lihua, took out his wallet and said, "Open a room with a bathtub."

"Okay." Knowing that this is Bo Qing's person, Zhao Lihua became courteous immediately, not only opened the room, but also took the initiative to take the driver upstairs in order to spend more time together.

Looking at the two men following the driver, Zhao Lihua was curious: "Sir, what are you doing?"

The driver said nothing, with a calm expression on his face.

The elevator door opened with a ding, and Zhao Lihua followed the driver out, and continued to ask: "You are under Young Master Bo, right? What are you doing under Young Master Bo? Well, I have seen Young Master Bo's too."

While speaking, he had already walked to the door of the room. The driver swiped the room card and finally asked, "Is there a bathtub inside?"

"Of course there is. If you want one with a bathtub, how can I open it for you without it." As if afraid that the driver would not believe it, Zhao Lihua walked into the room with a few steps, opened the door of the bathroom, and showed it to the driver.

The driver smiled cruelly: "As long as there is."

Then he waved his hands, and the two men behind him closed the door and quickly walked into the bathroom. One covered Zhao Lihua's mouth, and the other neatly tied Zhao Lihua up.

Only then did Zhao Lihua realize something was wrong, and screamed and struggled violently.The driver bent over and filled the tub with half a tub of water.

"Miss Guo's allergic symptoms are your fault."

"You should be glad that Ms. Guo is fine, but you may have to pay back twice as much for what Ms. Guo suffered."

Regardless of Zhao Lihua's struggle, the two men raised one arm and the other raised their legs, and threw Zhao Lihua into the bathtub filled with water.Zhao Lihua's eyes were wide open, and her eyes were filled with horror.

Seeing this, the driver smiled sarcastically.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, it's just 'treat me in the same way'."

After that, he picked up a bucket of yam slime and poured it on Zhao Lihua's bare arms and legs!
The yam mucus contains plant alkaloids, and people who have allergies or not will have itchy skin after contact.The degree of pain and itching it produces is no less than that produced by allergic people after contact with allergens.

Soon, Zhao Lihua struggled even more, accompanied by painful wailing

The driver looked coldly at Zhao Lihua twisting her body indiscriminately, without any sympathy.

Dare to make a move on the future eldest young mistress, it is already very cheap for her to suffer so much!
Ten minutes later, the driver asked someone to lift Zhao Lihua out of the bathtub and untie the rope on her body.As soon as Zhao Lihua was untied, she scratched at the place where there was mucus on her body.

Her arms and legs were covered with red rashes, which looked terrible! The driver and the two men didn't take a second look at Zhao Lihua, picked up their things and left.

Zhao Lihua felt so uncomfortable that she was going crazy. Panting heavily, she turned on the shower head, turned on the water to the maximum, and poured it for more than an hour before washing off the mucus on her body!
But as soon as the water flow stopped, the itching sensation reappeared.

She had no choice but to go downstairs to the hospital wearing wet clothes and suppressing the itching.

After spending hundreds of dollars in the hospital, taking medicine and getting injections until ten o'clock in the evening, the itching and pain were relieved, and I dragged my dying body home.

When I got home, before I sat down, I received a text message from the hotel, telling her that she had been fired because she was reported by the guests for her poor performance!
Zhao Lihua's face was distorted in anger, and she threw the bag on the ground viciously.

"Guo, Chen!"

Guo Chen must have called these people here. She made mango juice on Guo Chen's arm today, and Guo Chen must have guessed it.So, he ordered that man to do such a cruel thing to her today.

She just punished Guo Chen slightly, but Guo Chen actually took revenge on her like this.

Sure enough, Guo Chen's fox tail and vicious heart were revealed after his face was torn apart!
Not only did that man torture her so much, but she also lost her job.

Well, since Guo Chen fired the shot, she has no scruples! Isn't she relying on Bo Qing? She wants to see how long she can rely on!
Heh, if Bo Qing knew that she was a woman with a problematic style and dirty body, would Bo Qing still support her like this?
In the darkness, a crazy light flashed in Zhao Lihua's eyes.

Guo Chen didn't know anything about Bo Qing asking someone to take revenge on Zhao Lihua.She didn't know that Zhao Lihua's hatred for her had escalated to the point where she would never give up.She slept in a daze until midnight, and sure enough, as the doctor said, her body started to heat up, and her consciousness became drowsy.

Bo Qing always remembered the doctor's words, so he restrained himself from falling into a deep sleep. The moment Guo Chen's body temperature rose, Bo Qing woke up.

He took the ice pack given by the doctor and applied it to Guo Chen's forehead.

After a while, Guo Chen broke out in sweat.

Then, it started to get cold again.

This time, Bao Qing didn't use any foreign objects, but directly reached out and hugged Guo Chen into his arms

The body temperature of a man is higher than that of a woman, and Guo Chen, who was shivering from the cold, approached Bo Qing, as if he had found a warm place, and burrowed hard into Bo Qing's arms.

Even unconsciously, she pressed her face against Bao Qing's chest!
Bo Qing never wears pajamas when he sleeps, and the moment Guo Chen's cheek touched the skin of his chest, his back straightened, and his body suddenly felt strange.

This woman really has no sense of danger!
A fire burned from the chest to the lower abdomen, Bao Qing gritted his teeth, took a few deep breaths, and forcibly suppressed the throbbing.

Guo Chen is not completely unconscious, she can feel that she is being cared for carefully.Perhaps it was because it felt so good that she dared not bring herself to sobriety.

For so many years, every time she got sick, she gritted her teeth and endured it.

I am afraid of spending money on medical treatment, and I am even more afraid of making grandma worry.

Too many times, she once thought that she was used to this uncomfortable feeling, that she was strong and didn't need other people's protection, let alone caring.

But when an ice pack was put on her forehead.

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